2015-2016 Pre-Reg on-line process
- Pre-RegStudents can access the portal from 2/16/2015-2/27/2015 from any place they have internet access. There is a link on the Chavez web site
- If Teacher wants to demonstrate how to do the pre-Reg for students; ask for a student volunteer. As long as you or the student does not click on any other tab but the Course Request Tab under the Navigation area no personal information will be displayed on the screen.
Step 1:Give all students one copy of the Pre-Reg form, their transcripts and our school 4 Year plan form to help guide the students during the selection of classes—5 to 10 minutes
- Explain to students that they are to select one class out of each core area, one SLC course according to the next course sequence they need to complete, and 3 classes from the electives section in the back of the form.If student select a global elective in the right hand side they need to note that they must enroll in the course for both terms in there sequence.
- Use the 4 Year plan form to assist with this activity.
- Inform the students that their schedule needs to have 8 courses selected.
- Inform the students that their courses may change based on their final grades this term and test scores (CAHSEE, MAP-Measured Academic Performance, or CELDT).
- Inform students that they need to navigate in their grade book and or course history in their transcripts to see what classes they have passed.
Early College Courses
Early College courses are on the form
- Explain to students interested in the early college courses that CCHS covers the cost of the course and textbook; however, students have to sign up for Delta College and take the placement test to see which courses they qualify to take. All classes are transferable which saves them time and money. However, explain to the students that they will need to work with the University they are interested in attending to see which college course will count as an elective credit or help them cover a General Education requirement for their undergrad degree.
Step 2: Walk around and check to make sure students have selected eight classes on the Pre-Reg form—1 to 2 minutes
Step 3: If using Chromebooks, Instruct the students to open them up they should automatically turn on. Student will log on using the following information;
Write on the board the username and password below.
Step 4:Pass out the studentVUE instructions—1 to 3 minutes
Students will log in to synergy using their student ID numberas the “username”
The “Password” will be the students Date of Birth entered in YYYYMMDD forma (example: March 5, 1997 will be entered as 19970305)
Step 5: Review the studentVUE instructions with the students —5 to 10 minutes
- Take 5 minutes to read and review the directions to the students
- You can ask for a volunteer and demonstrate how to follow the process on the form via your classroom computer and projector.
- Inform the students that they will be requesting the 8 classes in studentVUE. Have them utilize their Pre-Reg form using the six digit course code next to the course name to click on the correct class.
Step 6: Allow students who can connect to the internet via their electronic device to sign up for their classes using their Pre-Registration form hard copy and studentVUE directions—5 to10 minutes
If students don’t show up in Synergy let students know you will let their counselors know. Make sure you add his name to the form provided.
- Tell students that if they cannot complete the registration in Homeroomthey can do it at home online. Counselors will pull out students who have not registered for all eight classes by February 27, 2015
- Explain to students who do not have access at home that they can sign up in the career center during lunch or before or after school until February 27, 2015
- If students need to talk to their counselors, give them a counselor appointment slip.