2016-2017Fontbonne Hall Academy
Physics 440
Mrs. Alla Tandilashvili
- Objectives:
1. To acquire a clear understanding and mastery of key concepts and skills
2. To master important science process and safety skills through laboratory investigation
3. To develop an awareness of physics as an integral part of everyday life
4. To develop a proficiency in critical and creative thinking and problem solving, which is essential to science and everyday life
5. To learn the basic facts, formulas and principles of physics and to understand their underlying basic concepts
Textbook: Physics: Principles and Applications/ Douglas Giancoli, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall
Laboratory: Conceptual Physics/Laboratory Manual, Prentice Hall
Course Requirements:3-subject notebook
Graph paper
Graphing calculator
Metric ruler
2-pocket folder
Laboratory exercises each cycle reinforce the topic being covered in class. A laboratory report according to department guidelines is due every cycle.
- Examination Policy:
Each major topic will conclude with a unit examination, which is scheduled in advance. Each unit examination will contain material from prior units. Students who miss a unit test due to absence must make an appointment with the subject teacher for a make-up examination the day of return to school. All make-up exams must be completed by the end of the cycle following the absence. A grade of zero will be issued to the students missing more than two regularly scheduled unit exams. Daily quizzes should be expected. If a student misses more than two consecutive quizzes, a grade of zero will be issued for each proceeding quiz missed.There is no make-up for the quizzes.
All students will be required to take New York State Regents Examination in Physics. The regents’ score will constitute 20% toward an overall grade.
- Grading:
Quarters I, II, III and IV:
Class Participation:10%
The final grade in the course will be an average of Quarters I, II, III, IV, and the regents examination.
- Homework
Work outside of class is an integral part of the course. Homework assignments are provided along with course objectives for each study guide. Each student is responsible for completing homework assignments on the loose leafs. Homework is 10% of the quarter grade. It is due when the objective is completed in class. If the homework is incomplete, a grade of zero will be given for that day. If homework is incomplete a second time, a parent-teacher conference will be requested.Daily quizzes based on the homework should be expected.
- Laboratory
The successful completion of the laboratory program, which is the prerequisite for admission to the Regents’ examination in Physics, requires that the student must complete at least 30 full-time laboratory periods, complete a satisfactory written report for each lab experiment and demonstrate proficiency in those skills specified on the Physics Laboratory Skill Evaluation form. The laboratory program is designed to meet these requirements.
The laboratory grade is 20% of each trimester grade, and will consist of laboratory reports and the lab performance.
Lab reports are due upon completing an experiment. Laboratory reports are kept on file by instructor and will be retained by the school for one year according to New York State regulations. Students will be able to review their folders during laboratory periods, only.
Students who have one absence per trimester for a laboratory period will not be required to complete the laboratory exercise. More than one absence will require the student to schedule make-up time with the instructor. If a student is habitually absent on laboratory days, a parent-teacher conference will be requested.
- Guidelines
Class notes are based on the textbook. Organized notes are a must! Class notes should be reviewed each evening. This makes study easier and will help uncover material, which needs extra review in class or during resource time.