One of the best sheep/moose areas in the YUKON TERRITORY will open up for commercial hunting after being closed over a decade. Cliff Graham hunted dall sheep in this area in 1997 and saw 29 full curl rams. He and 3 friends all scored on mature sheep including two monsters at 42 inches. The area had been closed except for residents and in 2014 we are working with the new outfitter, look up Hunt DS135 or MS135 in the sheep and moose sections. Prices are very reasonable and we expect some bomber rams and monster moose to be taken here.
We have located a new start up outfitter in central Kansas that only wants to take 2 archers and 2 rifle hunters per year. We expect some good bucks to be taken here and HCU’s Scott Steinkruger bought a 2013 rifle hunt and will be able to tell you more about Hunt WD564.
We work with 2 very reasonably priced Africa outfitters for ELEPHANT and CAPE BUFFALO. One of our South Africa outfitters conducts 10-day elephant hunts along the Botswana border, but we only expect the hunts to continue to take place in 2014 and possibly 2015 due to a large mining operation that will soon start up in the area. This is a free-range hunt on 70,000 acres and has been 100 percent success past years. There are 2 tags available for 2014 priced at $38,000 all inclusive. Look up Hunt ELLD in the Africa section.
We are also listing a Namibia outfitter that conducts dangerous game and plainsgame hunts in the Caprivi Strip. He has very moderately priced hunts for both elephant and Cape buffalo. 7-day management buffalo hunts up to 36 inches are only $11,500. 10-day trophy buffalo are $18,000, free-range and all inclusive.
His passion is elephant hunting and prices run from $15,000 for an 8-day non-importable bull, $32,000 for a 10-day management bull up to 40 pounds or a 14-day trophy bull averaging in the 45 to 55 pound class for $40,000 including export permits. Check out Hunt NMKS.
On another note we expect importation of Africa lions into the United States to possibly cease in the near future due to political pressure, so don’t put off that safari.
We would also like to thank our past customers for all the extraordinary word-of-mouth promotion for our service. By far the majority of our business is repeat customers (86 percent) and second to that is referrals made by those same hunters.
HCU Consultants
2014 Show Schedule
We will have a booth at the following shows so feel free to stop by and visit.
January 24-26 Huntin’-Time Expo
Delta Plex Arena, Grand Rapids, MI. booth 336
February 1-9 Great American Outdoor Show
Harrisburg, PA. booth 5214
February 12-16 Allegheny Sport Show
Monroeville Convention Center, PA. booth 922
February 20-23 Indiana Deer Turkey and Waterfowl Expo
Indiana State Fairgrounds, Indianapolis, IN. booth 466
February 22-24 Backwoods Outdoor Show
Oklahoma City, OK. booth 1
February 28 to March 2 Iowa Deer Classic
IowaAdventsCenter, Des Moines, IA. booth 415
March 7-9 Michigan Field and Stream Deer and Turkey Expo
The Summit, Diamondale, MI. booth 424
March 14-16 Ohio Field and Stream Deer and Turkey Expo
OhioExpoCenter, Columbus, OH. booth 423
March 21-23 Kentucky Field and Stream Deer and Turkey Expo
April 4-6 Wisconsin Field and Stream Deer and Turkey Expo
AlliantEnergyCenter, Madison, WI. booth 717
April 25-27 NRA Annual Convention
IndianaConvention Center, Indianapolis, IN. booth 5068
August 16-18 Red River Hunting Expo
Oklahoma City, OK. booth 1
(Box this article)
How Hunting Consultants Unlimited Free Service Can Assist You
HCU works with over 100 Outfitters, Ranchers, Bush Pilots and Guides.(last sentence bold) Unlike booking agents, who have contracted to fill up an outfitters openings, we are hunting and fishing consultants. To do our job properly, we often put you directly in touch with the outfitter or rancher before you decide on a specific trip. This is to ensure that you understand what to expect and to determine whether it is right for you. Bottom line, you can contact the outfitter to discuss the trip and make your own decision before sending us a deposit. (last sentence bold)
Our service is free(bold) to you because we charge the outfitters or ranchers a commission. Some of the best outfitters do little or no self-promotion. Instead they rely on their reputations, word-of-mouth advertising and on Hunting Consultants Unlimited. Some ranchers and small outfitters take so few hunters per year that they cannot afford to advertise, print expensive brochures or attend sport shows.
Think of us as a free information service.(bold) You can benefit from our experience, knowledge and information network by reading our newsletters, calling us on the phone or consulting our constantly updated website, (Website address in bold). We can put you in touch with the outfitter or rancher and when you are ready to book we expect you to send the deposit to Hunting Consultants Unlimited. When you return from a successful hunt or fishing trip booked through HCU, please have your friends call us rather than the outfitter. This keeps our service free and quite often the right hunt for you may not be the right hunt for a friend.(last 2 sentences bold)
Here is a high success hunt on private land that has guaranteed licenses issued from the state, no drawings. At press time ELK SUCCESS WAS 18 FOR 18 ON BULLS AVERAGING 5X5 and MULE DEER SUCCESS WAS 8 FOR 8 AVERAGING OVER 170 INCHES.
This ranch is allocated 42 elk tags from the state and we expect them to harvest near 100 percent due to the ranch location in a very high migration route along with the number of resident elk on the ranch. Success in both 2012 and 2011 were close to 100 percent for both elk and mule deer.
This is a high success hunt priced at a bargain rate of only $4,250 and you can add trophy mule deer for only $3,250 and this gets you an extra day of hunting. Mule deer hunting has been more trophy oriented, taking only about 10 hunters per year and success has been running about 100% on bucks averaging over 170 inches.
Since this ranch is in the Ranching For Wildlife Program he can hunt from September 5 to December 5 with rifles. Most bulls taken will be a 5x5 averaging in the 230 to 260 class and top bulls reach the 280-inch category. Resident elk are hunted on the early hunts during the rut. Typically the elk hunting gets better on the later hunts. Starting about mid-November more elk move onto the property due to pressure on public land and the normal migration out of the high country. The ranch is located at about 7500-foot elevation has good access and this is not necessarily a physical hunt. Hunters come in on Saturday; hunt Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (4 days), leave Thursday. New lodge accommodations, meals, guided 2x1 and airport pickup in Hayden is included. Deer typically score in the 160 to 185-inch class. Pronghorn can be added to the early elk hunts for only $2,200 and the ranch produces nice bucks averaging 73 to 78 inches. This hunt is very high success on all species. Very limited openings. HCU’s Craig Green has been on this hunt. Hunt EK226.
This outfit controls some of the best elk hunting in northeastern Utah. Most of the ranches are in the Controlled Wildlife Management Program known as CWMU. This allows them to rifle hunt in September with guaranteed licenses, no drawings, similar to Colorado’s program Ranching for Wildlife. We have listed a few ranches in an affordable price range with high success on quality bulls. Openings are very limited due to repeat hunters. These ranches also offer mule deer hunts.
The Morgan piece is made up of several ranches and has recently increased in size now totaling 60,000 deeded acres. In 2013 over the course of a couple months they had 40 hunters take 39 bulls averaging in the 270 to 280 class, with the top bulls reaching the 320’s.
In 2012 they took 23 bulls for 25 hunters and both unsuccessful hunters had opportunities. In 2011 they had 16 hunters take 16 bulls. Bulls typically gross score between 270 and 320 Boone and Crockett. As you can see the success rate has stayed very consistent and the number of hunters taken has increased with the amount of land being added to the program.
Lodge, cabins or ranch house accommodations, 5 days guided 1x1 is $8,000 guided 2x1 is $7,000, with airport pickup in SLC included. Available dates are September 11 to 15, 19 to 22, 25 to 29 and this is a CWMU so tags are guaranteed and you can rifle hunt during the bugle rut season. Some ranches have a better elk hunt later during the month of October so they also accommodate hunters up to October 28. Hunt EKM655.
South Fork Ranch is also a CWMU and has over 70,000 private acres. Last fall in 2013 they hosted 50 elk hunters over the course of the season and 49 bulls were harvested. The average bull came in between 250 to 280 points. In 2012 out of the 50 hunters 48 scored on bulls. As you can see the success rate on quality bulls is very high and has been the past 5 years.
It is a physically easy ranch to hunt going from 5,500 feet with low cedars up to 10,000 feet with oakbrush, aspen and pines. Small private cabins are the accommodations with a cookhouse and they can take up to 10 hunters per hunt. September rut hunts or late November hunts are $7,500 1x1 or $7,000 2x1 and the tags are guaranteed, no drawing or points. Hunt EKSF655.
Minnie Maude Ranch is a CWMU with 15,000 private acres located near Price, Utah and has produced the biggest bulls the past 3 years. In 2013 over the course of 3 hunts they had a total of 20 hunters harvest 20 bulls, averaging 290 inches and the top bulls grossed into the 330’s. In 2012 all 18 hunters tagged bulls, with the best scoring in the 330’s. In 2011 success continued at 100 percent with 22 hunters taking 22 bulls.
The property has little road access and can be a more physical hunt. They do 3 groups of 7 or 8 September 14 to 18, 21 to 25 and 27 to October 1. 5 days $8,000 guided 1x1 or $7,500 2x1. The areas bordering Minnie Maude are spike only areas, so the bulls have a chance to put on some age. Tent camp accommodations, with airport pickup in SLC. No drawing, guaranteed tag. Tax is not included on any of these hunts at 6.5 percent and availability is very limited. Hunt EKMM655.
Sad to say 2014 will be the last year this outfitter will have the Chase Ranch. It will be incorporated into the Philmont Boy Scout Property in 2015. Past years this hunt continued to produce quality bulls at a very affordable price with guaranteed landowner vouchers included, no drawings. 2013 was a little tougher due to the drought, but they still ended up 4 for 7 on the first hunt and 2 hunters missed and one passed. Top bulls grossed 320 and 300 inches. Second hunt went 3 for 3, including a couple in the low 300’s. At press time the third hunt had just finished with 5 hunters taking 3 bulls.
In 2012 the first rifle hunt in early October produced 8 bulls for the 9 hunters and the unsuccessful hunter missed 2 bulls. All were good respectable bulls with the best one grossing in the 320’s. The second hunt produced 5 bulls for 6 hunters with the top bulls scoring 336 and 2 more in the 300’s. On the third hunt later in October 3 hunters took 3 bulls. He also ran a fourth hunt and both hunters scored on 2 bulls.
2011 season started off with 12 hunters taking 9 bulls and 7 scored over 300 inches. The best went 350 and 2 more were taken right at 330. The second hunt 7 of the 8 hunters tagged out, including 3 over 300 inches and on the third hunt all 3 hunters scored with the best going 310.
In 2010 over the course of 3 hunts, 19 hunters had tagged 17 bulls and the top 3 grossed 330 inches.
This 12,000-acre ranch in northeastern New Mexico borders the Philmont Boy Scout Ranch on one side and the famous VeremejoPark on the other, in fact, this outfitter is also issued a few tags to hunt 8,000 acres in DeanCanyon on Veremejo.
The first 5-day hunt, October 1 to 5, guided 2x1 including landowner voucher is $5,500 with a $2,000 trophy fee. Second hunt, October 11 to 15, is $4,750 plus $2,000 trophy fee. Third hunt, October 22 to 26, is $3,750 plus $2,000 trophy fee and December hunts are $3,750 with a $2,000 trophy fee (dates are approximate). If you draw blood the trophy fee is paid. Hunters can expect to hear some bugling on these early hunts and black bear can be taken for only a $500 kill fee.
He also offers a 6-day archery hunt for $3,750 plus $2,000 for September 9 to 15 and a higher priced $4,500 plus $2,000 trophy fee September 17 to 22. In 2012, 6 archers took 4 bulls, including 2 scoring in the 330’s.
Old ranch house accommodations with satellite TV, phone and screened in porch. 3-day cow hunts are also available for only $1,200. Hunters fly into Colorado Springs, Albuquerque or Amarillo and rent a car. License and 7% tax is not included. HCU’s Bob Wodzisz, Scott Steinkruger and Cliff Graham have all been on this ranch. Hunt EK333.
This hunt takes place in northeastern Utah on 35,000 free-range private acres. This hunt has been 100 percent success for several years. In 2013 size was off due to the low spring rainfall. Best bull scored 346 and they averaged between 310 and 315.
In 2012 all 24 hunters took bulls over the course of the 3 rut rifle hunts. Best bull grossed an amazing 386 Boone and Crockett points. Six more were taken that scored in the 340’s, with an overall average above 320. 2012 was an exceptional year for size, but success like this is typical.
This ranch is in the CWMU program, allowing them to rifle hunt in September during the rut. The property has an amazing bull to cow ratio of 80:100 and hunters can expect to see 15 to 20 good bulls per day. They normally take 8 hunters per hunt starting September 14 and finishing early October. This way all the hunters get to experience the rut in full force with bugling bulls and crashing of antlers. HCU has never had a hunter come home without a bull on this hunt.
Size was down in 2011 due to overall weather conditions, with bulls averaging a little over 300 inches. In 2010 they went 24 for 24 and the best bull grossed 346 Boone and Crockett. In 2009 the average bull grossed 320 and the best went 365 inches.
5-day hunt guided 2x1 is $10,000 with lodge accommodations and home cooked meals. Hunters are picked up at the Salt Lake City airport. HCU’s Cliff Graham and Bob Wodzisz have been on this ranch. Openings are very limited. Hunt EK255.
This private ranch located in northeastern Utah gets 4 elk tags that they can use in September for a rifle rut hunt. Past years have been near 100% success on bulls averaging just shy of 300 gross Boone and Crockett. In 2013 they took 3 bulls for the 4 hunters including 2 bulls in the 300-class and a 5x6 grossing 280 points. The unsuccessful hunter became quite ill and could not hunt, so in reality they were 3 for 3. In 2012 they had a banner year taking 4 bulls grossing 360, 330, 300 and a 290. This is not the norm and we don’t expect bulls scoring over 320 to be taken very often.
They usually run this hunt about September 13 to 17 and it is priced at $6,500 guided 2x1 with cabin accommodations and meals included along with airport pickup in Salt Lake City.
Cliff Graham and Bob Wodzisz have hunted with this outfitter and the ranch has 2 main drainages that are not physically demanding to hunt. This hunt is open for 2014. Hunt EK772.
This outfitter has exclusive rights to his family’s private ranch. Combine this with horses to take you up and down the mountain daily, remodeled old turn of the century cabin accommodations, over-the-counter tags, plenty of elk and the price is affordable.
2013 was a tougher than normal season, all hunters were into elk, but success was down for whatever reason. First rifle they went 5 for 8. Combined second season was 6 for 9. Third season was 12 for 15 and fourth went 4 for 6. He had a few deer hunters and they killed bucks in the 160 to 170-inch class.
2012 season over the course of 4 hunts they had went 8 for 8 on the first gun hunt, 11 for 13 on the second hunt and all 13 had opportunities, third hunt 5 for 7 and a couple missed, fourth hunt 7 for 8 and the unsuccessful hunter missed and crippled a bull.
2011 first rifle hunt went 8 for 8 on bulls, second hunt 7 for 8, third hunt 3 for 7, but they hit and lost 3 and missed 6.