2017 GoSTEM Summer Institute Schedule

How It Works – Nature Tech

Monday, July 10:

Topic of the day: Energy and sustainability (Room 102 Science Building I)

9 – 10am: Introductions/Announcements

10 – 11am: What is Energy?

11– 11:45am: Activity 1: Energy Detective? / Renew a Bean

12 – 1pm: Lunch

1 – 2pm: Activity 2: Hike behind campus and discussion of energy flow in nature (collect spores for next day’s activity)

2 – 2: 30pm: Recap of day and final presentation entry 1

2:30 – 3pm: Free time

Tuesday, July 11:

Topic of the day: Plant biology and solar energy (Room 102 Science Building I)

9 – 9:30am: Welcome and overview of day

9:30 – 10:30am: How plants work (sow spores on agar plates)/ Leaf relay

10:30– 11:45am: Photovoltaic electricity activity

12 – 1pm: Lunch

1 – 2 pm: Build a solar car

2 – 2: 30pm: Recap of day and final presentation entry 2

2:30 – 3pm: Free Time

Wednesday, July 12:

Topic of the day: Water and wind (Room 102 Science Building I)

9 – 9:30am: Welcome and overview of day

9:30 – 10:30am: How much wind is needed to turn a modern wind machine?

10:30– 11:45am: Build a wind turbine and an anemometer

12 – 1pm: Lunch

1 – 2 pm: Hydropower: Build a “Turbin-ator”

2 – 2: 30pm: Recap of day and final presentation entry 3

2:30 – 3pm: Free Time

Thursday, July 13:

Topic of the day: Insect biology and robotics (Room 102 Science Building I)

9 – 9:30am: Welcome and overview of day

9:30 – 10:30am: Insect collection activity

10:30– 11:45am: Observation of insect movement and build a bristlebot habitat

12 – 1pm: Lunch

1 – 2 pm: Build and play with bristlebots

2 – 2: 30pm: Recap of day and final presentation entry 3

2:30 – 3pm: Free Time

Friday, July 14:

Topic of the day: Sustainability (Room 102 Science Building I)

9 – 9:30am: Welcome and overview of day

9:30 – 11:00am: Science Discovery Center

11 – 12pm: Kerry Foster, Casella Waste Services

12 – 1pm: Lunch

1 – 2 pm: Build a composter / observe growth of spores from day 2

2 – 2: 30pm: Recap of day and final presentation entry 5

2:30 – 3pm: Free Time

Saturday, July 15:

9 – 10:00am: Reception & Presentation of Certificates (Craven Lounge, Morris Complex)

****Note: All of the above times are estimates, except for lunch. Any “Open” times that develop can be filled in with quick hands-on activities or free time outside. ****