Algebra I

2014-2015 Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mr. Nathan Hunter

Phone: (636)464-4429 ext: 4767

E-mail: nhunter@

Room: 223

Office Hours: M-F 1:43-2:30(7th period) or by appointment


This course is designed to cover beginning concepts of algebraic topics and processes so students may be able to solve real-world and mathematical problems. Lessons will include definitions of algebraic words, problem solving techniques, and proofs of algebraic theories and postulates.


Students will be expected to be prepared for class everyday with proper supplies, completed homework, and required amounts of studying needed to fully understand previously covered topics. While in class, students will behave in an appropriate manner suitable for a classroom. In general, unacceptable behaviors will unreasonably disrupt the teacher, other students, or yourself.


Students should always have pencils and erasers. Pen is not accessible: this is a math class, you will make mistakes! I will not accept work done in pen. Graph paper is not required unless you prefer it. Calculators will be provided when needed.


Homework will be given almost every day. Homework will not always be taken up for a grade. You are expected to complete homework regularly. Seek help during OWL time, after school, or before school. Use online resources to search for videos or web pages on any topic covered in class. Some excellent resources are:




Topics Covered

Foundations for Algebra

Solving Equations with One Variable

Functions and Their Graphs

Linear Functions

Systems of Equations and Inequalities

Polynomials and Factoring

Quadratic Functions and Equations

Radical Expressions and Equations


Homework, some quizzes, and classroom participation will count for 25% as PARTICIPATION while some quizzes and tests will count for 75% of the course grade as SUMMATIVIES.

Final Remarks

In order to be successful in this class you MUST be responsible with your time.

·  Only studying the day before the test will not work; study a little every day.

·  Seek help when you don’t understand; don’t get lost and remain there.

·  Don’t give up! Math is learned by trial and error, and more errors, and finally, more errors! If you are persistent, you can learn anything you want (not just math).

·  Good luck. Keep calm and study02426 hard : )