2016Annual Conference Session and Poster Session Proposal Form


As public entities, museums are points of intersection between diverse audiences, viewpoints, commitments, and practices. Among the challenges facing 21st-century museum educators is the obligation to balance competing claims—to expand the museum experience to meet the varied, and sometimes contradictory, needs of its manifold constituencies and stakeholders. The NYCMER Conference Committee and Board welcome proposals that touch upon questions of museum identity, education, programming, representation, and discourse as they affect, and are affected by, a rapidly diversifying country and cultures.

Proposals should be submitted via email as a Word attachment ONLY by midnight onJanuary 22, 2016.

Session Chair (This is the session’s main contact. All correspondence will be sent ONLY to the session chair):

First Name:

Last Name:

Phone number:

E-mail address:


Institution Name:


Part One: Type of Presentation

Please select which type of presentation you would like to do:

  • Breakout Session: Breakout sessions are live forums for exchanging ideas and teaching new skills and techniques. They follow a variety of formats (see below), but are similar in that they are creative and interactive, practical and replicable. Breakout sessions should offer participants skills and ideas that will enrich their practice, and should support professional development and skill building.
  • Poster Presentation: The poster presentation session is a venue in which many presenters will share their success stories, innovative projects and programs, resources, “fantastic failures”, and other such information-driven presentations in the form of tri-fold posters, featured in a marketplace environment. Posters should be able to be understood independently from presenters, but presenters are also expected to interact with attendees during the poster session.

Part Two: Presentation Details

If applying for a Breakout Session:

Breakout Session Title (15 words maximum)

Breakout Session Description(100 word maximum): This description will appear in the conference program.

Please select a format (Please select ONE).

__Experimental (60 minutes)

__Gallery (60 minutes)

__Workshop (60 minutes)

__Facilitated Dialogue (60 minutes)

Breakout Session Overview for Conference Committee Review(300 word maximum): Please include the following elements in your session overview:

●Focus:Describe the issue or challenge the session will address.

○What are themain points which will be covered or presented?

○What practical application(s) will be offered?

●Outcomes: What will attendees gain, learn, or be able to do after attending the session?

●Vision: Describe the implications this issue might have for the future of museums or the museum education field with consideration to the conference theme, “Intersections.”

Breakout Session Agenda: Please provide a lesson plan-like outline which delineates the objective(s) for the session, the take-away lessons for participants, and activities and timing for each segment of the session. Time should be allocated for Q+A in all session formats.

*Please note that all breakout session materials (i.e. digital presentations, handouts, etc.) must be submitted to the conference committee before the conference date (date arranged after acceptance) AND all such materials will be made available to current NYCMER members via following the conference.

Equipment and Technology Needs (for breakout sessions only)

____ Internet Access

____ TV/DVD player

____ Digital Projector/Laptop

____ Other (i.e., flip chart, slide projector, etc.) Please specify below:


Please Note: Projectors will be available in session rooms if requested in advance in the proposal. Presentations utilizing the Internet should download local versions of web pages in advance of the presentation.

If applying for a Poster Presentation:

Poster Presentation Title (15 words maximum)

Poster Presentation Description: (100 words maximum) This description will appear in the conference program.

Main points: Please provide a short description of the following points

  • Introduction: objectives, context and hypotheses, or predictions
  • Methods: subjects, study site, and protocol
  • Results: including graphs, display of electronic content, etc.
  • Discussion and Conclusions: significance of the findings
  • Acknowledgements and References

Equipment and Technology in Poster Presentations

Poster Presenters will be provided with 1 tri-fold poster in advance of the conference. Poster presentations should rely on the physical poster to share information and images. Presenters are welcome to use digital devices to enhance their poster, but may not rely on the conference site for outlets. Please indicate your acknowledgement of this clause by typing your initials in the box below.

___I understand that poster presentations are focused on a tri-fold poster, provided by the NYCMER conference committee in advance of the conference, and that digital enhancements will not be provided. If I choose to bring a digital device, I will not rely on the conference site for electrical outlets.

Part Three: Topic Track/Audience (all applications)

Topic Track(s) (Choose up to 3 topics that best fit your proposal, rating the most pertinent topic as 1, and so on.)

__ Access

__ Advocacy

__ Audiences

__ Collaborations & Relationships

__ Communication

__ Community

__ Evaluation

__ Inclusivity

__ Mistakes & Lessons

__ Multi-disciplinary Learning

__ Process

__ Program Facilitation

__ Sustainability

__ Technology & Virtual Learning

__ Training

__ Other (please indicate)


Audience Area(s) (Please check no more than two.)

__ Adult Audiences

__ Access

__ After School Initiatives

__ Community Outreach

__ Early Childhood Programs

__ Family Programs

__ Intradepartmental Initiatives/Collaborations

__External Collaborations/Partnerships

__ Leadership

__ Public Programs

__ Professional Development

__ School Programming

__ Teen/High School Programs

Please indicate the most appropriate audience(s) for whom is your session designed.

__ Students or Recent Graduates

__ Emerging Professionals

__ Mid-Career Professionals

__ Senior Professionals

Speaker Registration

Breakout session:Complimentary registrations are offered to a maximum of 3 presenters per breakout session. Additional presenters will be required to register at the conference rate. Price is dependent on NYCMER membership status.

Poster presentation:Complimentary registrations are offered to a maximum of 2 presenters per poster presentation. No additional presenters are permitted.

Main Contact/Session Chair(this should be the same person listed above – please add qualifications/bio here)

As the Session Chair, you are responsible for planning the breakout session or poster presentation, from conception to delivery, and all communication between your Conference Committee liaison and your presenters. The Session Chair must consent to the Session Chair Agreement (see below).

First Name:

Last Name:

Qualifications / Bio: (100 words or less)

Previous presentation experience (in the last 5 years):

Additional Presenters (aside from Session Chair)

Preference will be given to those proposals that have presenters confirmed.

Please note that the following list of presenters is final.

1First Name:

Last Name:


E-mail Address:



Institution City/State/Country:

Previous presentation experience (in the last 5 years):

Qualifications / Bio: (100 words or less)

__ Presenter is confirmed (please check)

2First Name:

Last Name:


E-mail Address:



Institution City/State/Country:

Previous presentation experience (in the last 5 years):

Qualifications / Bio: (100 words or less)

__ Presenter is confirmed (please check)

3First Name:

Last Name:


E-mail Address:



Institution City/State/Country:

Previous presentation experience (in the last 5 years):

Qualifications / Bio: (100 words or less)

__ Presenter is confirmed (please check)

4Please add contact information for any additional presenters in the above format, including presenter confirmation status.

Reminder: Complimentary registrations are offered to three presenters per breakout session and two presenters per poster presentation, including the Session Chair. All additional breakout session presenters must register and pay for the Conference on their own. Registration fees depend on presenter’s membership status. Poster presentations may not have more than two presenters.

Institutional Approval:

Proposals must have support from the Session Chair’s institution. A handwritten or electronic sign-offs by either the Executive Director or Director of Education is required for the proposal if the Session Chair is representing an institution in any way. If the Session Chair is representing him or herself exclusively and not a larger institution, he or she may sign off.


Signature Title

Session Chair Agreement

If my session proposal is accepted, as Session Chair, I will agree to the following:

●That the scheduling of my session during the conference day is at the discretion of the conference organizers, without exception.

●I will submit electronic versions of all materials and presentations to the NYCMER Conference Committee

3 weeks in advance of the Conference (by Monday, April 11, 2016).

  • I understand that ALL materials and presentations described above will be made available to current NYCMER members on following the conference.
  • I understand that the additional presenters listed and confirmed above comprise a final list, and that no changes to presenter participation will be accepted after submission of this proposal.

●I will inform my presenters of all expectations and deadlines provided by the conference organizers.

●I will facilitate the session and work with our assigned Conference Committee liaison on time-keeping, audio-visual coordination, information integration, etc.

●Breakout Session Chairs: I will convey to all my presenters that we receive a maximum of 3 complimentary registrations (usually the Session Chair and two additional presenters). Additional session presenters will pay full conference fees. The price per additional presenter is dependent on NYCMER membership status.

●Poster Presentation Chairs: I will convey to my co-presenter that we receive a maximum of 2 complimentary registrations (usually the Session Chair and one additional presenter).

●I will conduct a meeting, conference call, or other form of meeting, with my presenters in advance of the Conference to provide overall guidance on session organization, content, expectations, handouts, and learning objectives with the support of our assigned Conference Committee liaison.

●I will take into consideration all requests and alterations suggestions by the Conference Committee and will, to the best of my ability, present the session in the format and manner that was approved.

●I will stay in regular contact with my Conference Committee liaison in the weeks between my proposal being accepted and the conference day.

____ By initialing here, I agree to fulfill these expectations.

(If you do not initial above, your session proposal is not complete and will not be considered by the Conference Committee. Electronic initials are acceptable.)

Proposals should be submitted via email as a Word attachment ONLY on January 22, 2016.

Proposal receipt will be confirmed via email no later than January 29, 2016.

The Conference Committee will make final decisions regarding sessions by February 12th. At that time the Session Chair of each selected session will be notified and will be paired with a Conference Committee member who will work as a liaison. The Conference Committee reserves the right to recommend combining sessions and adding presenters as appropriate.