This advisory recommendation has not been approved by the State Instructional Quality Commission

or the State Board of Education.



Publisher / Series / Grade Level(s)
TPS Publishing Inc. / Creative Core Curriculum for Mathematics with STEM, Literacy and Arts / K-8

Program Summary:

The Mathematics program Creative Core Curriculum for Mathematics with STEM, Literacy and ArtsK-8 is composed of, but not limited to, the following items: ABC Activity Guides; Educational Paper Craft Packs; Amelia Rose Explores; Invicta Items; Student Workbooks; Teacher and Student Textbooks (TE/SE); Parent and Teacher Information Guide; Olympic Reader Books; Teacher and Student STEM Project Editions (STEM SPE); Universal Access (UA); Understanding Mathematics through Art (UMTA); AVIMBA, DIDAX Manipulative Kits, Ellison Modeling Math, Archway Phonics Program, and Assessment Database.


Creative Core Curriculum for Mathematics with STEM, Literacyand Arts K-8isrecommended for adoption because it is aligned with the California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and meets the rest of the evaluation criteria approved by the State Board of Education for this adoption. Edits and corrections required as a condition of adoption are listed under the “Edits and Corrections” section of the report below.

Criteria Category 1: Mathematics Content/Alignment with Standards

The program supportsteaching to the California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, anddoescover all of the evaluation criteria in category 1.

The criteria listed below are covered:


  • Criterion #2: Grade K, K.CC.1.,TE pp. 84-85; Grade 1, 1.NBT.3., STEM SPE pp. 19-38; Grade 2, 2.MD.6., UMTA TE pp. 95-96; Grade 3, 3.OA.8., SE pp.104-113; Grade 4, 4.G.2., TE pp. 496-497; Grade 5, 5.NF.6., TE pp. 338-350; Grade 6, 6.RP.1., SE pp.1-6; Grade 7, 7.RP.1., STEM SPE pp. 56-60; Grade 8,8.MP.1., TE pp. 236-239.
  • Criterion #4: Grade 1, TE pp. 154-160.
  • Criterion #3: Grade 5,5.OA.1., TE pp. 8-11.
  • Criterion #6c: Grade 7,7.EE.4a., TE pp. 306.

Criteria Category 2: Program Organization

The organization and features of the instructional materials supportinstruction and learning of the Standards.


  • Criterion #1: Grade 6, TE p. 101, SE p. 57; STEM TPE pp. 200-212.
  • Criterion #2: Grade 4, TE pp. 2-7, SE pp. 1-6; UMTA TE/SE pp. 1-5.
  • Criterion #3: Grade 1, TE pp. 417-421, SE pp. 276-280;STEM TPE pp.1-36.
  • Criterion #4: Grade 6, TE pp. 295, 369, SE pp. 241, 337; STEM TPE pp. 388-404.

Criteria Category 3:Assessment

The instructional materialscontainstrategies and tools for continually measuring student achievement. Assessmentsprovideguidance for the teacher in determining whether the student needs additional materials or resources to achieve grade-level standards and conceptual understanding.


  • Criterion #1: Grades K-8, Assessment Database, includes 2200 assessment questions and teachers can create a variety of assessment types.
  • Criterion #2: Grade 4, TE pp. 43-46.
  • Criterion #3: Grade 4, TE pp. 11-14, 348-354.
  • Criterion #7: Grade 6, TE pp. 288, 501; STEM TPE pp. 120-122.

Criteria Category 4: Universal Access

Students with special needsareprovided access to the same standards-based curriculum that is provided to all students, including both the content standards and the standards for mathematical practice. Instructional materialsprovideaccess to the standards-based curriculum for all students, including English learners, advanced learners, students below grade level in mathematical skills, and students with disabilities.


  • Criterion #4: Grade 7, TE Extension Activity pp. 6,187,334.
  • Criterion #5: Grade 1, UA pp. 12-16, 48-52.
  • Criterion #6: Grade 2, TE ELL Support pp. 110,155,342.
  • Criterion #7: Grade 5, UMTA pp. 18-23.

Criteria Category 5: Instructional Planning

The instructional materialscontaina clear road map for teachers to follow when planning instruction.


  • Criterion #1: Grade 1,the School Year through the Introduction section (no page numbers provided).
  • Criterion #3: Grade 5, UMTA TE pp. 18; TE pp. 249-255.
  • Criterion #6: GradesK-8, answer keys for all workbooks and other related student activities; Grade 4 TE pp. 11-14, 43-46; ( Blackline Master (TPS assessment information for the school year and benchmark tests for Grades K-8).
  • Criterion #7: Grade 5, TE pp. 233; Grade 6, TE pp. 163-165; Grade 1, TE p. 177; STEM TPE pp. 1-12.
  • Criterion #11: In the Home section in Grade 2, SE pp. 86,117, 216; AVIMBA as an electronic system to communicate with parents to provide additional support.

Criteria Category 6: Teacher Support

The instructional materialsaredesigned to help teachers provide mathematics instruction that ensures opportunities for all students to learn the essential skills and knowledge specified for in the California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.


  • Criterion #1: Grade 6, STEM TPE pp. 311-323.
  • Criterion #4: Grade 1, UMTA SE pp. 78-82.
  • Criterion #7: Grade 6, TE pp. 114-120.
  • Criterion #9: Grade K, TE pp. 150-155.

Edits and Corrections:

The following edits and corrections must be made as a condition of adoption.

  1. Grade 1, TE p. 198/SE p. 123: Middle question is confusing, references students to “…listen to pop records you often hear the top 10 played.” Then there is a blank line before the rest of description, “The record at number 3 had the third highest number of votes.” Suggest at leastconnect the two sentences for clarity, but may want to use different example, most students don’t know what a record is or what is the top 10.
  2. Grade 1, TE p. 256/SE p. 170: terminology used at beginningis “eats the bigger number” but rest of page says “greater number,” change all to read “greater number.”
  3. Grade 1, TE p. 482/SE p. 319: there is trapezoid shape that is a plane shape but is not checked as noted in the directions, need to add a check mark since it is a plane shape.
  4. Grade 1, UMTA, pp. 72-77 and 78-82, confusing directions for students, recommend rewriting for clarity.
  5. Grade 2, TE p. 54/SE p. 32: there are three numbered problems, but problem 2 is missing number identification, add “2.” in front of second problem.
  6. Grade 2, TE p. 93/SE p. 54: Need to make first and second sentence show similar concept, suggest rewriting first sentence to read, “The ‘1’ in number 12 has a value of one tenth,”
  7. Grade 2, TE p. 411: in first bullet, “attributes of a triangle” should read ”attributes of a square pyramid.”
  8. Grade2, UMTA p. 100: analog clocks used in examples are set in military time, should use standard time, for example instead of 13:20 it should read 1:20.
  9. Grade 3, TE p.15/SE p. 5: the array of counters in the box are incorrect for problem, there should be 20 counters, not 9as shown.
  10. Grade 3, TE p.12/SE p. 2: the memory jiggler problem does not match the review standards, it is about two digit multiplication but section is about multiplication facts.
  11. Grade 3,TE p. 38: related subtraction problem on the bottom asks for 6 groups of 8 = 48, but the number line shows 8 groups of 6, change number line to show 6 groups of 8.
  12. Grade 3, TE p. 121: two answers are incorrect, first example for the quotient of 24 and 8 lists 4, answer should be 3. For second to the last example, 100 ÷ 4 lists 4, answer should be 25.
  13. Grade 3, TE p. 133: incorrect answer in fifth bullet, currently reads 3 x 2 = 24, should read 3x 2 = 6.
  14. Grade 3, TE p. 383/SE p. 245: need to add a metric capacity chart, in addition to the U.S. capacity chart.
  15. Grade 3, UMTA p. 9: answer to question #5 is 7, correct answer should be 8.
  16. Grade 4, TE pp. 37-38/SE pp. 18-19: student narrative relates to whole numbers and decimals, but noted standard is 4.OA.3, which relates to multistep word problems. Suggestremoval of these two pages of student narrative examples since they do not address the standard.
  17. Grade 4, TE p. 190/SE p. 113: activity starts with a negative statement, “You may have heard horror stories about how hard it is to do long division. It is really not that difficult,” remove or rewrite negative statement about math.
  18. Grade 4, TE p. 191/SE p. 114: quotient answer at bottom of page is incorrect, currently states “15,” should read “13.”
  19. Grade 4, TE p. 279/SE p. 172: problems currently state to convert to improper fraction and add, but should reflect directions which are to subtract. Suggest change all four problem statements to read, “Convert to improper fraction and subtract.”
  20. Grade 4, TE p. 287/SE p. 177: Introduction section at top of page starts with a negative statement, “Ask just about any adult and they will tell you that they are not very good at fractions,” suggest remove or rewrite negative statement about math.
  21. Grade 4, TE p. 337/SE p. 207: Top half of activity example notes one tenth as “0.10” and “two tenths will be written therefore as 0.20.” Examples should be rewritten to reflect tenths, “0.1” and “0.2.”
  22. Grade 5, TE p. 70: in first sentence there is a misspelled word “terns,” should be changed to “terms.”
  23. Grade 5, TE p. 90/SE p. 50: in four boxed examples (number 1, 6, 10 & 11) the term “oh” is used for tenth place after the decimal; “oh” is not a number, should be replaced with “zero.”
  24. Grade 6, TE p. 146: Within the introduction, last line in first bullet, sentence should add “-“ to reflect a negative number, so should read, “Negative numbers are rational numbers. 5 is -5.”
  25. Grade 6, TE p.166/SE p. 96: last problem is not correct, the opposite of the opposite of 3 is not “-3,” should be “3.”
  26. Grade 6, TE p. 415/SE p. 247: directions read “Find the area of the shapes,” should read, “Find the volume of the shapes.”
  27. Grade 6, TE p. 434: in introduction section, change the word “sides” to “edges” to reflect terminology used in previous introduction section on p. 434.
  28. Grade 6, TE pp. 564-568: this is grade 6 teacher edition but includes the grade 5 suggested lesson planner and lesson identifier, replace with grade 6 headers and information.
  29. Grade 7, TE p. 12/SE p. 5: In first problem, the last line relates to something growing, should be changed to reflect cans of paint.
  30. Grade 7, TE p. 13/SE p. 6: Hint at bottom of page does not relate to third problem, should be changed to relate to guitar and flute lessons.
  31. Grade 7, TE p. 20: table at top of page does not reflect content in example, change titles in table to necklace, bracelet 1, and bracelet 2.
  32. Grade 7, TE p. 63: In second bullet, fourth line down, equation reads 4/4; should read 4/2.
  33. Grade 7, TE p. 71/SE p. 43: The chart does not reflect the x and y axis in the graph, change chart to read, “spoonfuls of medicine (y)” and “days (x).”
  34. Grade 7, TE p. 128: In first bullet, second line is missing “-“ sign, instead should read, “Write on the board: -4 – 5 = -1.”
  35. Grade 7, TE p. 228/SE p. 133: last sentence has an extra “are,” should be changed to read, “…but also include negative numbers.”
  36. Grade 7, TE pp. 578-582: this is grade 7 teacher edition but includes the grade 5 suggested lesson planner and lesson identifier, replace with grade 7 headers and information.
  37. Grade 8, TE p. 43/SE p. 17: last line is incorrect, should read, “is the same as ¼.” (the subscript should be placedon the 4, not 1).
  38. Grade 8, TE p. 103: last line should be removed, it relates to exponents in the middle of a proportion lesson.
  39. Grade 8, TE p. 105: in first bullet, second line, currently reads “x=5y;” should read “y=5x.”
  40. Grade 8, TE p. 186: first equation is incorrect, should read, “3y = 2x.”
  41. Grade 8, TE p. 376/SE p. 228: Angle M reads (0, -3); should read (0, -2).
  42. Grade 8, TE p. 503/SE p. 316: Sentence at top has a misspelled word, “to take a change” should read “…to take a chance.”
  43. Grade 8, TE p. 516: In second bullet, the volume of the cone is incorrect, it is not 1/2 but 1/3 smaller.

California Department of Education

Posted October 1, 2013