2015-2016 State Information Packet

Sandra Mitchell McCann

State Regent

August 2015

2015-2016 State Information Packet (SIP) Table of Contents

3Calendar of Events & Deadlines

4State Regent’s Message

5State Vice Regent, State Chaplain

6State Recording Secretary

7State Corresponding Secretary

9State Organizing Secretary

9State Treasurer

10 State Registrar

11State Historian

12State Librarian, District Directors,

13State Parliamentarian

14American Heritage, American History

15American Indians

16Americanism, Cameo Society

17 Celebrate America! Chapter Achievement

18Chapter Development & Revitalization Commission, Children of the American Revolution

19Commemorative Events

20Community Service Award

21Conservation, Constitution Week

22DAR Genealogy Preservation, DAR Good Citizen’s Award & Scholarship

24DAR Magazine & Ohio News Circulation Editors, DAR Museum Outreach

25DAR Project Patriot

26DAR Publications

27DAR Scholarships

28DAR Schools

29DAR Service for Veterans

30Daughters Helping Daughters, Flag of the United States of America

31Genealogical Records

32Historic Preservation,Junior American Citizens

33Junior Membership

34Junior Sales, Lineage Research

35Literacy, Membership

36National Defense, Ohio DAR Online Newsletter

37Page Committee, President General’s Project


41Protocol & Ethics, Public Relations & Media

42Special Project Grants, State Certificates, State Conference Credentials

43State Regent’s Project, Transportation

44Volunteer Genealogists, Volunteer Information Specialists

45Women’s Issues

46Vietnam 50th Commemoration

48Basic Rules of DAR Protocol

50Appendix - Forms

OSDAR Calendar of Events & Deadlines

September 2015

17-23Constitution Week

19Christian Waldschmidt Homestead Constitution Day, Camp Dennison OH

October 2015

1Daughters Helping Daughters applications due to State Chairman

15Good Citizens Entries due to Chapter

15First payment for Ohio Bus to Congress due

31State Outstanding Junior Member applications due to State Chairman

November 2015

7OSDAR State Board of Management Meeting, Columbus Airport Marriott

7OSDAR State Conference Planning Meeting, Columbus Airport Marriott

14Outstanding American History Teacher nominations due to State Historian

15DAR Good Citizens Chapter winners due to District Vice Chairman

December 2015

1National and State dues and contributions are due

11American History Essay and Christopher Columbus Essay contest winner to District Vice Chairman

15DAR Service for Veterans Award nominations due to State Chairman

January 2016

1DAR Good Citizens District winners due to State Chairman

2Fiber Arts American Heritage Contest entries due to State Chairman

15If not filing electronically, paper copy of Chapter Master Report (CMR) due to State Corresponding Secretary and paper copy of Chapter Achievement Award due to State Chairman

25Electronic CMR must be completed

February 2016

1Wings of Eagles Scholarship applications are due

2State Chairmen may access Chapters’ CMR

8Credentials for elected delegates to State Conference due to State Chairman

15 Chapter Regent report due to State Regent, State Recording Secretary and District Director

15 American Heritage contest entries are due to State Chairman

15National DAR Scholarship applications are due

15Women’s Issues Contest entries are due

March 2016

5State Officer and State Chairman reports due to State Regent and State Recording Secretary

15Submission for new CAR Senior Leader recognition certificates due to State Chairman

18Deadline for State Certificate requests to State Chairman

31 to April 3, 2016 OSDAR State Conference, Columbus Airport Marriott, Columbus OH

June 2016

13Ohio Bus leaves for Continental Congress

15-19NSDAR Continental Congress, Washington DC

Love, Loyalty, Friendship

Dear Ohio Daughters,

Here we are beginning the third and final year of the McCann Administration and I want to say a huge THANK YOU to the Ohio Daughters for your remarkable accomplishments over the past two years. Your participation is outstanding and your chapters are doing some incredible work in your communities. We have much cause for CELEBRATION! as we continue our efforts in Historic Preservation, Education and Patriotism. I look forward to visiting more chapters and greeting the Daughters who make OSDAR such a very special organization.

The State Information Packet (SIP) is one of the tools you will use in your committee work as it is the go to resource for your officers, committee chairmen and members to use. Please take the time to become familiar with the contents. The SIP will also be available to download at after Fall Fun Fair. Please share this information within your chapter, as well informed members are essential to the success of your chapter.

The State Board of Management and State Chairmen are available to your chapter for programs, workshops and other assistance as needed. Contact them by email, phone or mail. You can find their contact information in the SIP and in the 2015 OSDAR Directory. Our primary objective is to help you accomplish the work of DAR. You will find an amazing pool of talent in these knowledgeable ladies and the sole purpose of their jobs is to help chapters succeed.

Wishing you all the best for a successful DAR year!

With Love, Loyalty and Friendship,


Sandra Mitchell McCann

OSDAR State Regent

State Vice Regent

Nancy Schirm Wright, State Vice Regent

12 N. High Street, Canal Winchester, OH 43110-1109

614-920-3835 (H); 614-271-8983 (C)

It is exciting to see the continued enthusiasm of our members as we start the final year of the McCann Administration. Our Ohio Daughters are so creative in carrying out our objectives of Historic Preservation, Education and Patriotism, while following our State Regent’s Theme of “Love, Loyalty, Friendship.”

One of the gems in the Ohio Society’s crown is the Christian Waldschmidt Homestead (CWH) and your Vice Regent is so honored to serve as Chair of the Board of Trustees and as its liaison to the State Board of Management. With the Visitor’s Center work basically complete, the focus of our efforts have shifted to the other buildings and the grounds. A great date to plan a visit would be September 19h when we will have the Constitution Day at the Homestead event. Besides touring the buildings, you will learn so much about our wonderful Constitution.

Our team of officers and chairmen is here to assist you with whatever questions or problems you may have with any part of DAR. This officer wishes you a successful year and looks forward to hearing about your great accomplishments in 2015. Let’s show them how exceptional our Ohio Daughters are. O-H…

State Chaplain

Robin Lee Rose

195 Stonefence Lane

Dublin OH 43017


Fall Fun Fair 2015 Greetings to all!

To properly recognize our members for their dedicated membership and service at the OSDAR Spring Conference Memorial Service I will need the following information about each deceased member.

Name ______#NSDAR ______

Deceased Member Date of Birth (month-day-year). ______

1. Did the Member serve as Chapter Regent? Yes / No

2. Did the Member serve as: State Officer? Yes / No

Or State Chairman? Yes / No

If so, what office or chairmanship and during what years?

What Office/Chairmanship?

When, what years?

3. Did the Member ever serve as Waldschmidt Trustee? Yes / No

4. Did the Member ever serve at the National Level? If so, what position and what years?

What position?


Please let me know the answers to the questions for EACH deceased member of your chapter. If you have had deceased members reported since March 2015, please review the OSDAR monthly newsletter for the names of the deceased members to verify that I have recorded them for your chapter.

It is my goal to make sure that every member is honored as they should be for their love, devotion and support to NSDAR/OSDAR. Thank you so much for your attention to detail and assistance with this matter. I do appreciate your time. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call 614-208-8160 or email me .

Please see the NSDAR member’s website for updated National Information Packet (NIP) information and all Chaplain General Reporting Forms. Again, thank you for doing your part to honor our deceased members!

It has been a privilege to serve The Lord and OSDAR as State Chaplain the past two years and I look forward to serving all of you in the final year of Regent McCann's term.

Serving for HIS Glory, Robin Lee Rose, State Chaplain 2013-2016

State Recording Secretary

Yvonne Yerian Hiteshue

2770 US Hwy 42 SW

London, OH 43140-8719


Chapter Regent Report: Each year the chapter regent is required to submit a report of the activities of the chapter for the year to the State Regent, State Recording Secretary and District Director. The report should include any special programs, events or accomplishments and be summarized in 300 words or less.

Send thereportas a word document attachment to the State Regent, State Recording Secretary and your District Director by February 15, 2016. Do NOT scan thereportor send as a PDF, j-peg, or other format that will not let me edit. I need to be able to cut and paste. I don’t mind if you need to send thereportwithin the body of an email. I just would like to avoid having to retype your work.

Do NOT send thereportthrough the state website. I have been receiving those emails, BUT the format makes it difficult to cut and paste.

·Stay within the 300 word limit.

·Send in Times New Roman(although this is easy to adjust)

·Write in paragraph form. Remember that this is for a book and space is costly. So, avoid including lists.

·It is not necessary to begin thereportby sharing that thechapterbegins each meeting with the Ritual, National Defense, etc.

Annual State Officers and Chairmen Reports: Please send the report that you will be delivering at State Conference to me via email by March 5, 2016. State Officers are allotted three minutes and state chairmen have two minutes to give their report.

Send your report as a basic word attachment. You may just give it to me in the body of your email if you are not comfortable with attachments. Do NOT send me a picture of your typedreport. Do NOT send me a pdf that cannot be edited.

Write your report in proper paragraph form. Do NOT send me areportwith bullets, lists, charts. I cannot use that much space in the Proceedings Book. For your personal copy, and for ease of reading, you may prefer such lists. Just keep that version to yourself and give me the "proper essay format."

After you give yourreportatStateConference, hand me a printed version of your report. This will ensure that I have it and have any changes you made at the last minute.

Some helpful hints to State Chairmen for the conference:

  • Practice giving yourreportat home. Two minutes go quickly, and you WILL get the bell! If you are cut off, I will print yourentire reportas long as it is not excessive.
  • Watch the agenda at the conference Saturday andmake sure that you are in the roomand ready to move to the jump seats.
  • Follow the pages' directions.Enter and exit the platform as requested.
  • Only address the presiding officer.Do not acknowledge anyone else! Simplystate: "Madam State Regent ...”.
  • Give another copy to the Recording Secretary(Yvonne) before you exit the platform.
  • Don't forget to check the picture schedule in the back of the program book to make sure you are in the group photo Saturday.StateChairmenprocess Saturday evening into the banquet.

Annual Proceedings Book: This officer compiles the complete record of the State Conference, the Chapter Regents Reports, and the State Bylaws and Standing Rules as a document which is distributed to the State Executive Board, Honorary State Regents, State Chairmen, other elected and appointed members, and to the Chapter Regents for the chapter records. The recipients will receive the Proceedings Book as a PDF email attachment. A limited number of books will be printed. Payment and the order form must be received by the State Recording Secretary by July 1, 2016. The order form will be in the State Newsletter.

State Corresponding Secretary

Cynthia (Cindy) Louise Scott Weaver

1568 E Haymarket Way

Hudson OH 44236-4607


Chapter Master Report (CMR) – Chapter Regent, Treasurers & Chapter Committee Chairman

The Chapter Master Report (CMR) reflects your chapter activities and contributions January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015. This report is accessed through e-membership and is to be completed by the Chapter Regent, Chapter Registrar and Chapter Committee Chairman if needed. This report is to be completed by January 25, 2016. CMR results are used by State and National Chairmen for committee awards and official reports. If you need help or are a new Regent, please contact me by email or phone and I will help you. Access the CMRsoonand read through the questions, you might get some ideas for your chapter meetings. You can begin work on the CMR soon and go back in and add more events and activities as you progress through your program year. Save your work every time you access the CMR. You will be able to go back in as many times as you want to update the information until the deadline. Do not wait until the last minute to start your Chapter Master Report. You will be contacted by this officer, your District Director and other state officers if you do not access your report in a timely manner.

A webinar to help you with the CMR can be found at:

There are several things to remember when filling in the various committee sections:

1.Don’t immediately discount what your chapter may have done during the year, read the questions; it is likely that your chapter accomplished or had an activity on committees that you did not submit a sheet on last year.

2. The reporting period for chapter activities and donations is from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. The chapter membership count is entered automatically.

3. To ensure accurate monetary reporting, all contributions and donations FROM INDIVIDUALS must be sent through the Development Office accompanied by the DEV-1003 Donations and Contributions form by December 25, 2015. All Chapter contributions and donations continue to be sent through the proper DAR reporting structure: Chapter Treasurer to the State Treasurer to the Treasurer General. The exception is monetary assistance to Veteran hospitals/homes.

4. Chapter Regents: Please check with your Chapter Treasurer in order to verify correct amounts for all monetary contributions/donations that will be reported in the CMR and used for your Chapter Regent’s report.

Chapters should answer EVERY committee page. If your chapter has no report for a specific committee, please indicate “NO REPORT”. This will allow the State Regent and Chairmen to determine that all chapters have reported.

When you have completed the CMR, you may click on “Mark Survey Complete”. You are done!

If you do not have access to a computer please contact this officer to help you!

If you are mailing a paper document to this officer the deadline to be submitted to this Officer is January 15, 2015.

Skip the committee pages for which you have no report; you do not have to submit those pages. In other words don’t print out the page, write “no report” and then mail it, save the paper and time.

State Chairmen

State Committee Chairmen will have access to the CMR after February 1, 2016.State Chairmen can access the results (both narrative and statistical) by chapter for their committee. The report generated through the electronic CMR should be forwarded by email to the Division or National Chairman for your committee.

Pin access codes for accessing the CMR for your committee will be provided by your National Chairman.


January 15, 2016 – Last date for CMR submitted on paper to this officer. Again, do not send pages with “no report”.

January 25, 2016 – Last date to submit CMR electronically on eMembership website.

OSDAR State Directory

The August 2015 OSDAR State Directory has just been published. Printed copies were distributed to those attending the Fall Fun Fair. A .pdf version is available if you contact me by email. Changes are natural and frequent, so this directory now has additional edition dates of December and April. Please send all of your directory changes to my email listed above or by phone.

The 2015-2016 SIP will be accessible from the state website or you can request a .pdf version by email.

Organizing Secretary

Betty (Betsie) M. Gricar Goad

319 Sandrala Dr

Reynoldsburg OH 43068-5685


The State Organizing Secretary will provide guidance for developing new chapters and for strengthening existing ones. The main goal is both gaining and retaining members of OSDAR. Assistance will also be given to chapters whose last resort is merging and disbanding. Any chapter that encounters challenges, whether short term or long-term, should contact this officer for assistance. Workshops for chapters or prospective members are available upon your request. Encouragement is a phone call or email away. Don't wait until options are limited. Communication and Commitment are the essential keys of an active chapter.

The Organizing Secretary General's page on the National Members' Only web site offers step by step instructions for organizing and merging chapter. The DAR Leadership Webinars have valuable information on keeping your chapter up-to-date and active.

Organizing Secretary General:

DAR Leadership Training (webinars):

State Treasurer

Kathleen (Kathy) Dixon

1236 State Route 507

West Liberty OH 43357-9651


Welcome to the 2015-2016 OSDAR Program year! Fall is a busy time for treasurers and we have exciting changes this year to enhance our duties! If you are new treasurer this year, don't hesitate to ask questions. Assistance is only a click away.

Deadlines for National and State dues remain the same- December 1, 2015. Failure to submit dues on time will prevent your chapter from sending Voting delegates to Continental Congress or State Conference.

National dues- Beginning this year Chapter Treasurers will complete the Dues Invoice online using the Dues Invoicer found in eMembership. You will not be receiving a paper invoice form National. This change will save on paper usage as well as mailing costs. Webinar and complete instruction will be available online. After completed, the invoice will be printed and mailed along with a chapter check to National. This process sets the stage for online submission next year.