The UNC Policy Manual
Adopted 05/06/09
Appendix I
The University of North Carolina
Distance Education Degree Program Online or Site Discontinuation Form
Constituent Institution:
CIP Discipline Specialty Title:
CIP Discipline Specialty Number: Level: B M I D
Title of Authorized Program: Degree Abbreviation:
Date of Authorization: month year Date of Initiation: month year
Date of Proposed Discontinuation: month year
Is this program (or any course sections of the program) offered through individual access (e.g., online, videocassette)? Y N
If "yes," primary mode of delivery:
List all site-based locations originally authorized. Add lines as needed:
(1)(2) / (city) / (county) / (state)
(3) / (city) / (county) / (state)
(city) / (county) / (state)
Is the entire authorized distance education degree program to be discontinued at the date given above?
Yes No
If "no," indicate below those portions of the program that are to be discontinued:
Individual or online access portion of the program: Yes Not Applicable
Site-based locations to be discontinued: Yes Not Applicable ______
Sites to be discontinued:
(1)(2) / (city) / (county) / (state)
(3) / (city) / (county) / (state)
(city) / (county) / (state)
Consequences of Discontinuation
How many faculty members will be reassigned?
How many staff will be reassigned?
How many EPA non-faculty will be reassigned?
How many faculty, staff, or EPA non-faculty will be discontinued?
Amount of funds reallocated for each discontinuation.
Amount of funds reduced for each discontinuation.
Name, title, telephone, and e-mail of contact person for this notification of discontinuation:
Chief Academic Officer
Title of Authorized Program:
Effective closure date (UNC General Administration approval / no new students admitted*):
Briefly explain why the program is being discontinued:
An explanation of how affected parties (students, faculty, staff) were / will be informed of the closure:
An explanation of how students were / will be counseled on completing their programs of study with minimal disruption:
Describe any additional costs to students and how students were notified about them:
Describe how faculty and staff were / will be redeployed or helped to find new employment:
Include signed copies of teach-out agreements with other institutions, if applicable.
*The program cannot be discontinued until UNCG receives a letter from SACSCOC approving the Teach-Out Plan.