2015 Portland Architecture Awards

Important Dates:
Submission Deadline 5:00 pm, Friday, October 9, 2015
Jury Critique, 5:30 pm, Thursday, October 29, 2015
Awards Presentation & Celebration: Friday, October 30, 2015
Award events tickets can be purchased separately at aiaportland.org

General Information______

Submissions are reviewed anonymously on the basis of individual merit by a national jury. The Architecture Awards Committee emphasizes that all entrants have an equal chance for recognition, regardless of project scale, budget, type or location.

The 2015 Architecture Awards categories include the following:

·  Honor, Merit, and Citation Awards for built projects

·  Merit and Citation Awards for unbuilt projects

·  Craftsmanship Award

·  2030 Award

·  Small Project Award

·  Mayor’s Award for Design Excellence

·  Intern of the Year Award

Jury Process______

The Jury uses the written and visual material for their analyses. It is imperative that this information describes the project as accurately as possible. The jury process occurs over a two-day period. The jury will:

·  Discuss objectives of awards and criticism in general;

·  View project illustrative materials, anonymously presented.

·  Review project data.


Architecture, planning, urban design and/or interior design projects are eligible. Member firms, individual members and associate members of the AIA Chapters in the State of Oregon may participate and enter projects from any location. Unbuilt projects presented to the jury must be an actual commission for a client who intends to undertake the project. Personal studies, theoretical projects and competitions are no eligible.

Entry Fees______


All built projects must have been completed after October 3, 2010 and prior to October 3, 2015. Awards of Honor, Merit, or Citation are presented to winning built designs as determined by the jury.


All built projects must have been completed after October 3, 2010 and prior to October 3, 2015. A Small Project award may be determined by the jury for projects under $500,000 and may be considered against other built projects for awards of Honor, Merit, or Citation as determined by the jury.


All unbuilt project entries must have been undertaken after October 4, 2010. Awards of Merit or Citation are presented to winning unbuilt designs as determined by the jury.

General Submission Information______

There are five components to an entry submission packet. All components for each entry should be submitted in a single zip file named with your project name (e.g. campusexpansion.zip)

(1) Single PDF at 300dpi minimum resolution and 10 MB maximum size, containing project exhibits, illustrative images and the carbon calculator output file.

(2) Three images sized for projection, optimally 1920x1080 pixels at 600 dpi.

(3) One representative image for web use at 72 dpi and one representative image for print use at 300 dpi

(4) Separate project carbon calculator excel file with saved results (the results generated by the excel file appear in the PDF file as exhibit D)

(5) Project Identification Form

See “Submission Materials” below for more detailed requirements for each component.

Building Climate Impact Calculation______

Nationally, the AIA has adopted and supports the Architecture 2030 Challenge and is committed to developing and promoting the means to support the Challenge goals. In response to the Challenge and the global imperative for energy efficiency of the built environment, a Building Climate Impact Calculation has been integrated into the required project information in the AIA Portland Architecture Awards program. For more information about the Architecture 2030 Challenge, visit www.architecture2030.org.

2030 Challenge Awards & Data Usage:

The purpose of using the Portland Architecture Awards Building Climate Impact Calculator is to provide a straightforward and educational way to determine the operational CO2 emissions related to your project while maintaining consistency and accuracy for comparison with other projects.

Data from all submissions will be analyzed by COTE and AIA2030 and presented to the jury. The award will be selected at the jury’s discretion. (Tab 1. Instructions & General Info). Building Climate Impact data submitted for individual projects may be utilized and/or shared to promote further reductions of building climate impacts. If you would like your project name to be anonymous in any data sharing, please indicate as such on your application (Tab 1. Instructions & General Info).


IMPORTANT NOTE: The Portland Architecture Awards Building Climate Impact Calculator has been posted on the website.
Method for Calculation of Building CO2 Emissions

The Calculator is color-coded to indicate user inputs and contains instructions, calculations, helpful resources, and hints. There are four steps, separated into four different Excel tabs:

Step 1 - Enter General Project Information

On the first tab, provide basic information to describe the project.

Step 2 – Enter Project Energy Usage Information

On the second tab, provide information regarding the project energy consumption, including the relevant energy code, and actual or modeled energy usage. The energy usage information can be derived from actual energy bills, an energy model, engineering calculations, or merely based on energy code (if the project design made no improvements beyond code to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint). If engineering calculations were used, a narrative is required to describe the methods along with the name and contact information of the person responsible for the calculations. The calculation results should be entered in annual usage of kilowatt-hours (electricity), therms (natural gas), and gallons (propane, diesel or fuel oil). Web links have been provided to assist with energy unit conversions in case different units have been used.

Step 3 – Select Appropriate Emission Factor

On the third tab, there is only one item to input. Enter the appropriate eGRID sub-region acronym that corresponds with the location of the project (see map in calculator). This will allow regionally-specific emission factors to be used in the computation of the results. The other portions of this tab are for informational purposes only.

Step 4 - Print Results

The fourth tab requires no input. It is a summary of the information input on the previous three tabs. After reviewing the results and making any necessary corrections on previous tabs, the fourth tab generates a pdf which should be saved page 4 (exhibit D) of your PDF. A project photo may be attached in the labeled space.

Target Finder Instructions and Resources

The 2030 Challenge & and our Building Climate Impact Calculator utilize Target Finder, an online tool based on data from the Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) to establish an appropriate baseline to compare actual or modeled data. Target Finder is an online tool that can be found here:

Main page:


Target Finder:


Detailed Instructions:


To appropriately use Target Finder for your submission, the following considerations should be made:

·  For Space Type, use the primary function of the building (please contact AIA for technical assistance if your primary function is not a space type listed). Only mixed-use buildings should have more than one space type.

·  For Target Rating, enter “60”(the 2030 Challenge target)

·  There is no need to input actual or modeled energy usage in Target Finder, a comparison will be generated by the Building Climate Impact Calculator

·  Once complete, click “View Results” and input the value for “Average Building” Site Energy Use Intensity (kBtu/Sq.Ft./yr) into the Building Climate Impact Calculator. The “Target” Site Energy Use Intensity corresponds to the current 2030 Challenge target, so if your building has an EUI equal or less than this number, you’ve met the 2030 Challenge.


The Building Climate Impact Calculation, as described above, applies to conditioned buildings that are included in the scope of the 2030 Challenge. On occasion, submittals are received for projects that are not buildings or buildings that are not conditioned or held to energy code. Since there is no analogous standard for non-building submittals, they are exempt from completing the Building Climate Impact Calculation. This includes transit malls, plazas, and unconditioned buildings that are not required to follow energy code. If your project includes a building that is held to an energy code, your project is NOT exempt. Examples of past projects that have been exempted are included below (all of these except for the last had no building included in the submittal), please contact AIA Portland if you have any questions regarding project exemption.

·  Outdoor public spaces

·  Transit Mall & Public Transit Projects

·  Rooftop Garden

·  Wood storage barn and unconditioned workshop

Additional Information and Notes:

·  EUI = Energy Use Intensity = Annual Energy Use / Project SF (units can be in kBtu/sf/yr or kWh/sf/yr or therm/sf/yr depending on energy type)

·  Portfolio Manager is an interactive energy management tool provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy that allows the tracking of energy and water consumption across an entire portfolio of buildings in a secure online environment. This can be a simple and direct way for a building owner or manager to provide actual project energy consumption. See http://energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=evaluate_performance.bus_portfoliomanager.

·  Both Portfolio Manager and Target Finder reference CBECS (Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey by Department of Energy), a national survey set of the energy use of buildings, to which the AIA and many other organizations agreed

·  For more information on the relationship between the 2030 Challenge targets and current codes and standards, such as the Oregon and Washington Energy Codes, see http://architecture2030.org/pdfs/2030Challenge_Codes_WP.pdf.

Questions regarding the Carbon Calculator? Josh Hatch of Brightworks will be available to answer questions via email on September 17-18 and October 2. Contact: , subject: Carbon Calc Question

Submission Materials______


Complete the provided word documents, exhibits A, B, C, and D, with the parameters below and use as the first 4 pages of your project PDF. Illustrative images should make up the remainder of your project PDF file. The completed PDF file should contain from 8-17 pages, and up to 21 pages for renovations. The file should be 300dpi and 10MB or less. Save the file using your project name provided when registering for entry (projectname.pdf)

·  Project Data (Exhibit A): Include a brief, one-paragraph description of the project & complete other requested information. Paste an image of the project in the space provided. This information is used during the jury process.

·  Project Description (Exhibit B): The Project Description sheet complements the Project Data sheet, describing the work in greater detail. Include a 350-word paragraph detailing project intentions, constraints, and other crucial information. DO NOT identify the architect, designer, or firm in any way.

·  Site Location Map (Exhibit C): Required for projects within the Portland metropolitan area.

·  Carbon Calculator Results (Exhibit D): This file is generated from the excel carbon calculator document. Please note you must provide the entire excel file with your project data as a separate file.

·  (12) Illustrative images maximum for new projects or (16) for renovation projects. The (4) additional pages allotted to renovation projects should describe existing conditions before and after the renovation and contain other material highlighting the reuse or adaptation of the site or building. Images of the submitted project should include exterior/interior photographs, site plan, plans, elevations, sections, and other relevant images. These images should represent the project plan and sections in a comprehensive fashion. Images must NOT be enhanced or altered. Submittals may NOT contain sound, animation, video clips, panorama movies, hyperlinks, or links to other files.


Provide three separate jpg images to be used for projection that are a good overall representation of you project. Images should be a max resolution of 1920x1080 pixels at 600 dpi and a minimum of 1440x880 at 300 dpi (16:9 aspect ratio). Keep in mind these images will be projected onto a very large screen, so please provide quality images. Names files using your project name followed by an underscore and projection (e.g. projectname_projection1.jpg and projectname_projection2.jpg, etc.)


One print quality (300 dpi) and one web quality (72 dpi) version of a single (1) representative digital image in jpg format of the project is to be submitted. This image is intended to be used as a single representative image and may be used in the media, on the AIA website, or for other uses. The file name for the representative images should contain the project name followed “300dpi” and “72dpi” (e.g. projectname72dpi.jpg).


The completed 2015 AIA Portland Building Climate Impact Calculator file for the project is to be submitted with other files. All input cells are to be completed. The filename for the Building Climate Impact (a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file) should contain the following three pieces, each separated by an underscore: project number, project name, and “co2calc” (e.g. 1_yourbuilding_co2calc.xls).


Save your completed project identification form in Word or PDF format and submit as a single file.

Submission Instructions______


Name your zipped files with your project name and email as attachment to or

Send your zipped files via WeTransfer, a free web service available at wetransfer.com. All files must be received by Friday, October 9 at 5:00 pm.

All submissions must be registered on the 2015 Architecture Awards Eventbrite page. Submissions without a corresponding entry registration will be disqualified. Register at: http://tinyurl.com/2015aiapdxawardssubmission

If you are submitting more than one project, please email or submit via WeTransfer in separate transmissions.

Note: You will be notified via email if your submission is incomplete. It is the responsibility of the submitting firm or individual to provide complete and correct entries.