2013Guest Speaker List

Academic Advising - University Exploratory Studies Program (UESP) - Kerry Kincanon,

The UESP advisors can present on "Major Decision Making: Strategies for Confirming or Choosing Your Academic Pathway" and/or "Academic Advising Q&A: Tips from Advisors on Getting the Most out of Academic Advising."

Academic Success Center (ASC) - Moira Dempsey,

The ASC can talk about services including academic coaching and supplemental instruction. They can also discuss academic success strategies like time management, effective test taking, or group presentations. ASC presentations are 30 minutes or less (they do not fill an entire class period). Fill out the presentation request form at .

Campus Safety –Trooper Chris Graves,

Past topics discussed by OSP have been: MIP laws and issues, Marijuana, basic safety measures, bike rules and other misc issues with an ample opportunity to ask questions.

Career Services

Career Services can offer an "Overview of Career Services" that also includes our philosophy and approach to career development in general. In the presentation, we emphasize the importance of career exploration, self knowledge, gaining experience, and learning to network. Fill out the presentation request form at .

Counseling and Psychological Services – Patsy Vaughn, (541) 737-2131

CAPS provides counseling services to all OSU students.CAPS presentations would give students an overview of specific services provided by this office. Fill out the presentation request form at(preferred).

Diversity Development/Cultural Centers - Victoria Nguyen, 737-6370 or

Presentations would cover basic understanding of the relevance of having Cultural Centers on campus, as well as discussion on the unique student centered leadership model, and information on how to get involved with cultural programming at the four centers.

Financial Aid - Aaron Waldron,

Financial Responsibility/Credit Cards/Identity Theft protection – AnnissaArthenayake, OSU Federal Credit Union,

Presentations are customized to the audience and cover budgeting, saving, credit, debt, check book management, ID Theft, and real estate. Presentations include knowledge and tools to help increase financial literacy.

Human Service Resource Center- 737-3747 or

We provide direct service, outreach, education, and referral services to OSU students that help alleviate the effects of hunger, poverty, and other human needs so that students can pursue a quality education.

We also create a dynamic learning environment in which students, faculty and the community can learn how to meet the current pressing societal challenges facing college students.

Intercultural Student Services – Maleah Harris, 737-9034 or

Presentations revolve around diversity and intercultural issues as well as a variety of other topics that can be tailored to the instructor’s preference.

International Programs/Study Abroad –Shandin Rickard,

Presentation covers a variety of international opportunities through OSU, including study abroad, international internships, and the International Degree. We can generally discuss all of the above, have study abroad returnees available to share their experiences, or customize our presentation to focus more on the financial piece, specific academic fields and/or particular regions/countries.

Math Center - Scott Peterson,

Presentations revolve around services provided by the MLC: Free drop in tutoring, a computer lab, and tables to work together with other students, etc. (approx. 20 - 25 minutes).

Project Social Justice- Charlene Martinez,

The Project Social Justice program is a nine-month mentoring program for individuals interested in becoming effective social change agents

Rec. Sports- Mark Belson,

Teambuilding activities, leadership demonstrations, challenge course options.

Student Conduct –737-3656

Presentations would revolve around discussion of student conduct and the student conduct code.

Student Health Services-

Presentation topics range from nutrition, body image, relationships, to exercise and healthy eating. For a full list of topics and to request a presentation please fill out the Request Form at

Student Leadership and Involvement –Melissa Yamamoto,

Presentation topics include: Developing yourself as a leader for positive change, Leadership in a Global World, Values and Ethics in Leadership, Service-based leadership, Partner with Career Services on Involvement and your Resume, Strengths Quest inventory and Team Building exercises for groups

SLI also supports Team Liberation, the Community Service Center, ISOSU, Student Sustainability Initiative, Greek Life, MUPC, and over 300 clubs/orgs so if you want a "Value of Involvement" presentation/panel we could develop that as well.

Writing Center- Dennis Bennett,