2012 CCIM International Activities Committee

Paris Hotel

Las Vegas, NV

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Committee Members:

Roger Broderick, CCIM, Chair

Ricardo Rubiano, CCIM, Vice-Chair

Mark Macek, CCIM, Immediate Past Chair

Don Sebastian, CCIM, 2012 Presidential Liaison

Jerry Hall, CCIM, 2013 Presidential Liaison

Leil Koch, CCIM, 2012 President

Stanley Armstrong, CCIM (excused)

Christopher Baker, CCIM (excused)

Constance Boyle, CCIM

Daniels Boardman, CCIM (excused)

Andrew Chan, CCIM

John Hsu, CCIM

John Lopez, CCIM

Gaston Reboredo, CCIM

Austin Wedemeyer, CCIM


Adrian Arriaga, CCIM

Ryan Christianson, CCIM

Wayne Kleinstiver, CCIM

Bill Milliken, CCIM

Davide Pio, CCIM

Douglas Sawyer, CCIM

Gavan Tavar, CCIM

Michael Tseng, CCIM

Juni On

David Liao

Chia Jung Chung

Better Hui-Hua Li

Michelle Ching-Hen Liu

Jae-Yong Kim

Joongmin An


Gail Collins

LaTonya Davenport

Call to Order

Roger Broderick, CCIM, Chair of the International Activities Committee called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.

Mr. Broderick reminded the voting committee members of the Institute’s Conflict of Interest Policy and the Anti-Trust statement was read by Ric Rubiano, CCIM.

The committee approved the April 24, 2012 meeting minutes as written.

The committee greeted international guests from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. The committee leadership and Institute leadership also planned one on one meeting with each country for the Monday. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss goals, objectives and concerns with each country.

Mr. Broderick introduced Mr. Steve Townsend, Vice President Global Services of Project Management Institute (PMI) who joined by phone and provided a very detailed overview on the structure for education, dues, and membership of PMI globally.

John Hsu, CCIM, provided an overview of information exchanges with China. He suggested that there are opportunities for increased networking and market information exchanges.

Adrian Arriaga, CCIM provided an update on initiatives through the National Association of REALTORS®.

Mark Macek, CCIM, immediate past chair provided an update on the status of country business plans and the steps going forward. There was continued discussion on the goals and objectives for CCIM in the international arena. It was confirmed that the country plans must be clear and may not be the same for each country.

The International Activities Committee accepted the Country Liaison reports from John Hsu for China; Michael Tseng, CCIM for Taiwan and John Stone, CCIM for Norway.

The International Activities Committee accepted the Member Retention Task force Report provided by Gaston Reboredo, CCIM.


Being no further business, the International Activities Committee meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.


1.  Continue to work on business plans with assistance from current international partners.

2.  Coordinate with the Education Task Force on the delivery and translation on course materials.