Membership in the Edwards Officers’ Spouses’ Club offers you the ability to give back to your community while at the same time making lifelong friends and memories. We believe giving back to our community makes our base a better place for everyone to live. Fundraising efforts such as, the Base Thrift Store, our biennial Charity Fundraising Auction, the Reindeer Run and other endeavors help us to achieve our fundraising goals providing thousands of dollars in donations to local charities and scholarships. The EOSC believes that connecting through friendship helps when we are so far from loved ones, so we have social events every month. We also have special interest clubs that meet every month, such as Bunco, Wine Club and Book Club. Please feel free to attend your first monthly meeting prior to joining, to see firsthand what a great experience EOSC can be for you. Whether you are searching for a volunteer activity or an opportunity to make new friends, the EOSC always welcomes new members. Please visit our website, for current information about us.
The current EOSC year begins August 1, 2016 and ends July 31, 2017. Dues are $60.00 per year. If joining after January 1, 2016, dues will be pro-rated at $5.00 per month. A 2nd Lt Spouse’s first year in the club will be free. Your annual dues support many of the activities and functions the EOSC hosts, as well as enable you to view all aspects of the EOSC website. If you are interested please mail this application with your check (payable to EOSC) to the address below. If you have questions please contact us via email at and put member registration in the subject line.
Personal Information:
Name (will be used for name tag) ______Telephone:______
Email Address______Birthdate______
Work Experience______
Prior EOSC Experience______Hometown______Previous Base______
Family Information:
Spouse’s Name ______Rank______Organization______
Child’s Name______Age______Child’s Business (i.e. Babysitter, Lawn Care, etc.) ______
Child’s Name______Age______Child’s Business (i.e. Babysitter, Lawn Care, etc.) ______
Child’s Name______Age______Child’s Business (i.e. Babysitter, Lawn Care, etc.) ______
If your child babysits, has your child taken the super sitter course? ____Yes ____No
The EOSC offers various small groups, which focus on a shared interest and meet monthly. Please indicate your interest in the following. If you are interested in leading a small group, please indicate that interest in the blanks below, as well.
______Bunco ______Mah-Jongg ______Book Club ______Craft Club _____ Wine Club ______Fitness/Walking
______Playgroup _____ Lunch Bunch _____ Other (Explain) ______
Are you a Club Muroc member? _____Yes _____No If Yes, last 5 numbers ______Exp Date ______
______Initial here to approve your information being released to the OSC general membership.
EOSC Use Only: Check #______Date Received______Amount Paid ______
1. Spouses of all officers of the Uniformed Services;
2. Spouses of civil service employees whose education and management responsibilities are comparable to an O-1. Reference:AFI 32-6005;
3. Spouses of deceased Uniformed Services Officers;
4. Spouses of retired officers of the Uniformed Services;
5. Dependent adult relative residing with an officer; and/or
6. Former spouses eligible for benefits under Public Law 97-252, Title 10 USC Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act.
P. O. BOX 543