2014-15/Test-1/11th/JEEMAIN(1)/Code-P Mittal Sir
III-A/172 , Nehru Nagar Ghaziabad. Ph : 9811212090, 9868502091.
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Topic : Mole Concept, Atomic Structure
Date : 21 May 2014
Max Marks : 120 Time : 50 minutes
“All the best”
Section - I
Single Correct Answer Type(+4/-1)
This section contains 25 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (a), (b), (c) and (d) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
- Which of the following has largest number of oxygen atoms
(a) 1 mol of O3(b) 48 gm of O2
(c) 54 gm of H2O(d) 44.8 lit of CO2 at S.T.P
- Volume of O2 released at S.T.P by heating 24.5 gm of potassium chlorate
2 KClO3 2 KCl + 3 O2
K = 39, Cl = 35.5
(a) 2.24 lit(b) 4.48 lit(c) 6.72 lit(d) 3.36 lit
- Weight of oxygen required to react completely with 11.2 lit NH3 measured at S.T.P to produce nitric oxide according to reaction.
4NH3 + 5 O2 4 NO + 6 H2O
(a) 32 gm (b) 16 gm(c) 40 gm(d) 20 gm
- Which of the following has highest value of
(a) cathode rays particle using H2 in discharge tube
(b) cathode rays particle using He in discharge tube
(c) cathode rays particle using O2 in discharge tube
(d) same in all
- A sample of caustic soda contain 80% NaOH by mass. Weight of caustic soda required to prepare 400 ml of 0.2 M solution of NaOH is (Na = 23)
(a) 4.0 gm(b) 3.2 gm(c) 2.56 gm(d) 8 gm
- Mols of CO2 evolved on heating 10 gm a mixture containing equal moles of CaCO3, MgCO3 and Na2CO3.
(Ca = 40, Mg = 24, Na = 23)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
- A solution of sulphuric acid is labelled ‘2M’ if density of this solution is 1.12 gm/ml, weight of H2SO4 present in 100 gm of solution is –
(a) 19.6 gm(b) 21.95 gm(c) 13.8 gm(d) 17.5 gm
- Which of the following electronic transition in ‘H’ atom require photon of smallest wavelength
(a) n=1 to 2(b) n=2 to 3(c) n=2 to 4(d) n=3 to 12
- A solution of glucose has 50 % by mass glucose, mole fraction of water in solution is –
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Space for rough work
- 400 ml of a solution of H2SO4 was diluted, due to dilution its molarity remain of initial molarity. Volume of water added for dilution is
(a) 500 ml(b) 400 ml(c) 300 ml(d) 100 ml
- Volume of Cl2 evolved at S.T.P when 500 ml of 0.4 M HCl solution is added on excess of powdered MnO2
MnO2 + 4 HCl MnCl2 + Cl2 + 2 H2O
(a) 2.24 lit(b) 1.12 lit(c) 0.56 lit(d) 4.48 lit
- In a closed vessel 112 gm of N2 was reacted with 224 lit of H2 measured at S.T.P. Total number of moles of product and reactant (if any) in vessel after the reaction are –
(a) 10 mols (b) mols(c) mols (d) None of these
- 30 gm of C2H6(g) was combusted in limited supply of oxygen
2 C2H6(g) + 7 O2 4 CO2(g) + 6 H2O(l)
2 C2H6 + 5 O2 4 CO(g) + 6 H2O(l)
Both reactions occurred simultaneously. If 20% of C2H6(g) combusted to form carbon mono oxide, than volume of oxygen required at S.T.P is –
(a) 44.8 lit(b) 67.2 lit(c) 73.92 lit(d) 86.41 lit
- An organic compound contains 40% carbon and 6.67% hydrogen by mass. The empirical formula of compound is –
(a) CH2(b) C2H4O2(c) C2H6O(d) CH2O
- A gaseous mixture contain CH4, CO and He in molar ratio of 2 : 1 : 3 weight of oxygen required to combust 1.2 moles of this gaseous mixture is –
(a) 28.8 gm(b) 35.4 gm (c) 20.5 gm(d) 41.4 gm
- Which of the following does not give CO2 on heating
(a) Li2CO3(b) Na2CO3(c) Ca(HCO3)2(d) MgCO3
- A solution of NaOH is prepared by mixing 90 gm NaOH in water to obtain 500 ml solution. If density of solution is 1.2 gm/ml the ratio of is –
(m = molality of solution, M = molarity of solution)
(a) (b) (c) 1(d) 1.2
- Number of photons of wavelength 500 nm required to produce 1 kJ of energy is approximately –
(a) 2.5 1022(b) 2.5 1021(c) 2.5 1020 (d) 2.5 1018
Space for rough work
- Which of the following violate Aufbau rule –
(c) (d) All of these
- According to Rutherford’s atomic theory the spectrum of atom should be
(a) continuous
(b) discontinuous
(c) Initially continuous but later on discontinuous
(d) Initially discontinuous but later on continuous
- Wavelength of photon emitted when an electron jump from n=3 to n=2 in ‘H’ atom.
(a) 121 nm (b) 91 nm(c) 375 nm(d) 760 nm
- Ionisation potential of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV the ionisation potential in kJ/mol for He+ is
(a) 1312 kJ/mol (b) 328 kJ/mol(c) 5248 kJ/mol(d) 2624 kJ/mol
- Given that the abundances of isotopes 54Fe, 56Fe and 57Fe are 5%,90% and 5%, respectively, the atomic mass of Fe is
(a) 55.85 (b) 55.95 (c) 55.75 (d) 56.05
- An organic compound on analysis was found to contain 10.06% carbon, 0.84% hydrogen and 89.10% chlorine. What will be the empirical formula of the substance ?
(a) CH2Cl2 (b) CHCl3 (c) CCl4 (d) CH3Cl
- 100 ml of water was saturated with H2S gas by which volume became 110 ml, if density of this solution is 0.95 gm/ml. The percentage of H2S by mass in this solution is –
(a) 4.5 %(b) 4.3 %(c) 4.9 %(d) 5.1 %
Space for rough work
Section - II
Integer type (+4/-1)
This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each of the questions is a single digit integer, ranging from 0 to 9. The appropriate bubbles below the respective question numbers in the ORS have to be darkened. For example, if the correct answer to question numbers X, Y, Z and W (say) are 6, 0, 9 and 2, respectively, then the correct darkening of bubbles will look like the following :
- Total number of unpaired electrons in Cr+3 (Cr = 24) Ans –(3)
- The magnetic moment of Mnx+ is 3.92 B.M the value of ‘x’ is – Ans –(4)
- The energy of electron in second orbit of a hydrogenic species Ax+ is – 54.4 ev. The value of ‘x’ is – Ans –(3)
- Volume in litres of a 2.0 M solution of H2SO4 required to react completely with 160 gm of NaOH is – Ans –(4)
- If Hunds rule is violated number of unpaired electrons in oxygen (O) is/are – Ans –(0)
Space for rough work
III-A/172 , Nehru Nagar Ghaziabad. Ph : 9811212090, 9868502091.
email : , website :
Section – I (Straight Objective Type)
1 611
2 712
3 813
4 914
16 21
17 22
18 23
19 24
20 25
Section – II (Integer Type)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
III-A/172, Nehru Nagar Ghaziabad. Ph : 9811212090, 9868502091