2016CommissionsTraining Program for Emerging Leaders

Guidelines for Applications

Applications Due via Email By March 25, 2016 toMichelle Lin at

The Cityof Los Angeles and Los Angeles Countycombined have nearly 250boards and commissions with more than one thousandappointed members who oversee key city and county agencies and advise the mayor and the Board of Supervisors on core policies and programs that impact the quality of life for residents.

Decisions madeby these agencies have a major impact throughout the city and county, but representation and influence of these boards and commissions by community members is challenging. Elected officials report that they lack qualified pools of candidates with experience as community leaders who have the time, technical expertise and interest in serving on commissions. In addition, communities throughout the LA metroarea face barriers to engagement with government representatives who make decisions that directly affect low-income and immigrant communities and communities of color.

With a 40-year track record of investment and training among LA’s diverse community leadership, Liberty Hill Foundation is launching its 3rdCommissions Training Program that sets out to address these challenges and build power for communities throughout Los Angeles.

Program Goals

Using Liberty Hill’s extensive networks, theWally Marks Leadership Institute Commissions Training Program for Emerging Leaders will achieve several long-term goals.

  1. Elected and appointed decision makers in the City and the County of Los Angeles are representative of, and accountable to, low-income communities and communities of color.
  2. Emerging community leaders understand how local appointed commissions have the potential to influence social justice in their communities, and, in turn, theylead their communities and organizations in influencing decision making on city and countyboards and commissions.
  3. Emerging community leaders hold seats on city, county, and regional commissions and possess technical knowledge and political strategies needed to implement and support equitable local policymaking.

Appointees trained by the Commissions Training Program for Emerging Leaders will not only be prepared to meet their day-to-day responsibilities as commissioners, but also tobring fresh thinking and innovative solutions to agency deliberations and decisionmaking, and help renew confidence in government.

Nuts and Bolts

The Commissions Training Program for EmergingLeaders is a cohort-driven, hands-on learning experiencethat incorporates Liberty Hill’s specialized knowledge of the commission appointment process, commission decision-making processes, and both internal and external strategies for influencing just policy outcomes. Participants will benefit from opportunities to interact with experienced current and past advocate commissioners and effective, knowledgeable community organizations. Participants will engage inopportunities for learning, networking, placement preparation, and technical support and mentoring with inside and outside advocates from the city, the county, and beyond.

Space is limited. The cohort will consist of 12 to 15 individuals. Those selected commit to interact in movement-building work to bring about more equitable decision-making on the Cityand County of Los Angeles appointed boards and commissions. Participants will be expected to make a site visit to a community organization and complete two commission observations. Graduates are also expected to support the ongoing program and movement by, when possible, recruiting future participants, weighing in the selection of subsequent cohorts, shaping future curriculum, attending ongoing strategic sessions, and participating in annual celebration events.

Those selected for participation will receive a small stipend to cover transportation, child care, and other costs.

Program Calendar

Applicationsare due by the end of the day on March 25, 2016. We will notify you no later than April 22, 2016as to your status in the program. Nominees who are accepted into the program must commit to attending all training and program events, as indicated below. Acceptance into the program will allow you to attend all events free of charge.

Date / Activity / Location
March 21 – April 15, 2016 / Scheduled one-on-one phone interview with Liberty Hill Foundation program staff. / N/A
Friday, May 13, 2016
9am to 4pm / 2016 Summit: Advancing Change for
Los Angeles County / TBD
June / Cohort Mixer / TBD
Thursday, July 14, 2016
9:30am to 3:00pm / Cohort Session #1: Commissions Training Program for Emerging Leaders / Liberty Hill Offices
6420 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 700
Thursday, August 4, 2016
6:00pm to 8:00pm / Roundtable #1: Topic TBD / TBD
Thursday, August 25, 2016
9:30am to 3:00pm / Cohort Session #2: Commissions Training Program for Emerging Leaders / Liberty Hill Offices
6420 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 700
Thursday, September 15, 2016
6:00pm to 8:00pm / Roundtable #2: Topic TBD / TBD
Friday, September 30, 2016
9:30am to 3:00pm / Cohort Session #3: Commissions Training Program for Emerging Leaders / Liberty Hill Offices
6420 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 700
Friday, October 28, 2016
9:30am to 3:00pm / Cohort Session #4: Commissions Training Program for Emerging Leaders / Liberty Hill Offices
6420 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 700
July-October / 2 Commission Observations
1 Community Organization Site Visit / TBD
Thursday, November 17, 2016
6:00pm to 8:00pm / Commissions Training Graduation / TBD

How to Apply

Admission to the training program is through an application process. Advocates for social justice are encouraged to apply, regardless of any organizationalfunding relationship with LHF. Applicants should be affiliated with a social justice organization through employment, board service, membership, or some other formal arrangement.

Applicantsshouldlive and/or work in the City or County of Los Angeles, and must submit the following items as part of their application packet:

1.A complete application, as described below.

2.A letter of support, as described below, from an Executive Director, board member, or other person with decision-making authority at your affiliated nonprofit organization that is working on issues important to the base in the City of and/or County of Los Angeles.

3.A resume, with current and complete contact information.

4.Biography one-sheet with photo.

5.A completed phone interview availability schedule, which you will find on the last page of this document.

The applicant is responsible for gathering all elements of their packet and submitting via email to Liberty Hill by the deadline.

Informational Webinars:We will be hosting three informational webinars onFebruary 16, March 1, and March 15 from 10:30-11:30am. These webinars will cover the application process as well as speak to the program curriculum. Please contact Michelle Lin at if you are interested in registering to attend.

Instructions for the Application:Please fill out the attached Application and Phone Interview Availability Schedule and submit to Liberty Hill via email to Michelle Lin at y end of day on Friday, March 25, 2016. Please include in the subject line:Commissions Training Program for Emerging Leaders.

Instructions for the Letter of Support: Letters should demonstrate organizational support of the individual applicant participating in this program,with particular attention to program commitments and overall goals. Letters of support should indicate why the applicant is a good fit for the program, particularly in terms of how the applicant can use the knowledge and skills gained to build power for low-income communities and communities of color in Los Angeles.

Commissions Training Program for Emerging Leaders



Organization and Title:

Work Address:

Home Address:

Phone Number:


Gender (optional): Ethnicity (optional):

Application Questions: Please answer the following questions thoroughly and attach additional sheets of paper as necessary.

  1. Which commissions or boards are you most interested in serving on or influencing for social justice outcomes, and why?
  1. What are your experiences, professional or personal, of supporting equity and/or social justice work for under-represented communities?
  1. What are your experiences in working with others (coalition work) to affect policy change?
  1. Please describe a time when you organized others to engage in social justice work.
  1. What are your experiences in interacting with local decision makers through some form of civic engagement or volunteerism?
  1. What previous experiences have you had in sitting on, influencing, or tracking public commissions?

Please rank the following subject matter categories (#1-6) according to your personal interest. If applicable, please specify a particular interest within the broader category. For example: women’s issues, mental health, LGBTQ issues, transit justice, youth justice, etc.

Criminal Justice Environmental Justice Immigration

Equitable Housing/Land Use Health Schools and Families

Other interests:

Phone Interview Availability Schedule

Please check off at least three (3) time slots when youare available for a phone interview and submit this with your application. Phone interviews will be approximately 45 minutes long.

Dates / 9 am – 11 am / 1 pm – 3 pm / 4 pm – 6 pm
Friday, March 25
Dates / 9 am – 11 am / 1 pm – 3 pm / 4 pm – 6 pm
Monday, March 28
Tuesday, March 29
Wednesday, March 30
Dates / 9 am – 11 am / 1 pm – 3 pm / 4 pm – 6 pm
Monday, April 4
Tuesday, April 5
Wednesday, April 6
Thursday, April 7
Friday, April 8
Dates / 9 am – 11 am / 1 pm – 3 pm / 4 pm – 6 pm
Monday, April 11
Tuesday, April 12
Wednesday, April 13
Thursday, April 14 / (N/A)
Friday, April 15

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