Please submit your 2018 ACE Award submission by emailing it to


Company Name
Company Twitter Handle
Primary Contact Person
Email Address
Phone Number
Secondary Contact Person
Secondary Email Address
Secondary Phone Number
Business, business unit, or segment if applicable
Name of your Confirmit Account or Project Manager
Please paste a JPEG of your company logo (or attach to your submission email)

Please provide a 100 word summary of your business:

[Company boilerplate or similar]

Program Details:

What is the name of your program (if applicable)
Date for program overall
(this is the full period for which your program has been running) / Date program launched / dd/mm/yyyy / Date finished, if applicable / dd/mm/yyyy
Type of surveys / feedback capture within program / ☐Transactional/Touchpoint / ☐Relationship
☐Both / Other: e.g. Text Analytics of social data
Frequency of relationship survey, if applicable
Touchpoints covered (e.g., website, call center, post-purchase etc.)
Is your program global? / ☐Yes ☐No
How many countries does your program operate in?
Which languages are supported?
Size of survey audience (select one) / ☐ Census (survey sent to full customer list) / ☐ Sample Population - Size of survey sample:
Average Response Rate during 2017

Describe the scope of the program you are submitting (250 words):E.g.key aims of the program, how customers are invited and provide feedback, how the overall business supports the program, employee involvement, processes for following up on feedback and driving action.


Key Metric Question
This is the question within your survey that drives your key metric for the program e.g. OSAT, NPS, etc.
Improvement in this Metric across period of nomination
Please provide as a %*

*please note that a high improvement rate is not necessarily required to qualify. If your program has been running since before Jan 1, 2017, please state improvement rate from Jan 1, 2017 until the end date, or Dec 31, 2017.

Action Taken: Please provide three examples of action taken by your organization as a direct result of feedback received through your program.E.g. changes to business processes, new ways of communicating with customers, changes to day-to-day actions of customer-facing employees.


Sharing Feedback: Please provide up to 3 departments in your organization who have regular or live access to feedback results.

Department / How do you share data with this department?E.g. live dashboards, alerts / What impact has the program hadon this department?

Which of these business outcomes has your program achieved?

Details if selected
☐Revenue Increase
☐Cost Reduction
☐Company Culture Change

What do you consider to be the single biggest impact that your VoC program has had on your organization? How has it enabled your business to be more customer-focused?

In 50 words or less, please tell us what makes your program successful or unique.

Final question (this does NOT form part of your official submission and doesn’t impact the result – we’d just love to have your input.

What one piece of advice would you give someone starting a CX program today?


I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the above information is true; that the above survey(s) have been conducted fairly and objectively; and that the above scores are representative of the entire customer base to which the survey scope extends. I understand that Confirmit may review the above surveys and scored to verify that requirements have been met. Confirmit is hereby granted permission to use my company name and the information provided in this nomination for Confirmit marketing and PR purposes.

☐I certify (please ensure you tick this box or your submission will not be accepted. If you have questions, please contact the ACE Awards team on )

Job Title:


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