Ms. DiToto’s8th grade Language Arts syllabus
Ms. Amy DiToto
(352) 383-6101 ext. 3857
Course description: Florida Collections, from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, is Mount Dora Middle School’s foundation text because it embeds the Florida Standards into reading, writing, and speaking & listening activities using collaborative strategies. These strategies are used purposefully to build knowledge and skills and to help students become independent readers, writers, and thinkers. The 8th grade curriculum is structured around various text types. By targeting standards which focus on a specific task/skill, each unit has a Performance Assessment to assess student performance in relationship to the end goal which is the driving force for the unit. Students will unpack the unit and its Performance Assessment(s) prior to starting a unit. This is a key component which allows students the opportunity to preview assignments and readings in addition to establishing a clear understanding of the learning goal prior to beginning a unit.
Students are required to have a spiral notebook or binder; if they use a binder, they must have loose leaf paper. Students also need pens or pencils and highlighters. We will set up the Interactive Notebook the second full week of school and all information from class will be contained within this fluid resource built throughout the year. If a notebook fills, students will be responsible for keeping the original and continuing in a second notebook.
Timeline / 1st 9 weeks / 2nd 9 weeks / 3rd 9 weeks` / 4th 9 weeksUnit Title / Writing to Inform/Explain from Close Reading Collection 1: Culture and Belonging / Writing to Argue from Close Reading Collection 4: Approaching Adulthood / Writing a Literary Analysis
Collection 5: Anne Frank’s Legacy / Writing a Narrative Collection 2: The Thrill of Horror
Common Performance Task(s) / Choice 1: Expository Essay Choice 2: Documentary
Choice 3: Brochure
(all choices may be utilized for differentiation of instruction) / Choice 1: Multimedia Campaign Choice 2: Public Service Announcement Choice 3: Argumentative Essay (all choices may be utilized for differentiation of instruction) / Choice 1: Poetry Analysis Choice 2: Discussion Panel Choice 3: Research Project
(all choices may be utilized for differentiation of instruction) / Choice 1: Artistic Visual Presentation Choice 2: Photo Essay
Choice 3: Drama
(all choices may be utilized for differentiation of instruction)
Required Summative Assessment / Performance Assessment, p. 117: Informative Essay / Performance Assessment, p. 101: Argumentative Essay / Performance Assessment, p. 129: Literary Analysis / Collection 2, Performance Task: Write a Narrative
Focus Standards / LAFS.8.RI: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.4, 2.5; 2.6; 3.7 LAFS.8.W: 1.2; 2.4; 3.9 LAFS.8.SL: 1.2 LAFS.8.L: 3.4c / LAFS.8.RI: 1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 2.5; 2.6; 3.7; 3.8 LAFS.8.RL: 1.1; 1.2; 2.5 LAFS.8.W: 1.1; 3.8; 3.9 LAFS.8.L: 3.6 LAFS.8.SL: 1.1; 1.2; 1.3 / LAFS.8.RL: 1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 2.4; 2.6 LAFS.8.RI: 1.1; 2.4; 3.9 LAFS.8.W: 1.2; 2.4; 3.9 LAFS.8.SL: 2.4; 2.6 / LAFS.8.RI: 1.2; 1.3; 2.6; 3.7; LAFS.8.RL: 1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 2.4; 2.6; 3.7 LAFS.8.W: 1.3; 2.4; 3.7; 3.8; 3.9 LAFS.8.SL: 1.2
Priority Texts / BonneeAnnee
A Place to Call Home
New Immigrants Share Their Stories / Hanging Fire / Teenagers
When Do Kids Become Adults?
Is 16 Too Young to Drive a Car?
Persuading Viewers through Ads / The Diary of Anne Frank
After Auschwitz
There but for the Grace
Novel Study / What is the Horror Genre?
The Tell-Tale Heart The Monkey’s Paw from The Monkey’s Paw
Novel Study
2016-2017 Scope and Sequence
In addition, the students will be provided embedded grammar lessons which coordinate with the texts being used as well as detailed instruction on annotating and daily writing skills from various activities including creative writing, Quick Writes, Constructed Responses, and essays.
Homework: I do not generally assign homework, unless it is something the student did not finish during class. Occasionally I will assign something to be done at home at which point the students will add it to the agenda. Homework assignments may include close reading practice or essay writing. Students should be reading at least 20 minutes per night.
Vocabulary: Students will study academic and personal vocabulary words that directly connect to and organically stem from the Performance Assessments and texts in each unit of study.
The following are needed for use out of school:
- Access to Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and a reliable printer with paper and ink. (New student email will allow them access to download Microsoft Office onto their personal computers.)
- Access to the Internet.
*Computers are available for student use with a proper student ID before and after school, or you may visit a Lake County Library.
Grading Scale for 9 weeks: Assignments will be totaled by point values based off of the level of difficulty/time required. Some assignments will vary in point values and may be anywhere from 5 pints to 200 points.
Plagiarism Policy: “Plagiarism is using another person’s thought, words, ideas, and accomplishments without proper acknowledgement or documentation.” It is an unconscionable offense and a non-negotiable breach of ethics. In keeping with this policy, students will receive a zero for plagiarized work and meet with an MDMS Assistant Principal for further disciplinary actions.
Some Examples of cheating/plagiarism include, but are not limited to the following items:
- Asking for or giving another student information during a test or quiz.
- Copying another student’s answers or information on class worksheets or various out-of-class assignments.
- Copying answers from another student’s paper or intentionally allowing someone to copy from one’s own paper during a test or quiz.
- Using materials prohibited by an instructor during a test or quiz.
- Changing answers on a previously graded test or quiz in order to have a grade revised.
- Copying materials exactly or using material in essence, without providing appropriate documentation.
- Copying or falsifying a project/assignment including computer programs in either disk or hard copy form.
- Allowing someone else to compose or rewrite a student’s assignment.
- Stealing, buying, selling, or otherwise providing research papers.
NOTE: If a student is ever unsure of what constitutes plagiarism, or about acceptability of work being completed, it is the student’s responsibility to ask the teacher before you turn the work in.
Extra Help: One of the most important skills that a student can acquire during his/her lifetime is the ability to ask questions and seek answers. I will always do my best to help students understand something or to clarify an assignment. I will be more than happy to meet with you before schoolby appointment only. I am available daily for tutoring after school through the YMCA program (enrollment forms can be found in the main office) or by appointment.
Classroom Rules:
- Follow proper classroom procedures and accept responsibility for your actions.
- Have all appropriate materials and supplies required for this class, do your best work every day, and be seated when the bell rings.
- Adjust your voice level to suit the activity.
- Stay in your seat unless directed to do otherwise.
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
Discipline Policy: Agendas will be utilized in classes in order to address minor disciplinary issues in class. Agenda comments will be issued for classroom infractions such as:
Tardy (T)
Class Disruption (CD)
Gum, Food, Candy(GFC)
Minor Insubordination (I)
Required Materials (RM)
Off Task/Talking (OT)
No Assignment (NA)
Inappropriate Conduct (IC)
***Code will include teacher initials, date, and comment number.
Agenda comments will be enforced in the following manner:
1st comment: Documented in agenda
2nd comment: Documented in agenda
3rd comment: Documented and detention issued (Parent Contact)
4th comment: Documented and Parent Conference Requested (by Team/Enrichment Teacher)
5th comment and beyond: Documented and Referral Written - School Plus/ISS/OSS (PC by Admin)
***Comments reset on Monday of each week and 1st period teachers check for parent signature***
If there is no parent signature, the student will receive an agenda comment on Monday.
Keep in mind, some instances WILL require immediate discipline without warning.
I personally expect:
- Every student come to class prepared, ready to engage themselves in meaningful learning.
- Every student to propose ideas, to make guesses, to relate a story, to question assumptions, and to add their own two cents to the world of ideas every day.
- Every student to expect me to accept nothing less than excellence from both myself and my students.
- Every student to treat class members, including myself, with kindness and respect.
Classroom Wish List: In class, I strive to have students participate and practice applying concepts as often as possible. In order to make this happen, classroom supplies are often needed and occasionally run short. Any and all donations that can be made to our classroom community are greatly appreciated.If you are able to lend a helping hand, these are the supplies we use the most often:
- Card stock (thick paper)
- Colored Pencils
- Construction paper
- Decorative tape
- Envelopes (small size)
- Expo/dry erase markers
- Glue sticks
- Hand sanitizer
- Highlighters
- Index cards
- Loose Leaf paper
- Markers
- Pencil cap erasers
- Pens/Pencils
- Poster board (different sizes and colors)
- Post-it notes (different sizes and colors)
- Ribbon
- Rulers
- Scotch/clear tape
- Stickers for interactive notebooks
- Tri-fold boards
- White out