2015-2016 English 10 Course Syllabus

Ms. Alisa Maysey ()

Ms. Karla Bowles ()

Course Description: English 10 involves a study of literature from classical to modern authors. Students will read a variety of fiction and nonfiction pieces. Students will also focus on the composition of essays and other types of writing. Additional emphasis is placed on writing/language conventions (grammar, usage, punctuation), vocabulary, and speaking and listening skills. This class culminates with a required End of Course (EOC) Assessment that covers the skills and concepts learned in class.

Major Readings Overview:

·  To Kill a Mockingbird

·  Antigone

·  Various short stories

·  Assorted poetry, visual texts, and music

·  Various nonfiction texts (excerpts and entire works)

Students should also keep personal reading materials handy. Whenever a student finishes an assignment early, he/she will be expected to read quietly at his/her desk. For this reason, students must bring a book of their own to class every day. Library trips will occur when possible to help students find independent reading.

On-going Activities/Assignments:

1.  Students study vocabulary and writing/language conventions in the context of their reading and through bellringers and mini-lessons.

2.  Students write for a variety of purposes and audiences.

3.  Students develop speaking and listening skills through a variety of activities and student presentations.

Student Responsibilities: Students must come to class prepared; this entails being prompt and possessing all necessary classroom materials. Students must turn in assignments in a timely fashion. We do not give credit for late daily assignments, except in extreme cases which will be dealt with on an individual basis. Students must pay attention in class so that they are aware of due dates and assignments. Please see the handbook for information on work missed during excused absences. Students are expected to be respectful of teachers and one another; this includes following all rules outlined in the student handbook. See classroom rules on the back of this page for more specific expectations.

Grading Policy: Grades will be divided into two categories: assignments and assessments. The point value of work in each category will vary according to length and complexity. “Assignments” make up 10% of the overall grade and consist of in-class work and homework meant to monitor progress and understanding. “Assessments,” 90% of the overall grade, are just that—tests, essays, projects, and other activities meant to assess your level of mastery and graded for correctness rather than effort. The EOC will comprise 20% of your final grade in this class.

We do not give extra credit, so it is imperative that you keep up on readings, assignments, and assessments.

State Assessments:

1.  The English 10 End of Course Assessment (EOC) will be given in May. This is a cumulative test that will assess the Common Core English Language Arts Standards addressed in class throughout the semester.

2.  The On Demand Writing Assessment will be given in May. Various activities throughout the semester will help prepare you for this test.

Required Materials:

1.  Paper

2.  Folder with pockets

3.  Pencils

4.  One bottle of hand sanitizer for community classroom use.


1.  Go straight to your assigned seat…no milling around, standing at the window, or switching seats.

2.  Get out materials (paper and pencil or pen) and do bell ringer or activity on the board.

3.  Be courteous and respectful to others…no talking when others are talking (this includes announcements) and no insulting or insensitive remarks.

4.  Be attentive and participate…absolutely no sleeping.

5.  No purses, bags, jackets, or sweatshirts on your desk or in your lap. Everything other than materials for this class must be under or to the side of your desk.

6.  You may bring bottled water. Otherwise, no food or drink of any kind allowed at any time.

Acknowledgment of Syllabus—English 10

This is to ensure that both student and parent/guardian have read the course

syllabus and understand the expectations and requirements for this class.


Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Signature

Parent Comments: Please take this opportunity to express any concerns you have about your student. Include information that will help us tailor your child’s learning experience (fears, strengths, weaknesses, ACT goals, work schedule, athletics, etc.). Also, please provide your email and phone information, and indicate your preferred method of contact.