2014 School Annual Implementation Plan for

Axedale Primary School

N. 1008

Based on Strategic Plan 2011 - 2014


Endorsement by School Principal / Signed……………………………………….
Endorsement by School Council / Signed……………………………………….
School Council President’s endorsement represents endorsement of School Strategic Plan by School Council

Strategic Direction

Goals / Targets / One Year Targets
Achievement / To improve student achievement in English and Mathematics. / By 2014, to increase the proportion of students deemed capable in Prep to Year 6 achieving at or above expected levels as assessed by teacher judgments against the VELS, to 90%.
Year 3 -5 NAPLAN Growth for individual students ‘deemed capable’ to be:
Reading >86
Grammar & punctuation >84
See attached 2014 Axedale Primary School Academic Targets sheet.
*Minimum of 80% of all students to be assessed at C, B or A in Reading and Writing using OnDemand Adaptive testing, English On-line testing, Teacher Moderation and teacher judgements.
*Minimum of 80% of all Gr. 3-6 students to be assessed at C, B or A in Number using OnDemand Adaptive testing.
*Minimum of 80% of all P-2 students be judged by teacher assessment at C, B or A in Number.
*Matched cohort and growth for individual Gr. 5 students will be at or above state average in Literacy and Numeracy.
The Student Performance Analyser will become an increasingly used tool to collect, collate and analyse student performance data.
Engagement / To improve student engagement and wellbeing with a particular focus on providing a stimulating and safe learning environment. / Improve Student Attitudes to School Survey scores to at least the following by 2014:
·  Stimulating Learning to 4.1
·  Student Motivation to 4.6
·  Learning Confidence to 4.2
Improve Parent Opinion Survey scores to at least the following by 2014:
·  Stimulating learning to 6.1
·  Student motivation to 6.0
·  Learning focus to 6.1
By 2014, the percentage of parents completing the Parent Opinion Survey will be 80%
Mean absence rates for students in all year levels to be below 2010 state means. / INTERVENTION
A whole school list will be compiled of student strengths and areas for improvement. The list will highlight students in need and in what specific area intervention is required.
Financial allocations will be made where practical and support staff co-ordinated (eg. Social Worker, EAL, Student Well Being Worker) for specific interventions.
Highlighted aspects should be reflected in Individual Learning Plans and lead to increased engagement and achievement.
2012 / 2013 / 2013 state / 2014 target
Student motivation / 3.97 / 4.54 / 4.6 / 4.60
Learning confidence / 3.57 / 4.13 / 4.17 / 4.40
Stimulated learning / 3.42 / 3.83 / 4.12 / 4.40
Teacher effectiveness / 3.92 / 4.12 / 4.42 / 4.42
2012 / 2013 / 2014 target
Student motivation / * / * / 90th percentile +
Curriculum coordination / * / * / 90th percentile +
2012 / 2013 / 2013 state / 2014 target
Stimulating learning / 6.13 / 6.21 / 5.9 / 6.20+
Leaning focus / 6.17 / 5.97 / 5.8 / 6.20+
Wellbeing / To improve student engagement and wellbeing with a particular focus on providing a stimulating and safe learning environment. / Improve Student Attitudes to School Survey scores to at least the following by 2014:
·  Stimulating Learning to 4.1
·  Student Motivation to 4.6
·  Learning Confidence to 4.2
Improve Parent Opinion Survey scores to at least the following by 2014:
·  Stimulating learning to 6.1
·  Student motivation to 6.0
·  Learning focus to 6.1
By 2014, the percentage of parents completing the Parent Opinion Survey will be 80%
Mean absence rates for students in all year levels to be below 2010 state means. / ATTITUDES TO SCHOOL SURVEY
2012 / 2013 / 2013 state / 2014 target
Connectedness to Peers Gr 5/6 / 4.03 / 3.76 / 4.34 / 4.34
Student Safety Gr 5/6 / 4.00 / 4.11 / 4.38 / 4.38
Student Distress Gr 5/6 / 5.15 / 5.39 / 5.95 / 5.95
Student Morale Gr 5/6 / 4.91 / 5.30 / 5.75 / 5.75
Our Student Well Being Worker will work closely with teachers, parents and students to help being well-being both across the school and with specific students.
Principal will work with staff to produce a list indicating which students require student support intervention.
Student Well Being Worker will liaise with DEECD Social Worker and Psychologists when develop support plans for students.
Student Well Being Worker will work closely with parents where applicable to provide informed and targeted support for the student.
Student Well Being Worker will maintain detailed notes on support provided as part of normal record keeping.
Measurement of progress will
Productivity / ONE YEAR TARGETS
Refer to 2014 Academic Targets attachment
Matched cohort and growth for individual Gr. 5 students will be at or above state average in Literacy and Numeracy.
A Whole School Teaching and Learning Plan will be developed to guide our overall academic direction.
Numeracy and Literacy Scope and Sequence documents will be developed to specifically guide these key areas of study. Work with Mike Ymer will lead to a modification of this Numeracy document.
SPA tool will be used increasingly as a whole school data collection and collation point to drive the teaching and learning productivity. (see targets)
Individual Learning Plans will set clear, specific and measurable goals for each student. ILP’s will be monitored and fluent. Goals indicating student progress will be assessed & reviewed each term.
Appropriate financial allocations will enable educational productivity gains.
Improvement to resources and facilities will be targeted to the following areas.
An $8,000 allocation to update and upgrade levelled literacy resources.
A $6,000 allocation to mobile library/literacy storage shelves.


Key Improvement Strategies / What
the activities and programs required to progress the key improvement strategies / How
the budget, equipment, IT, learning time, learning space / Who
the individuals or teams responsible for implementation / When
the date, week, month or term for completion / Achievement milestones
the changes in practice or behaviours
Achievement / Staff to use the English and Mathematics AUSVELS to ensure that teaching strategies best match the learning needs and the current developmental stage of students. / Effective whole school curriculum planning through focussed staff planning sessions, appropriate PD and provision of a wide range of quality resources. / Principal and all staff / Ongoing / 2014 Literacy & Numeracy Scope and Sequence documents and Whole School Teaching and Learning Model be completed and used in planning meetings and staff meetings as guiding documents.
Improved teacher assessed AUSVELS data across the school using the SPA
Spelling continues to be a focus area for 2014. Purchase of teacher reference materials, student resources, ICT resources.
PD – Magic Words, Oxford Words / Principal and staff / Daily
Term Plans
A3 checklist / Spelling will have a daily timetabled focus. Expectation is that all students completing Grade Two will be able to read and spell the 200 Magic Words. Oxford Word levels to follow.
Spelling will form part of nightly and weekly homework tasks.
Information Night for parents will share the importance of this focus.
Improved moderated writing achievements will reflect improved spelling P-6.
Continued use of Key Characteristics of Literacy and Numeracy as one document in classroom planning / Principal and all staff / Ongoing
Regular individual P&D Meetings / Evidence of use of Key Characteristics in Literacy and Numeracy document in term plans and weekly plans.
Achievements noted as part of Principal Performance Plan.
Updated development of the Accountability and Assessment Policy showing weekly and monthly expectations to guide the assessment timeline for 2014. / Principal and all staff / February and ongoing / Program to be agreed on and implemented by staff, and Principal.
Classroom planning and delivery will reflect a differentiated teaching and learning model / Every child in the school will have and Individual Learning Plan encompassing literacy, numeracy and other goals. / Principal and all staff / Term 1, 2 and ongoing / Assessments of ILP goals will be one part of overall assessment.
Parent meetings to discuss/evaluate and modify ILP’s reviews will take place in February and June. Other meetings as required.
A range of data, including NAPLAN, will be collected, triangulated and moderated.
Use of SPA (Student Performance Analyser -Phillip Holmes Smith) / Use results of data analysis to judge/discuss student progress.
Conclusions will guide differentiated teaching and learning. / Principal and all staff / SPA - gradual use of through year / Staff meeting regularly to moderate and discuss student achievement and work samples.
Planning documents linked to student performance data.
Implementation of SPA program.
Staff confident in using SPA by end of year.
Discussions with parents re SPA data
Students setting personal goals (eg. OnDemand scores, moderated writing levels) using SPA data.
Use of On Demand literacy and numeracy testing for all Gr. 3-6 / Principal and all staff / May & November and as required / All students complete adaptive testing, using targeted start points, twice a year with results logged to SPA.
A moderated writing exercise across P-6 will be conducted . / At Curriculum Meetings / Principal and all staff / May
October / P-6 scores collated and evaluated.
Results form part of Students Reports and ILP goals.
Gr. 2-6 students become aware of their level, VELS requirements, characteristics of different levels and set their goals accordingly.
Provide an uninterrupted 2 hour literacy block and a one hour numeracy block every day for all grades. / Timetable / Principal and all staff / ongoing / Agreed timetable in place. Modifications made as required
Continued development of exciting and well organised learning spaces / Principal and staff / ongoing / School and learning spaces to be well resourced, well organized, well maintained and professionally presented.
Interactive whiteboards facilities upgraded and new computers and programs purchased as required. / New ACER Netbooks purchased for all Gr. 6 students.
Lenovo Netbooks provided for all Gr. 4 students and access for Gr. 2/3 students.
Computers P/1 and 2/3 classrooms be upgraded as required for 100% effective use.
Mathletics, Reading Eggs and Spellodrome memberships / Principal and all staff / Netbooks purchased Term 1 / Daily use of ICT in all classrooms for both literacy and numeracy activities.
Timetabled ICT class time P-6 with ICT teacher to develop and strengthen basic skill areas.
Targeted quality Professional Development / Attend Mike Ymer
Professional Development – 3 days in conjunction with Eppalock and Heathcote PS.
/ Principal and all staff / Ongoing / Development & modification of Whole School Numeracy Teaching, Learning and Assessment Plan – leading to better student outcomes P-6
AUSVELS – Internal Staff PD and Cluster based PD
LITERACY- Spelling PD, Magic Words PD, NAPLAN preparation
, Mathletics PD
ICT-iPads, Internal Staff PD
Engagement / Promote high attendance levels to reach an average of 12.0 days absent /student/year / Continue to include information about attendance in Parent Information Handbook.
Formal follow up with parents after an absence. Notes or phone contact to be made
Attendance medallions awarded as an incentive in June and December.
Encourage a higher level of parental involvement at the start of the day to promote attendance and punctuality. / Principal and all staff / Ongoing
Ongoing / The school will average 12 days absent/student or less.
All absences explained
Awards provided at end of semester assembly.
An increase of parent involvement in the classrooms from 9.00am will be evident.
Principal to meet with every family to discuss student/school/parent related issues and determine needs of the school community. / Formal meeting times allocated / Principal / End Term Three / All families having met with Principal.
Action plans put in place where necessary.
At Information Sessions/ Parent Classroom Nights and Parent Forum nights, the link between high attendance and academic achievement will be highlighted. / Information sessions offered / Principal and all staff / Term One
Term Three / At least 50% of families attend one or more sessions.
Junior School Council to meet fortnightly to plan and coordinate events. / Planned meeting times / Principal & JSC / fortnightly / Fortnightly meetings completed.
Calendar of events to be formalised at the start of the year.
Programs and events organised, completed and publicised in the Newsletter.
AASC continue to be provided two nights per week / Funded through Australian Sports Commission / Steve Christensen & Drew Cathcart / Twice weekly sessions
Once semester –planning / Delivery of program and maintaining participant levels.
Wellbeing / Continue to use Buddy programs and whole school activities to ensure P/1 students have ease of movement through all areas of the school, and familiarity with other classrooms
Continue the series of transition activities held throughout the year with the local kinder. Two per term.
Liaise closely with Kinder staff to be fully informed about students.
Continue contact with the secondary schools for programs between them and our school.
Continue the teaching of all grades by all teachers as this increases the feelings of security and “family” feel of the whole school.
Promote fluid movement of students across grades to work with like skilled students in literacy and numeracy activities.
Information session for 2015 Preps and Orientation Day to be held.
Newsletters to be posted to 2015 Prep families in Term 4 2014. / Kinder activities budget / P/1 teacher and other grade teachers
P/1 teacher
Grade 6 teacher & Principal
All staff
P/1 Teacher/Principal
Office Manager / Ongoing
October/December / Improved transition between year levels reflected in curriculum documentation and improved outcomes in the Transition variable on Parent Opinion surveys.
Close relationships continue with local kinder and secondary schools.
Productivity / Overall productivity gains will be achieved with the successful implementation of all of the areas above.