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2014Client Tax Return Information Pack
To enable Brookson to prepare a Tax Return for you please fully complete this form.
You will need to include details of all income you have received during the period 6th April 2013 to 5th April 2014.
It is strongly advised that you consult the guidance when preparing this form as it will explain what information you need to provide.
If you fail to include all of your income for any reason, you could face an enquiry and financial penalties from HM Revenue & Customs.
You should provide supporting documents with this form.Scanned or copied documents are acceptable, we do not require originals.
Child Benefit – Everyone must answer the questions in the Child Benefit Section.
Please return the completed form to Brookson no later than 31stOctober 2014.

Tax Return information for the period 6th April 2013 to 5th April 2014

Brookson Reference
Full Name
Marital Status
Date of Birth
Full Address
Email Address

This is the email address that we will use to send your completed Tax Return and any queries we may have therefore you must ensure that you notify us immediately if you change your email address.

Mobile Number
Home Number
National Insurance Number
Self Assessment UTR
  1. Employment Income

Please provide details of every employment you have had between 6th April 2013 5th April 2014. If you do not have a P60 or P45 you will need to request a ‘statement of earnings’ from your employer.

(Note: If you are an employee of Brookson Solutions Limited or a Director of a company where Brookson prepare your accounts, details of your pay and dividends will be automatically accounted for. In the case of Limited Companies this will only be added once your accounts have been finalised.)

Use this space to provide details of all employments, you must include the P45/P60 for all employments

EmployerStart date End dateGross Salary Tax Deducted

  1. Bank & Building Society Interest received

A note of all interest received on Bank, Building Society and National Savings Accounts. You should provide statements or interest certificates. If you do not have them you can enter the amounts below:

Bank Amount NetJoint/Sole Account

  1. Dividends Received

You should provide dividend vouchers, (copies are fine), for any dividends received between the 6th April 2013 and 5th April 2014. Please ensure the ‘payable’ date falls in the tax year.

Name of company No. of shares Jointly held

  1. Self Employment

If you are in receipt of any income as a Sole Trader then you can provide a copy of yourself employment accounts to be included on the relevant tax return pages or alternatively should you wish for Brookson to prepare a set of accounts for you then we will require details of the income and expenses incurred during the year.

Accounting period date
Gross Income
Expenses / £IN
Travel & Subsistence
Legal & Professional
Employee Costs
Premises Costs
General Admin Costs
Motor Expenses
Bad debts
Other Finance Charges
Depreciation/loss (profit) on sale of assets
Any other expenses
  1. Partnership Income

If you are in receipt of any income as a partnership then you can provide a copy of your partnership tax return for the tax year 2013/2014which will be included on the relevant tax return pages or alternatively should you wish for Brookson to prepare a set of accounts for you then we will require details of the income and expenses during the year.

  1. Foreign Income

You will need to provide details of any income you received overseas detailing what income this was, when it was paid and confirmation of any foreign tax that has already been deducted at source.

7.Income from property

Property Address
Property Fully Furnished?
For Fully Furnished only is Wear & Tear Allowance Claimed?
Jointly Held? / If jointly held are the amounts your share only or total:-
Start date / End date
£OUT / £IN
Gross Rents Received
Mortgage Interest
Agent Fees
Service Charges
Gas Safety Check
Electric Safety Check
EPC (Energy Performance)
Repairs - itemise
  1. Pensions Received

You must provide a P60 or a statement from the pension provider for each pension you have received including State Pension.

State Pension Lump Sum – if you have received a State Pension Lump Sum you must provide the letter from the DWP stating the amount of the lump sum and the tax deducted.

Type of pension Gross Tax deductedP60

State Pension
State Pension Lump Sum
  1. State Benefits received

If you received any taxable State Benefits please confirm the type of benefit and enter the amount that you received.

Type of BenefitAmount Start date End date

10.Child Benefit

You must complete this section even if you believe the Child Benefit Charge does not apply to you. The reference to ‘Partner’ means any relationship married, civil partnership or living together as husband and wife.

  1. I live or have lived in a household were either myself or my partner was entitled to receive Child and did in fact receive Child Benefit

If you answered ‘No’ you do not need to continue with this section

  1. I am the highest earner in the household

  1. State the amount of Child Benefit you and your partner received

  1. State the number of children in the household

  1. Capital Gains Tax

If you have disposed of an asset during the tax year then you need to provide details so this can be reported on your tax return.

Asset description
Acquisition date
Purchase price
Acquisition costs
Disposal date
Proceeds received
Disposal Costs
  1. Other Income

If you received any other income from any source no matter where in the world it arises please provide details:

Type of income
Type of income
Type of income

You must provide full details of this income and any supporting documentation. For example if you worked via CIS you must provide your CIS statements and details, and proof of any expenditure.

  1. Student Loan

Please complete this section if your Student Loan was taken out any time from August 1998 to date.

Were you liable to make Student Loan Repayments before 6th April 2014
Will your Student Loan be fully repaid within the next 2 years
Did your employer deduct Student Loan from your pay

14.Pension Contributions

Use this section to provide details of any pensions that you make contributions to, not pensions received.

Name of pension scheme Contract No. Net paid for year Pension type

Private Personal Pension
Retirement Annuity

IMPORTANT: Did the total gross contributions made to your pension, including contributions made by your company or employer, exceed £50,000 during the tax year, if so you will need to provide a statement from the pension company which shows the gross contributions during the Pension Input Period (PIP).

15Allowable Deductions

If you made Charitable Donations or paid a subscription to a professional body please provide details:

Organisation Type of paymentAmount

16. Residency

If you have worked overseas during the 2013/14 tax year please complete this section.

Employer NameStart dateEnd date

In which country did/are you working?
Does your contract span a full UK tax year 6th April to 5th April

If you answered ‘No’ then you must provide details of your gross pay and tax deducted. You should provide a tax certificate which confirms your gross taxable pay and tax deducted.

Most countries tax year is the calendar year so in addition to the tax certificate you must provide payslips for January, February and March 2014.

Netherlands – please read if you have worked in the Netherlands:
If you worked in the Netherlands you must provide a Dutch Tax Certificate which will detail your pay to December 2013 in addition to this you must provide your payslips from January 2014 to March 2014.
Details of how to obtain a Dutch Tax Certificate can be found here: Dutch Tax Office

In all instances the pay details must fall within the UK tax year 6th April to 5th April.

If you are not resident in the UK please complete this section:

Note: you only provide the number of days in the UK for each tax year from the date you left. For example if you left the UK 30 June 2010 you only enter day’s spent in the UK from the 1st July 2010 onwards. Days in the UK:

6th April 2010 to 5th April 2011
6th April 2011 to 5th April 2012
6th April 2012 to 5th April 2013
6th April 2013 to 5th April 2014
Number of separate occasions in 2013/14

17. Payments on account

First payment on account – 31st January 2014 / £
Second payment on account – 31st July 2014 / £

18. Underpaid Tax

Please detail any underpaid tax for previous years that have been included in your tax codes:

Underpayment included in your 2013/2014 tax code / £
Underpayment included in your 2014/2015 tax code / £

19. Repayment details

If you aredue a refund of tax through your self assessment tax return then this can either be paid via a cheque or directly into your personal bank account. Please indicate which option you wish your repayment to be issued.

Payment method / Cheque/Bank
Account holders name
Name of bank
Account number
Sort code

20. Additional Information

Use this space to provide any additional information or explanations for your Tax Return


I confirm that the information provided is to my knowledge correct and complete and I have read and understood the terms & conditions. I agree to pay any fees that are due as detailed in the terms & conditions.


By sending the form electronically it will be considered acceptance of the statement above.

If you wish to print and post this form please sign it and post it to:

Tax Department

Brookson Limited

Brunel House

340 Firecrest Court

Centre Park



Send to

IMPORTANT:Self Assessment Penalties.
Late Tax Return penalties
All penalties are payable even when no tax is due.
1 day late £100
3 months late £10 per day, for a maximum of 90 days.
6 months late £300 or 5% of the tax due whichever is higher
12 months late £300 or 5% of the tax due whichever is higher.
A Tax Return submitted more than 12 months after the due date will incur the total of all of the above penalties total £1,600. This is the minimum penalty that HMRC can impose, they can charge up to 100% of the tax due if this is more.
Late payment surcharges
30 days late 5% of the tax due
6 months late 5% of the tax due
12 months late £300 or 5% of the tax due whichever is higher
In addition to the surcharges HMRC will charge interest on the tax due plus payments on account if applicable. The interest rate is currently 3% and runs from the due date for payment to the day before payment is actually made.

Please return the completed form to or print and post to Tax Department, Brookson Limited, Brunel House, 340 Firecrest Court, Centre Park, Warrington, WA1 1RG.