2016 - 2017UMKC Summer Debate InstituteCS Lab



Text: The United State Federal Government should condition the (Insert the plan’s engagement action) on significant improvements in Human Rights in the Peoples Republic of China.
Cplan is Competitive – Conditional Policies are not engagement. Attaching the string makes it something other than a policy of engagement.

Smith 5 — Karen E. Smith, Professor of International Relations and Director of the European Foreign Policy Unit at the London School of Economics, 2005 (“Engagement and conditionality: incompatible or mutually reinforcing?,” Global Europe: New Terms of Engagement, May, Available Online at Accessed 07-25-2013, p. 23)

First, a few definitions.‘Engagement’ is a foreign policy strategy of building close ties with the government and/or civil society and/or business community of another state. The intention of this strategy is to undermine illiberal political and economic practices, and socialise government and other domestic actors into more liberal ways. Most cases of engagement entail primarily building economic links, and encouraging trade and investment in particular. Some observers have variously labelled this strategy one of interdependence, or of ‘oxygen’: economic activity leads to positive political consequences.19 ‘Conditionality’, in contrast, is the linking, by a state or international organisation, of perceived benefits to another state (such as aid or trade concessions) to the fulfillment of economic and/or political conditions. ‘Positive conditionality’ entails promising benefits to a state if it fulfils the conditions; ‘negative conditionality’ involves reducing, suspending, or terminating those benefits if the state violates the conditions (in other words, applying sanctions, or a strategy of ‘asphyxiation’).20To put it simply, engagement implies ties, but with no strings attached; conditionality attaches the strings. In another way of looking at it, engagement is more of a bottom-up strategy to induce change in another country, conditionality more of a top-down strategy.

China will say yes to the condition

King 12 – political columnist, citing Gordon Chang, JD @ Cornell (Ruth, “WHAT OBAMA NEEDS TO SAY TO CHINA’S NEXT SUPREMO: GORDON CHANG,”

Vice President Xi Jinping, slated to become China’s next supremo, arrives at the White House tomorrow. We have been told [1] that the Obama administration will not “sacrifice the important issues for the sake of having a comfortable visit,” yet there is a sense of pessimism in Washington about America’s ability to persuade China to move in the right direction.It seems that everyone here believes that Beijing owns the century and controls our destiny. The truth, however, is that we have the ability to get China to do what we want. Why? Because at the moment the Chinese economy is faltering — most indicators are pointing to low single-digit growth and “hot money” is gushing out of the country — and Washington holds the key to rescuing it. China at the moment is in trouble because, among other things, export growth, once the engine of its economic “miracle,” has been on a long downward trend. Last month, exports fell 0.5% on a year-to-year basis and 14.2% month-on-month, a performance well below consensus estimates. That’s a problem for Beijing because it is dependent on sales abroad to keep Chinese factories humming and workers employed, and the American market is extraordinarily important to them. The general narrative is that, when the global downturn hit in 2008, Chinese exporters started selling more to other markets and became less reliant on tapped-out American consumers. The facts tell the opposite story, however. In 2008, 90.1% of China’s overall trade surplus related to sales to the United States. That already staggering figure increased to 115.7% in 2009, and 149.2% in 2010. And last year? Last year, the figure was a simply unbelievable 190.5%. In 2011, China’s trade surplus against the United States hit $295.5 billion, easily surpassing the 2010 record of $273.1 billion. It would seem, on first glance, that China’s dependence on the American market cannot continue this sharp upward trend. Nonetheless, we have to remember that the reason for increasing Chinese reliance on us was that factory orders from the 27-nation European Union, China’s largest export market, collapsed in the second half of the year. As a result, Chinese factory owners began to flee because they could not pay their debts, some of them even committed suicide, and worker protests flared. This year, it appears, the drought of European orders to China will last the entire year. It’s possible, therefore, that sales to the U.S. will account for an even larger share of China’s total. All this means that President Obama has enormous leverage over Xi Jinping’s Communist Party, whose legitimacy depends on the continual delivery of prosperity.So despite what everyone here thinks, we can getChina to stop its cyber attacks on us, end its harassment of American vessels on international waters, cease its threats over a dozen issues. We can even pressure the Chinese to withdraw their support for the Iranian regime and scale back help to North Korea. Xi has adopted an unusually conciliatory tone to America before his visit, and his colleagues in Beijing have toned down their verbal assaults on us in recent weeks. They know that, in fact, they are playing a weak hand. And they know the meaning of “190.5%.” We have the leverage over China.They only issue is whether we have the political will to use it.

Net-Benefit – Human Rights Credibility

The unconditional nature of the plan would hurt US human rights credibility. The counterplan is key to restoring the US leadership on human rights

CHRD 15 – Chinese Human Rights Defenders, coalition of Chinese and international human rights non-governmental organizations. The network is dedicated to the promotion of human rights through peaceful efforts to push for democratic and rule of law reforms and to strengthen grassroots activism in China (“The US Must Press China for Concrete Human Rights Gains before Xi’s State Visit,”

Before Xi’s visit, the Obama administration has a high-level opportunity—and perhaps its last one—to put human rights firmly at the top of its agenda and exert some real pressure on the Chinese government to end its systematic rights abuses. Making China respect basic human rights and rule of law is critical to ensuring that China honors any commitments it might make to cooperate on issues of climate change, cyber-security, regional security, or currency manipulation. President Obama and Xi’s two previous summits—in California and Beijing—and the US-China Human Rights Dialogue (held in 2013 and 2015) have been accompanied by a rapidly worsening human rights situation. The bilateral dialogues may have ended with strong public statements by the US on China’s human rights problems, but, without substantive pressure, no improvements have come about as a result of these meetings. The highly choreographed and symbolic gestures of a state visit only benefit Xi. The visit would boost his much-needed political legitimacy at home, while Chinese state media will censor any statement from Obama critical of China’s human rights. The visit also will send the wrong signals to China’s embattled human rights communities and persecuted ethnic and religious groups. They have paid a heavy toll under Xi for their efforts to strive for social justice, rule of law, freedom, equal respect, and dignity. China’s human rights defenders and victims of rights abuses are in urgent need of a strong show of moral support from democratic nations and human rights stakeholders around the world. In interviews conducted by CHRD last week, dozens of activists and lawyers in China told us that they believe Xi’s US visit should not proceed as scheduled unless the Chinese government meets certain preconditions, including releasing the detained lawyers, who have been held for nearly two months, and granting amnesty to a significant number of prisoners of conscience. “This is an opportunity for the US government to show its support for human rights and rule of law [in China],” one lawyer said. “The US should call on Xi to immediately release all detained lawyers and human rights defenders, immediately halt the intense suppression of NGOs, stop religious persecution, and end repressive policies towards ethnic Tibetans, Uyghurs, and other minority groups.” Another lawyer added: “The US should send a clear signal to China and cancel the summit unless there are improvements to the human rights situation.” “If the White House lays out the red carpet for President Xi, it sends a clear message to China’s human rights activists that our journey will only become increasingly more arduous,” another lawyer told CHRD. “The whole world can see that Xi’s record on human rights is getting worse,” said one activist, “and the Obama administration shouldn’t turn a blind eye to what’s happening.” “Without substantial improvement before the visit, it will hurt Chinese civil society, and harm America’s image and strategic interests,” another activist said. “We’ll be sorely disappointed if the Obama administration doesn’t exert significant pressure on Xi. The Chinese government’s persecution of civil society actors is full of blood and tears, with so many families torn apart,” said another lawyer.

The counterplan will be modelled globally solidifying the US as a leader on Human Rights

Schulz 9 - Senior Fellow in human rights policy at the Center for American Progress, served as Executive Director of Amnesty International USA from 1994 to 2006 (William F., January 2009, Strategic Persistence: How the United States Can Help Improve Human Rights in China, Center for American Progress,

The decision to de-link human rights and trade, made early in the Clinton administration, removed one vehicle for exerting pressure on China—albeit a vehicle that had yielded limited results—without offering up an alternative. The Bush administration further softened policy on China’s human rights record, subordinating the issue to economic priorities and strategic concerns about North Korea. Though it maintained pressure on China to improve its record on religious rights in the country, the Bush administration chose, ironically enough, to drop China from the State Department’s list of worst human rights violators three days before China’s crackdown on Tibet in March 2008. Yet the state of human rights in China is critically important both in terms of international human rights norms and American interests. To be sure, there are no mass killings going on in China, as there are in Darfur, and while Beijing is highly repressive, its authoritarian leaders are more open to outside influence than the generals who rule in Myanmar. But measured by the sheer numbers of people being affected by abuse of their rights, China may be the premier violator of civil and political rights in the world. Furthermore, because of China’s very size and reach, its posture toward human rights has a profound influence on how human rights norms and practices are perceived at the United Nations, in developing countries where China is expanding its engagement at a rapid rate,10 and throughout Asia. Human rights standards (and the legal regimens that codify them) have evolved over the last two centuries; what had been accepted as normative, such as slavery, is regarded today as abhorrent and a violation of international law. But those standards can devolve as well, especially if powerful nations seek regressive changes or instigate regressive norms—casting the entire human rights regimen into jeopardy. Conversely, significant improvement in China’s human rights policies would reverberate widely around the world, removing a model of authoritarianism for others to mimic or hide behind. Improving China’s human rights record will pay enormous dividends for the United States as well. Americans have been far too easily swayed by the notion that China’s economic advances have by necessity come at the expense of a sacrifice of civil and political rights. Businesses especially have been persuaded that economic growth will be sufficient to usher in political change…eventually.11 And many Americans are wary of the security issues implicated in competition with China, asking whether we should alienate such an important emerging power over issues like democracy or religious freedom. But states that allow themselves to be held to account by their own citizens and respect the rule of law tend to be more reliable partners in their relations with other states. Any authoritarian country is inherently brittle, caught up in needless preoccupation with controlling its own population and warding off dissent. That makes for suspicion and resentment of outsiders. The absence of a viable opposition or fully independent press makes a ruling party less wary of abrogating international agreements or alienating other nations for no good reason. A fickle approach to the rule of law jeopardizes everything from business contracts for American corporations to enforcement of trade and environmental agreements. Cheap Chinese labor undercuts American jobs; the higher the labor standards in a country, the slower the U.S. trade deficit grows.12 Moreover, if we accept the commonly agreed proposition that democracies rarely, if ever, launch wars against other democracies, then a more democratic China is likely to be a less belligerent China—at least in the long run. Finally, were China to place a higher value on human rights, it might well be willing to bear a greater portion of the burden for such things as U.N. human rights mechanisms and the resolution of international crises stemming from injustice.

US leadership on Human rights is key to US Democracy promotion

Abrams 16 – MA in IR @ LSE, JD @ Harvard, former American diplomat, lawyer and political scientist who served in foreign policy positions, first author of a letter signed by 139 signers, who are Democrats and Repubicans and have served in numerous administrations, include one name that stands out and must be noted: former Secretary of State George P. Shultz (Elliott, “Democracy and U.S. Foreign Policy,” CFR,

Some argue that we can pursue either our democratic ideals or our national security, but not both. This is a false choice. We recognize that we have other interests in the economic, energy, and security realms with other countries and that democracy and human rights cannot be the only items on the foreign policy agenda. But all too often, these issues get shortchanged or dropped entirely in order to smooth bilateral relationships in the short run. The instability that has characterized the Middle East for decades is the direct result of generations of authoritarian repression, the lack of accountable government, and the repression of civil society, not the demands that we witnessed during the Arab Spring of 2011 and since for dignity and respect for basic human rights. In the longer run, we pay the price in instability and conflict when corrupt, autocratic regimes collapse. Our request is that you elevate democracy and human rights to a prominent place on your foreign policy agenda. These are challenging times for freedom in many respects, as countries struggle to make democracy work and powerful autocracies brutalize their own citizens while undermining their neighbors. But these autocracies are also vulnerable. Around the world, ordinary people continue to show their preference for participatory democracy and accountable government. Thus, there is real potential to renew global democratic progress. For that to happen, the United States must exercise leadership, in league with our democratic allies, to support homegrown efforts to make societies freer and governments more democratic. We ask you to commit to providing that leadership and to embracing the cause of democracy and human rights if elected president of the United States.

Democracy key to solve for scenarios that risk extincton

Peiser 7 – social anthropologist @ Liverpool (Existential Risk and Democratic Peace,

In recent years, humankind has become aware of a number of global and existential risks that potentially threaten our survival. These natural and man-made risks comprise cosmic disasters, volcanic super-eruptions and climatic disruption on the one hand, and nuclear warfare, technological catastrophes and fully-fledged bioterrorism on the other. In order to secure the future of civilisation, we are challenged to recognise and ward off these low-probability, but potentially destructive hazards. A new debate is gaining momentum about how best to achieve a secure future for our planetary civilisation. The rise of neo-catastrophism The perception that disorder rather than harmony held sway in the solar system gradually began to emerge during the 20th Century. The traditional concept of an essentially benign universe was replaced by that of an unpredictable cosmos punctuated by global catastrophes. The emergence of scientific neo-catastrophism surfaced as a corollary of the space age. Artist's impression of asteroid impact. Image: AFP/Getty There can be little doubt that we are living in an age of apocalyptic angst and alarm Images of impact craters sent back by space missions in the 1960s and 1970s exposed the pock-marked, impact-covered surface of many planets.