2016 Annual International Facilitator Conference Page | 2

2016 International Facilitator Conference - DRAFT SUBJECT TO CHANGE

August 23 – 27, 2016

Sheraton Denver Downtown, Denver CO

Tuesday - August 23, 2016
Start / End / Session / Location
8:00 a.m. / 5:00 p.m. / Advanced Member Acquisition Training / Aspen
Wednesday - August 24, 2016
Start / End / Session / Location
11:00 a.m. / 5:30 p.m. / Registration / North Convention Lobby
8:00 a.m. / 5:00 p.m. / Advanced Member Acquisition Training (continued) / Silver
Thursday - August 25, 2016
Start / End / Session / Location
7:00 a.m. / 6:00 p.m. / Registration / North Convention Lobby
7:30 a.m. / 8:30 a.m. / Franchisee Only Breakfast / Tower Court B
8:30 a.m. / 9:15 a.m. / The TAB Way
Jason Zickerman / Windows
9:15 a.m. / 9:45 a.m. / Member Address
9:45 a.m. / 10:00 a.m. / What You Need to Know About the Conference
Phil Schwolert
10:00 a.m. / 10:15 a.m. / Break / Windows
10:15 a.m. / 11:00 a.m. / John Warrillow / Windows
11:00 a.m. / 11:30 a.m. / Coaching Exercise
Carl Gould
11:30 a.m. / 11:45 a.m. / Break
11:45 p.m. / 1:15 pm / Social/Networking Lunch / Windows
1:30 p.m. / 5:00 p.m. / Peer Boards / Peer Board 1: Windows
Peer Board 2: Windows
Peer Board 3: Windows
Peer Board 4: Windows
Peer Board 5: Tower Court B
Peer Board 6: Tower Court B
Peer Board 7: Tower Court B
Peer Board 8: Tower Court C
Peer Board 9: Tower Court C
Peer Board 10: Tower Court C
Top Tier: Colorado
6:00 p.m. / 9:30 p.m. / TAB Community Dinner / Space Gallery
Friday - August 26, 2016
Start / End / Session / Location
7:00 a.m. / 5:30 p.m. / Registration / North Convention Lobby
7:00 a.m. / 8:00 a.m. / Breakfast / Tower Court B
7:00 a.m. / 8:00 a.m. / FAB Breakfast (FAB members only) / Aspen
8:15 a.m. / 9:00 a.m. / TAB Key Initiative Updates
Dave Scarola / Windows
9:00 a.m. / 9:15 a.m. / Coaching Exercise
Carl Gould
9:15 a.m. / 9:30 a.m. / Break
9:30 a.m. / 10:45 a.m. / Keynote Address
Daren Martin / Windows
10:45 a.m. / 11:00 a.m. / Keynote Q&A
Daren Martin / Windows
11:00 a.m. / 11:15 a.m. / Break
11:15 a.m. / 12:45 p.m. / Awards Luncheon / Windows
12:45 p.m. / 1:00 p.m. / Transition Back to Sessions
1:00 p.m. / 2:00 p.m. / Daren Martin Workshop / Windows
2:00 p.m. / 2:10 p.m. / Break
Tower Court B / Tower Court C / Windows
2:10 p.m. / 3:10 p.m. / How to Get Larger Companies to Become TAB Members / LinkedIn for Member Prospecting
(Jodie Shaw) / Becoming a Trusted Advisor
3:10 p.m. / 3:20 p.m. / Break
3:20 p.m. / 4:20 p.m. / Increasing Your Consulting Income / Affinity Boards / How to be More Efficient in Running Your Business
(Multiple Presenters)
4:20 pm / 4:30 pm / Break
4:30 pm / 5:30 pm / Creating Your Dream Team of TBOs / Little Greats from Around the World
(International Presenters) / Preparing Your TAB Business for Transition
(Jason Zickerman)
6:15 p.m. / 7:15 p.m. / Rest of the World Happy Hour
Saturday - August 27, 2016
Start / End / Session / Location
7:00 a.m. / 8:00 a.m. / Breakfast / Tower Court C
7:00 a.m. / 7:45 a.m. / FAB/Issue Advisory Council Breakfast* / Tower Court B
8:00 a.m. / 9:00 a.m. / 4DE (4 Disciplines of Engagement)
(Retention Committee) / Windows
9:00 a.m. / 12:00 a.m. / TAB Best Practices - The TAB Way Principles
TAB Community Members / Windows
12:00 p.m. / 12:15 p.m. / Conference Close & Final Comments
Jason Zickerman / Windows
1:00 p.m. / 5:00 p.m. / Coaching Session (Alums & Current Coaching Class) / Tower Court C

* This session is an opportunity for franchisees to bring any issues or concerns to the FAB/Issue Advisory Council. This breakfast is for Franchisees only, please.

Blue = By Invitation/Designation