2016 Assessment of Living and Learning - QUESTIONS
Page - 2016 Assessment of Living and LearningThank you for participating in our assessment of living and learning at Miami University. This survey, which asks about your living learning community and other aspects of the residence halls and University housing, will be used to help evaluate and improve our programs and services, and will also be used as one aspect of Resident Assistants' evaluations. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete the survey.
Your survey responses will be reported only in the aggregate. Your Resident Assistant and Resident Director will NOT be able to connect you with your responses. If you have questions at any time about the survey you may contact Rob Abowitz at 513-529-4000 or by email at .
Required answers: 0Allowed answers: 0
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Question Reference: Q12 (Answer Reference)
According to our records, your Resident Assistant is {REFANSWER}. Please complete the following survey regarding your Resident Assistant.
Required answers: 0Allowed answers: 0
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
My Resident Assistant (RA) is . . .
Q19 Visible (is available, has a presence, is approachable) in my community
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q20 Knowledgeable about campus resources (responds to my questions about Miami or gets answers to my questions)
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q21 A good listener and is someone I can go to if I have a problem or a concern
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q22 A strong community builder in my community; implements community-building initiatives
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q23 A good facilitator of educational opportunities in my community (asks meaningful questions, provides educational information, facilitates educational discussions, organizes groups to attend educational events, etc.)
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q24 Effective at helping my community develop, revise and adhere to community agreements
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q25 Provides opportunities for me to learn about other's social identities, values, and beliefs.
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q26 Provides programs and opportunities to enhance my knowledge and awareness of diversity
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q27 Has made a sincere effort to get to know me
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q28 Effective at confronting inappropriate behavior in my community
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q29 Effective at resolving conflict in my community/room/apartment
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q30 Did your RA conduct a one on one meeting/interaction with you this semester?
Yes, I had at least one meeting with my RA.[Code = 1]
No, I did not meet with my RA.[Code = 2]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
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Q31 Why did you not have a one-on-one with your RA? (Check all that apply)
I did not want to meet with my RA.[Code = 1]
We tried but could not get a meeting scheduled.[Code = 2]
My RA did not attempt to meet with me.[Code = 3]
Other (please specify)[Code = 4] [Textbox]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 4
Display if Q30='No, I did not meet with my RA.'
Q32 Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement:
My one-on-one meeting with my RA was helpful to me
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Display if Q30='Yes, I had at least one meeting with my RA.'
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Question Reference: Q13 (Answer Reference)
Q33 In what way could your one-on-one with your RA have been more helpful to you?
[Code = 1] [Textbox]
Required answers: 0Allowed answers: 1
Display if Q32='Disagree' OR Q32='Strongly disagree'
Q34 What do you appreciate most about your RA?
[Code = 1] [Textbox]
Required answers: 0Allowed answers: 1
Q35 What is one thing your RA could do to be more effective?
[Code = 1] [Textbox]
Required answers: 0Allowed answers: 1
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
According to our records the Resident Director in your community is {REFANSWER}. My Resident Director is . . .
Q36 Visible in my community (approachable, available, has a presence, etc.)
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q37 A good resource and can respond to my questions about Miami
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q38 A good listener and helps when I have a problem
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q39 Additional comments about your Resident Director:
[Code = 1] [Textbox]
Required answers: 0Allowed answers: 1
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Display if NOT Q14='None'
Question Reference: Q14 (Answer Reference)
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
According to our records, your Assistant Resident Director is {REFANSWER}. My Assistant Resident Director is . . .
Q40 Visible in my community (approachable, available, has a presence, etc.)
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q41 A good resource and can respond to my questions about Miami
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q42 A good listener and helps when I have a problem
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q43 Additional comments about your Assistant Resident Director:
[Code = 1] [Textbox]
Required answers: 0Allowed answers: 1
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Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Q44 I am able to study and sleep where I live.
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q45 How would you characterize your roommate relationship?
Excellent (close friends, spend lots of time together outside of room)[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Good (mutually respectful relationship, regularly communicate)[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Just OK (I wish we would communicate more; we tolerate each other)[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Poor (we do not have a good relationship)[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Display if Q9='No'
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Q46 Have you talked with your RA about the challenges in your roommate relationship?
Yes[Code = 1]
No[Code = 2]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Display if Q45='Just OK (I wish we would communicate more; we tolerate each other)' OR Q45='Poor (we do not have a good relationship)'
Q47 How often are you bothered by someone in your residential community who is violating a policy (noise, trash, alcohol, guests, etc.)?
Daily[Code = 5]
Frequently (1 - 2 times per week)[Code = 4]
Sometimes (1 - 2 times per month)[Code = 3]
Rarely (1 - 2 times per semester)[Code = 2]
Never[Code = 1]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q48 When someone in my corridor is violating a policy (e.g., noise, trash, alcohol) to the degree that it bothers me, the firstthing I do is . . .
Directly confront the resident to express my concern[Code = 1]
Talk about the incident with other residents on the corridor[Code = 2]
Do nothing[Code = 3]
Talk to my RA or RD[Code = 4]
Bring it up at a regular corridor meeting[Code = 5]
Other (please specify)[Code = 6] [Textbox]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q49 Promoting your academic success: Which of the following have you done in your residential community? (Check all that apply)
Studied with other residents[Code = 1]
Talked with other residents or staff about academic integrity[Code = 2]
Interacted in my residential community with instructors or professors [Code = 3]
Talked with other residents or staff about major or career choices[Code = 4]
Learned about an academic resource (via bulletin board, conversation or program)[Code = 5]
Had intellectual conversations with other residents or staff about current events, class topics or big ideas[Code = 6]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 6
Please answer the following questions about your experiences with alcohol at Miami. Remember that your responses cannot be associated to you by your RA or RD; please answer honestly.
Required answers: 0Allowed answers: 0
Q50 In a typical week, how many days do you drink alcohol?
0 days[Code = 1]
1 day[Code = 2]
2 days[Code = 3]
3 days[Code = 4]
4 or more days[Code = 5]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
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Q51 In the past two weeks if you consumed alcohol, where did you spend most of your time drinking?
A bar or nightclub[Code = 1]
A restaurant[Code = 2]
In an on-campus residence (residence hall/campus apartment)[Code = 3]
In an off-campus residence (non-campus apartment)[Code = 4]
Fraternity/Sorority house[Code = 5]
At an athletic event (tailgate, etc.)[Code = 6]
Outdoor setting[Code = 7]
In a car[Code = 8]
Other (please specify)[Code = 9] [Textbox]
I did not consume alcohol[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 0Allowed answers: 1
Q52 In the past 2 weeks, what was the average number of alcoholic drinks consumed during a single event (a drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of hard liquor)?
0 drinks[Code = 0] [N/A]
1 - 3 drinks[Code = 1]
4 - 5 drinks[Code = 2]
6 - 7 drinks[Code = 3]
8 - 9 drinks[Code = 4]
10 - 14 drinks[Code = 5]
Required answers: 0Allowed answers: 1
Q53 In your residential community have there been times when you have experienced a negative consequence from alcohol in any way? (Check all that apply)
I have had to help a friend, roommate, or floor mate who was intoxicated.[Code = 1]
I have had my studying or sleeping disturbed by others who had been drinking.[Code = 2]
I have had to live in a place where there was vandalism[Code = 3]
When I have consumed alcohol, I have bothered others, committed vandalism or had other negative effects..[Code = 4]
I have not experienced any negative consequences from either my alcohol consumption or that of others since I've been at Miami.[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 0Allowed answers: 5
Q54 Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement:
I am having a positive experience in my residential community.
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
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Q55 Why are you not having a positive experience in your residential community?
[Code = 1] [Textbox]
Required answers: 0Allowed answers: 1
Display if Q54='Disagree' OR Q54='Strongly disagree'
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following:
Q56 I feel confident in intervening with my peers if they are involved in situations that do not reflect the Code of Love and Honor.
Strongly agree [Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
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Q57 The Community Leadership Team is a group of residents in your community that plans Living Learning Community events, plans community building events and advocates for the needs and interests of residents and the university. Please check all that apply about your community council leadership team: (Check all that apply)
I am a member of my community leadership team.[Code = 1]
I believe community leadership team plays an important role in our community.[Code = 2]
I have attended events implemented by our community leadership team.[Code = 3]
Our community leadership team has helped advocate for issues important to our community.[Code = 4]
I have no idea what community leadership team is, when it meets or what it does.[Code = 5]
Required answers: 0Allowed answers: 5
Q58 As you know, students under 21 may not possess or consume alcohol in the residence halls. Nevertheless, if there was an option for second year students to live with other second year students who pledged to not consume alcohol or other substances in or out of the residence hall, would you choose that option for your second year on campus?
Yes[Code = 1]
No[Code = 2]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Display if Q1='AND' AND Q1='BIS'
Q59 If you had the option to select substance-free general housing (e.g. residents agree not to consume alcohol or other drugs on the floor, or to return to the floor if consumed elsewhere), would you have chosen/would you choose that option?
Yes, I would have selected it my first year[Code = 1]
Yes, I would choose it for sophomore year[Code = 2]
Yes, both years [Code = 3]
No[Code = 4]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q60 According to our records, you were assigned to General Housing as a first year student, as opposed to a Living Learning Community (LLC) or a Themed Community (TC). Why did you choose to live in General Housing? Which of the following best represents your primary reason?
I wanted to be in an LLC/TC but got assigned to General Housing.[Code = 1]
My parent/guardian chose General Housing for me.[Code = 2]
It was more important for me to be placed with my preferred roommate.[Code = 3]
I just didn't want to be in an LLC or TC.[Code = 4]
None of the LLC or TC options appealed to me. [Code = 5]
I still do not even know what LLCs or TCs are.[Code = 6]
Other (open ended)[Code = 7]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Display if Q11='GEN'
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Q61 For which topic do you wish Miami had a Living Learning Community or Themed Community?
[Code = 1] [Textbox]
Required answers: 0Allowed answers: 1
Display if Q60='None of the LLC or TC options appealed to me. ' OR ( Q1='AND' AND Q1='BIS' )
Q62 Do you have an idea for a Living Learning or Themed Community that would have interested you this year?
No[Code = 1]
Yes (Please specifiy)[Code = 2] [Textbox]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Display if Q60='None of the LLC or TC options appealed to me. '
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Q63 People actively learn about other cultures in my residential community.
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q64 There is widespread respect of diverse points of view or experiences in my residential community.
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q65 I believe students with an underrepresented identity (sexual orientation, race, gender identity, race, nationality, social-economic status, ability, etc.) feel comfortable living in my residential community.
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree[Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
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Q66 People actively learn about other cultures in my residential community.
Why did you disagree or strongly disagree to the above statement?
[Code = 1] [Textbox]
Required answers: 0Allowed answers: 1
Display if Q63='Disagree' OR Q63='Strongly disagree'
Q67 There is widespread respect of diverse points of view or experiences in my residential community.
Why did you disagree or strongly disagree to the above statement?
[Code = 1] [Textbox]
Required answers: 0Allowed answers: 1
Display if Q64='Disagree' OR Q64='Strongly disagree'
Q68 I believe students with an underrepresented identity (sexual orientation, race, gender identity, race, nationality, social-economic status, ability, etc.) feel comfortable living in my residential community.
Why did you disagree or strongly disagree to the above statement?
[Code = 1] [Textbox]
Required answers: 0Allowed answers: 1
Display if Q65='Disagree' OR Q65='Strongly disagree'
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Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.
I engage in my residential community in the following ways:
Q69 I have friends in my residential community.
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree [Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No Opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1
Q70 I participate in activities in my residential community.
Strongly agree[Code = 4] [Numeric Value = 4]
Agree[Code = 3] [Numeric Value = 3]
Disagree[Code = 2] [Numeric Value = 2]
Strongly disagree [Code = 1] [Numeric Value = 1]
No Opinion[Code = 0] [N/A]
Required answers: 1Allowed answers: 1