2017 – 2018 Pre-AP Precalculus

Welcome to Precalculus! I anticipate providing the best possible math instruction. In return, I ask that you provide the necessary focus, discipline, and academic commitment in order to be successful in this class. Here’s what you need to know so that we can get started.


  • The grading policy will follow the guidelines set by the district.


  • 3-ring Binder, Pencils, Erasers, Grading Pen, Notebook Paper, Ruler
  • Graph Paper or Graph Paper Post It Notes
  • TI-84 Calculator (if other, please see me) – If you do not have one, you need to go to the Libraryto check one out to use this year.
  • Use your binder for notes, homework, returned quizzes and tests. Please keep up with all of your papers so that you can put them in your binder in a logical manner.
  • Optional Supplies – Kleenex
  • If possible, I’d appreciate you bringing a box of Kleenex.


  • You will have homework every day with the exception of a few. Homework will not be graded every day. When I do collect homework in class, it is due at the time it is requested. You must do the homework in order to be successful on the quizzes and tests.


  • Organization is very important therefore you are required to keep a notebook in my class. Notes should be taken daily to keep in your notebook. Returned quizzes and tests should be kept in the notebook as well. All handouts will be hole-punched so that they can be placed in your binder. There is a hole-punch at the front of the classroom for you to use as well. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to print the notes (these will be posted each day on the school website) and place in your notebook.


  • You will be asked to go to the attendance office to get a tardy slip if you are not in your seat before the tardy bell rings. This means you must use the restroom, get a drink of water, sharpen your pencil, and begin doing the warm-up before the tardy bell rings.


  • Tutorials will be provided Monday and Wednesday mornings at 7:15. Other tutorials can be made by appointment.
  • Please don’t put off seeking extra help when you need it.


  • It is your responsibility to get your make-up work if you are absent. If you happen to be absent on the day of a test review but are in class the next day (TEST day) and were present on the days before the review, you are expected to take the test.


  • Cell phones are not allowed in class. If caught using one in any way, the phone will be picked up and taken to the front office.