2012/2013 Semester 1 Review
- Define:
- Hemisphere
- Geography
- Absolute location
- Continent
- Ring of Fire
- Theme of Movement
- Theme of Human-Environmental Interaction
- Theme of Region
- Theme of Location
- Longitude (how it’s measured)
- Prime Meridian
- Island
- Equator
- Gross National Product
- Hierarchy
- Hinterland
- Canal
- Metropolitan
- Maritime
- Bedrock
- Tariff
- Separatism
- Tropical storm
- Hurricane
- Mulatto
- Mestizo
- Traditional economy
- Market economy
- Command economy
- Favelas
- Gasohol
- Campesinos
- Selva
- Map Skills: You need to know the location of the following items; 7 continents, 4 oceans, Equator, Prime Meridian, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn
- Give an example of a culture hearth.
- What is cultural convergence?
- What is the government authority and structure of the U.S.?
- What is another name for free enterprise?
- List 3 factors that influenced the economic development of the U.S.
- List 3 factors that contributed to the growth of the suburbs.
- List 3 nonrenewable resources vital to the energy supply and economy of the U.S.
- Why did the northeast develop into a major commercial center?
- What was the most efficient means of transporting raw materials and finished goods around the country in the early to mid-1800’s?
- Name 3 U.S. cities in which the rest of the world serve as its hinterlands.
- What kind of places do the majority of the American population live in?
- What did the government do to encourage farming in the Great Plains during the 1800’s?
- Why was the construction of the Erie Canal important?
- What belief is important in the free enterprise system?
- What is the primary reason the South and the West have increased in population in recent years?
- What region of Louisiana is often pictured in movies as mysterious, mossy swampland?
- What are mangrove trees?
- What is the sunbelt?
- What is a megalopolis?
- Why were settlers originally attracted to the South?
- Why is the Midwest called the nation’s breadbasket?
- How have residents of the West adapted to their environment? Give 3 ways.
- Why did the northeast become a leader in commerce?
- What are two important economic activities in the Atlantic Provinces region?
- What is the quality of life in British Columbia?
- How has the location of Ontario and Quebec greatly influenced their economic development?
- Why have mineral deposits and oil reserves in the Northern Territories not been developed?
- What happened with many English-speaking residents and businesses when the province of Quebec declared French to be it official language?
- What was the result of warfare between British and French colonists in N. America between 1689 and 1763?
- Describe the relationship between the U.S. and Canada. How do many Canadians feel?
- Why has national unity been difficult to achieve in Canada?
- What is a negative effect of building a pipeline above ground to transport Canada’s oil and mineral resources?
- What role does Canada play in the global community? What are the 3 ways?
- What is the most important natural resource of the Atlantic Provinces?
- How has Quebec and Ontario’s location helped them to develop as Canada’s economic heart?
- Where did the large cities of the Prairie Provinces develop in the late 1800’s?
- Why are the natural resources in the north largely undeveloped?
- Name 3 reasons that make national unity difficult to achieve in Canada?
- What is special about Quebec?
- What did the government do for the Quebecois when Canada became independent?
- What percentage of Canadian exports does the U.S. buy?
- What do some Quebecois favor?
- What physical characteristic dominates Mexico’s heartland region?
- How were the Bahamas created?
- Why are the temperatures in the Caribbean moderate?
- What is the main reason for high rates of migration among Caribbean islanders?
- How do the majority of the people in Central America earn their living?
- Give a brief history of the government in El Salvador.
- Where do most people live in the southeast region of Brazil?
- List 3 facts about the Amazon River.
- List 3 reasons for poverty in Brazil.
- What was the key to the Spanish conquest of Mexico in the 1500’s?
- Who ran the country until Mexico won its independence from Spain?
- What was the main cause of the Mexican Revolution?
- What change was brought about by the Mexican Revolution?
- Name 3 major sources of income for the Mexican economy?
- Name 3 policies the Brazilian government adopted to encourage economic growth.
- What caused the growth of Brazil’s middle class?
- The greatest number of people are now employed in what area in Brazil? (agriculture, manufacturing, service industry)
- Name 3 consequences of the economic growth of Brazil (2 negative, 1 positive).
- Once Brasilia was built, what other project needed to be built?
- Which industry does Venezuela’s economy rely most heavily on?
- Why is it difficult for small farmers in Colombia to produce enough to feed their families?
- Name 3 effects the Andes Mountains have had on the people who live in the area.
- How do the climatic conditions in Chile affect the population?
- What do the economies of Ecuador and Peru have in common?
- What element of physical geography binds the countries of South America together?
- Name the problems associated with Columbia’s dependence on a single crop.
- What is an unusual characteristic of politics in Uruguay?
- What S. American country has English as its official language?
- Know a recent current event and be able to relate one of the themes of geography to it.
- Know the Quebec issue.
- You need to be able to explain the relationship between the stability of a country’s political system and the success of its economy.