1Teacher’s Name: McKaig Week 0f: March 23-27

Course Title and Periods Taught: Animation 2 Unit Title: 3D modeling with primitives, The Bird

List learning target
(related to Core Academic Standard): / Briefly outline daily lesson activities/agenda: / Formative assessment:
Monday / I can…
·  Define 3D computer generated animation
·  Use the program anim8or to complete assignments
·  Define and/or explain tweens and tweeing, as it pertains to animation
·  Define key frames, and use them to animate a model
·  Define armature (skeletona)
·  Create a skeleton, a model, key frames and and short animated sequence / Students will start the third tutorial today, the bird. This is a three part tutorial involving construction of a model, construction of the armature for the model, referred to as the skeleton in Anim8or, and the animation of the model, making it walk and follow a path. This tutorial will take a couple of weeks, and will be completed after spring break. / Q & A
Observing use of learned skills or knowledge
Checking for understanding
Recalling information
Tuesday / I can…
·  Define 3D computer generated animation
·  Use the program anim8or to complete assignments
·  Define and/or explain tweens and tweeing, as it pertains to animation
·  Define key frames, and use them to animate a model
·  Define armature (skeletona)
·  Create a skeleton, a model, key frames and and short animated sequence / Work on bird tutorial / Q & A
Observing use of learned skills or knowledge
Checking for understanding
Recalling information
Wednesday / I can…
·  Define 3D computer generated animation
·  Use the program anim8or to complete assignments
·  Define and/or explain tweens and tweeing, as it pertains to animation
·  Define key frames, and use them to animate a model
·  Define armature (skeletona)
·  Create a skeleton, a model, key frames and and short animated sequence / Work on bird tutorial / Q & A
Observing use of learned skills or knowledge
Checking for understanding
Recalling information
Thursday / I can…
·  Define 3D computer generated animation
·  Use the program anim8or to complete assignments
·  Define and/or explain tweens and tweeing, as it pertains to animation
·  Define key frames, and use them to animate a model
·  Define armature (skeletona)
·  Create a skeleton, a model, key frames and and short animated sequence / Work on bird tutorial. / Q & A
Observing use of learned skills or knowledge
Checking for understanding
Recalling information
Friday / I can…
·  Define 3D computer generated animation
·  Use the program anim8or to complete assignments
·  Define and/or explain tweens and tweeing, as it pertains to animation
·  Define key frames, and use them to animate a model
·  Define armature (skeletona)
·  Create a skeleton, a model, key frames and and short animated sequence / Work on bird tutorial / Q & A
Observing use of learned skills or knowledge
Checking for understanding
Recalling information