Walter Aseltine School
School Community Council Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Members Present: Tammy Legge, Lana Moore, Tanya Morris, Laurie Slocombe, Julie Sparks, Janelle Ernst
Election of Chair:Tanya was in agreement to chair the meeting and Lana agreed to act as Secretary for the AGM.
Call to Order: Tanya called the meeting to order at 7:03.
Adoption of Agenda: Tammy moved to adopt the agenda as presented.
Welcome: Laurie welcomed all members and the following introductions were made:
Permanent SCC Member: Laurie Slocombe (School Principal)
Present SCC members: Tammy Legge, Lana Moore, Tanya Morris,
Janelle Ernst, Julie Sparks
Minutes from 2014 AGM: Janelle motioned for approval of the minutes as read, Julie seconded.
SCC Elections and Terms of Office: The current chair (Tanya), treasurer (Julie) and secretary (Linda) agreed to continue with their roles. Lana motioned for nominations to cease as no new members present and offices filled, Tammy seconded.
Reports:Copies of all reports were provided to members present.
Chairperson: Tanya reviewed the 2014-15 WAS SCC Summary (attached).
Financial:Julie gave the 2014-15 financial report for WAS SCC and reported a closing
balance of $41,242.33 (chequing) and $691.62 (savings).
Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP): Laurie reviewed the principles of Hoshin Kanri and discussed WAS two ESSP goals related to math and wellness. The SCC had an indepth discussion on assessment. Laurie highlighted the visual wall where we could view the school’s progress on the math goal in particular.
Tammy moved to adjourn the meeting and Julie seconded the motion.
Next meeting: May 26, 2015
2014-2015 WAS SCC Summary
This year began with Laurie Slocombe and Greg McJannet as permanent members, elected members, Tanya Morris, Julie Sparks, Tammy Legge, Lana Moore, Melanie Cruse, Janet Hutchison, Linda Varty and Jannelle Ernst. Janice Prefontaine resigned from the council due to moving away from the community.
Chair – Tanya Morris
Secretary – Linda Varty
Treasurer – Julie Sparks
SCC Events
WalterAseltineSchool had 4 retirements announced in May 2014 – Jon Kadler, Linda Varty, Beth MacDonald and Sandra Simpson. The SCC provided each with $50.00 chamber bucks gift certificates. With retirements, leaves and some other shuffling of staff WalterAseltineSchool had 8 new staff to welcome. We provided each new teacher with a Sun West mug.
Workshop – some members of the SCC attended another interesting and informational breakout sessions at the workshop held in Outlook. It is great to gather with other SCC groups and hear what they have been doing.
The SCC members contributed to the completion and update to our existing SLIP insert in June 2014.
Literacy Fair – In June the SCC presented a wonderful display and a huge poster which outlined the activities of the WAS SCC. We gave a big Thank You to Janice for taking the lead in creating the fantastic poster. Our table had the following items the represented our activities: books, SCC T-Shirts (logo), writing booklets, rocks and rings and basket of apples.
Grade 6 grad – June 2014 saw another grade 6 Graduation. The SCC treated the grad students with a catered breakfast the day of Graduation. This has been very well received and we hope to continue this in the coming years.
Welcome Back BBQ – Once again the SCC sponsored the welcome back BBQ in September. We had a great turnout for the free BBQ. The SCC finds this is a great opportunity to welcome the community into the school and meet the many new faces of WalterAseltineSchool.
In September we took some time to review our existing Constitution and compared it to the provincial template. We considered attendance in two parts: executive officers and elected members. With this addition of attendance it states: “as an officer, the member is accountable to the SCC and must assure that his/her role has a delegate in his/her absence for meetings.” Attendance of elected members is covered in the norms, which Laurie will add to the constitution.
The SCC found it necessary to review our Policy & Procedures and review what we have discussed in past meetings to ensure we are consistent in regards to staff appreciation, guest reader books, rural congress, new teachers, Regional Library book draw, death of immediate family, retirements, interns, staff moving/leaving and grade 6 grad.
Parent teacher night – Linda offered to set up an SCC information booth during the parent/teacher night that promoted, Mathletics, Power School login, Bingo, the walking trail (awareness only) and the school website and the Daily Bulletin on Power School
Teacher Appreciation Lunch – provided a catered lunch for the teachers in February.
Rural Congress – It was determined by the SCC that with the standards that we have continued in our budgeting and support of the school’s goals, we were unable to sponsor the attendance of any of our members to Rural Congress this year.
Reading Goal
The SCC continued with it’s donation to the Wheatland Regional Library, $1.00 student, which in turn provided each classroom with a great donation of books for students to win.
Guest Reader – as this has been successful in the past SCC decided organized another Guest Reader day, where members from the community come into to the school and read to the students. The books that the guest reader’s read were purchased by the SCC
Music & Theatrical Arts – The SCC invited Brenda Hamilton and Elan Kidd to discuss the speech arts components at the musical festival. They are inviting schools to be involved in the spoken components of the festival. They discussed the parameters and protocols for spoken submissions and shared information on oratory and other workshops. This will be something that the SCC along with the teachers will work on promoting for the next years festival.
Wellness Goal
Apples – SCC continues to supply the school with apples for students needing a healthy snack.
Walking Trail – lots of leg work has been done by the SCC and the Walking Trail Committee. This mighty project has seen huge progress in term of fundraising. Thanks to Tammy for gathering quotes and having key discussions to determine what material is best for our walking trail. The community has really embraced our project which has been the recipient of several large community fundraising funds and donations. Our total to date is $48,000. Some of the fundraising/donations that has been received is:
Ladies Night Out – Vegas
Santa’s Breakfast with Scotia matching
Family Dance
Corporate Donations
Room Parents
Bottle Drive
Rosebowl Food Booth
Grade 4 Art display and Auction (Pharmasave)
Healthy Choices Bingo – we agreed to run another healthy choices bingo, one card a week for the month of November, starting Oct 31. The teachers presented this as a class challenge.
60 Minute Kids Club – our school once again registered for 60 Minute Kids Club and we ended up number 1 school in Saskatchewan and in the top 10 in Canada.
Math Goal
Healthy Choices Bingo – With the class challenge this also promoted the math literacy goal. Each week the class charted their progress in bar graphs and was on display in the hallway. The winning class was rewarded small smoothies.
Hoshin Kanri – “Math Doesn’t Make Sense” this was circulated to the SCC(which a work in progress) and there was discussions on how the SCC can promote math skills with parents. The staff/teaches have put together “math bags” with a booklet of math games that can be played with dice and cards and 12 sided dice. The SCC purchased decks of cards and 12 sided dice for the packages.