15-16 EDE Verification Specs

Last UpdateJanuary 8, 2016

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2015-16Verification Procedures


(Checks SNA Budget>0 and then Computed SNA budget>0)If a student’s file was selected for review based on discrepant data and a correction was done to their file, the policy of this office shall be that we will not subsequently put a student into full verification based on the corrected data.

A.If Verification class or college = blank and Tracking class and college ≠ blank:

1.Move Tracking class/college to Verification class/college.

B.If Verification class or college ≠ Tracking class or college:

1.Move Tracking class/college to Verification class/college.

C.If Verification class or college = blank after move:

1.Set Verification “A” field = blank.


D.If Tracking ACT STAT ≠ “A” OR ADM STAT ≠ “A”:



A.If “A” = R and (opt docs 26 or 27 is found and dated received and processed) OR (neither is found and all included opt docs on Tracking (17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 30, 34, 35, 36, 43, 45, 46, 49, 50, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 80, 81, 82, 83, 92, 94, 97) are dated received and processed), excluding 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20,28, 29,31, 32,37,39, 41, 42, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54,56, 61, 62, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79,84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 93, 96, 98,99:


B.If “A” = R and opt docs 26 or 27 isn’t dated received on Tracking and all other opt docs are processed, and Tracking class and college is not blank:

1.Print UFID, name and Tracking opt doc lines on an error list.


C.If “A” = I and any included opt doc on Tracking (17, 18, 19, 21,22,23, 30, 34, 35,36,43,45, 46, 49, 50, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 80, 81, 82, 83, 92, 94,97) isn’t processed (exclude opt docs 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20, 28, 29, 32, 39, 41, 42, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 61, 62, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 84, 85, 86,87, 88,90, 91, 93, 96, 98,99):

1.Produce a report of opt doc 22 (MISS) on tracking.FM75MISS


D.If opt docs 26 or 27 is dated processed on Tracking and remark #52 is found on Verification:

  1. Go to section XII (end of selection for verification/begin disc).

E.If opt doc 17 (DCCA) or 18 (INDP) is found on Tracking and neither is dated:


F.Housekeeping Routine – Blank all income error fields.

III.THIS SECTION WILL PLACE OPTIONAL INCOME DOCUMENTS ON TRACKING BASED ON INSTITUTIONAL GUIDELINES FOR VERIFICATION. A joint committee established these guidelines based on findings by SFA’s Quality Assurance Department.


*Negative wage amounts will be considered zeros for program calculations.

*Students who have answered yes to Parent Food Stamp Benefit (PFSB)or Student Food Stamp Benefit (SFSB)and have been selected for verification will get a request for certification of SNAPeligibility.

*Students who have a V-TRK = V4 or V5 and have been selected for verification will get a request for verification of Identity and Education Purpose statement.

*Students who have reported an amount > zero for Parent Child Support Paid (PCSP) or Student Child Support Paid (SCSP) and have been selected for verification will get a request for verification of Excluded Income and Household Size and Number in College.

BOTH the parent's(s') and student’s 2014 IRS tax return transcripts or non-filer’s statements will be requested if any one of the following situations exist:

A. Dependent Student

If EDE dependency status (1138, 1) = D and EDE FAA Adjustment (1364, 1) ≠ 1 and GNEED ≥ 200 and INAS recomp reason ≠ 14, 24, or 30:

1.If EDE Parents’ filing status position one PTFS = 1 or 2 andEFC is ≤ 6,000,and(Parent’s AGI ≥25,000 and < 140,000 and #COL ≤ 1 or Parent’s AGI is ≥ 70,000 and < 140,000 and #COL ≥ 2) andthe total of parent income fields (PAGI+PNTX) > Parent Income Protection Allowance (IPA 1763, 7) and ((PAGI ≤ 45,000 and PTAX > PAGI x .18) or (PAGI > 45,000 and PTAX > PAGI x .20)).

a.Add opt doc 27 (VALP) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b.Add opt doc 36 (TAXP) to Tracking, if opt docs 36 or 19 aren’t already there.

c.Add opt doc 34 (TAXS) to Tracking, if opt docs 34 or 21 aren’t already there.

d.Set VFLAGA = D1.

e.Go to III.A.9.

2.On EDE if (PAGI = PTAX or PNTX) or (PTAX = PNTX) and any two that are equal are > 0:

a.Add opt doc 27 (VALP) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b.Add opt doc 36 (TAXP) to Tracking, if opt docs 36 or 19 aren’t already there.

c.Add opt doc 34 (TAXS) to Tracking, if opt docs 34 or 21 aren’t already there.

d.Add opt doc 80 (PNTX) to Tracking, if opt doc 80 isn’t already there.

e.Add remark #71 to Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Parent’s Non-taxed Income.”

f.Add VFLAGA = D3.

g.Go to III.A.9.

3.If EDE first position of PTFS = 1 or 2, and the total of parent income fields (PAGI+PNTX minus PTAX) > parent IPA, and (Parent’s AGI ≥ 25,000 and < 140,000and parents’ additional financial information (PXCL > PAGI x .15):

a.Add opt doc 27 (VALP) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b.Add opt doc 36 (TAXP) to Tracking, if opt docs 36 or 19 aren’t already there.

c.Add opt doc 34 (TAXS) to Tracking, if opt docs 34 or 21 aren’t already there.

d.Add opt doc 82 (PXCL) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

e.Add remark #76 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Parent’s Additional Financial Info,” if opt doc 82 isn’t already there.

f.Set VFLAGA = D5.

g.Go to III.A.9.

4.If Current or Prior EDE first position of STFS = 1 or 2, Type Analysis ≠ B (bypass) and student’s adjusted gross income (Student AGI) > Dependent Student IPA, andEFC10,000and (Parent’s AGI ≥ 25,000 and < 140,000and Student additional financial information (SXCL) > (.30 x SAGI), and SXCL > 0:

a.Add opt doc 27 (VALP) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b.Add opt doc 36 (TAXP) to Tracking, if opt docs 36 or 19 aren’t already there.

c.Add opt doc 34 (TAXS) to Tracking, if opt docs 34 or 21 aren’t already there.

d.Add opt doc 83 (SXCL) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

e.Add remark #77 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Student Additional Financial Info,” if opt doc 83 isn’t already there.

f.Set VFLAGA = D7.

g.Go to III.A.9.

5.If EDE first position of PTFS = 1 or 2 and (PAGI = PXCL) or (PTAX = PXCL) or (PNTX = PXCL)and any two that are equal are > 0:

a.Add opt doc 27 (VALP) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b.Add opt doc 36 (TAXP) to Tracking, if opt docs 36 or 19 aren’t already there.

c.Add opt doc 34 (TAXS) to Tracking, if opt docs 34 or 21 aren’t already there.

d.Add opt doc 82 (PXCL) to Tracking, if opt doc 82 isn’t already there.

e.Add remark #76 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Parent’s Additional Financial Info.”

f.If PNTX = PXCL, add opt doc 80 (PNTX) to Tracking, if opt doc 80 isn’t already there.

g.If opt doc 80 is added, add remark #71 to Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Parent’s Nontaxed Income.”

h.Add VFLAGA = D8.

i.Go to III.A.9.

6.If EDE first position of PTFS = 2, the EFC ≤ 5,198,and (Parent’s AGI ≥ 25,000 and < 140,000 and #COL ≤ 1 or Parent’s AGI is ≥ 70,000 and < 140,000 and #COL ≥ 2), andclass is < 6, college ≠ LW, MC, MD, VM, DN, PA, PT, CD, ND or (PD w/Track Type = GBC), and GNEED ≥ 200:

a.Add opt doc 27 (VALP) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b.Add opt doc 36 (TAXP) to Tracking, if opt docs 36 or 19 aren’t already there.

c.Add opt doc 34 (TAXS) to Tracking, if opt docs 34 or 21 aren’t already there.

d.Set VFLAGA = D9.

e.Go to III.A.9.

7.On EDE if P1WAG = P2WAG and P1WAG and P2WAG ≠ zero or blank and GNEED > 200 and (PAGI ≥ 25,000 and < 140,000 and #COL ≤ 1 or PAGI is ≥ 70,000 and < 140,000 and #COL ≥ 2):

a.Add opt doc 27 (VALP) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b.Add opt doc 36 (TAXP) to Tracking, if opt docs 36 or 19 aren’t already there.

c.Add opt doc 34 (TAXS) to Tracking, if opt docs 34 or 21 aren’t already there.

d.Add VFLAGA = DA.

e.Go to III.A.9.

8.IF EFC < 10,000 and if 2014-2015 PAGI = 2015-2016 PAGI and PAGI ≠ zero or blank and GNEED > 200 and (Parent’s AGI ≥ 25,000 and < 140,000 and #COL ≤ 1 or Parent’s AGI is ≥ 70,000 and < 140,000 and #COL ≥ 2):

a.Add opt doc 27 (VALP) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b.Add opt doc 36 (TAXP) to Tracking, if opt docs 36 or 19 aren’t already there.

c.Add opt doc 34 (TAXS) to Tracking, if opt docs 34 or 21 aren’t already there.

d.Add VFLAGA = DB.

e.Go to III.A.9.

9.If vflagA is not blankand PFSB(743, 1) = 1 or Y:

a.Add opt doc 92, if it isn’t already there.

b. Add remark #82 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of SNAPBenefits.”

10. If VFLAGA is not blank and PCSP (810, 7) > 0:

a. Add opt doc 82 (PXCL) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b. Add remark #76 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Parent’s Additional Financial Info,” if opt doc 82 isn’t already received.

c. Add opt doc 49 (DCOL) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

d. Add remark #86 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Dependent HHSZ and #/COL.”

11. If vflagA is not blank and V-TRK (2958, 4) = V4 or V5:

a. Add opt doc 94, if it isn’t already there.

b. Add remark ID to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Identity/Statement of Educ Purpose.”

12.If opt docs 36 or 34 is on Tracking and isn’t dated received, and opt doc 21 or opt doc 19 are not received:

a.Set Verification IRF Print Flag (PI) = Y.

b.If STFS 1st position = 3, and opt doc 34 isn’t dated received on Tracking:

1.Add opt doc 21 (SNFS) to Tracking.

2.Delete opt doc 34 (TAXS) from Tracking.

c.If PTFS 1st position = 3, and opt doc 36 isn’t received on Tracking:

1.Add opt doc 19 (PNFS) to Tracking.

2.Delete opt doc 36 (TAXP) from Tracking.

d.If opt doc 19 or 36 is on Tracking and not dated:

1. Add remark #68, “Req’d Parents 2014Tax Transcript” to the Verification screen.

e. If opt docs 21 or 34 is on Tracking and not dated:

1. Add remark #96, “Req’d Student’s 2014Tax Transcript” to the

Verification screen.

B.Independent Student

If EDE dependency status (DEP) = I and EDE FAA Adjustment (1364, 1) ≠ 1 and GNEED ≥ 200 and INAS recomp reason ≠ 14, 24, or 30:

1.If EDE position one of STFS = 1 or 2, and total of student income fields (SAGI+SNTX) student IPA,and Student’s AGI ≥ 8,500 and < 30,000 and student tax paid (STAX) is > (SAGI x .15):

a.Add opt doc 27 (VALP) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b.Add opt doc 34 (TAXS) to Tracking, if opt docs 34 or 21 aren’t already there.

c.Set VFLAGA = I1.

d.Go to III.B.6.

2.If EDE student’s marital status (SMAR) = M, and student’s IHSZ = 2, and student’s number in college (ICOL) = 1, and SAGI ≥ 8,500 and < 30,000 and EDE spouse’s wages (SPWG) = blank or zero:

a.Add opt doc 27 (VALP) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b.Add opt doc 34 (TAXS) to Tracking, if opt docs 34 or 21 aren’t already there.

c.Set VFLAGA = I4.

d.Go to III.B.6.

3.If EDE position one of STFS = 1 or 2, and SAGI minus STAX > student IPA, and SAGI ≥ 8,500 and < 30,000, and SXCL > (.30 x SAGI), and SXCL > 0:

a.Add opt doc 27 (VALP) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b.Add opt doc 34 (TAXS) to Tracking, if opt docs 34 or 21 aren’t already there.

c.Add opt doc 83 (SXCL) to Tracking, if opt doc 83 isn’t already there.

d.Add remark #77 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Student’s Additional Financial Info.”

e.Set VFLAGA = I5.

f.Go to III.B.6.

4.If EDE position one of STFS = 2, the EFC > 0 and ≤ 5,198, and SAGI ≥ 8,500 and < 30,000, class is < 6, college ≠ LW, MC, MD, VM, DN, PA, PT, CD, ND or (PD with Track Type = GBC):

a.Add opt doc 27 (VALP) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b.Add opt doc 34 (TAXS) to Tracking, if opt docs 34 or 21 aren’t already there.

c.Set VFLAGA = I6.

d.Go to III.B.6.

5.If 2014-15 SAGI = 2015-16 SAGI and SAGI ≥ 8,500 and < 30,000andSAGI ≠ zero or blank:

a.Add opt doc 27 (VALP) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b.Add opt doc 34 (TAXS) to Tracking, if opt docs 34 or 21 aren’t already there.

c.Add VFLAGA = I8.

d.Go to III.B.6.

6.If vflagA is not blankand SFSB(962, 1) = 1 or Y:

a.Add opt doc 92, if it isn’t already there.

b. Add remark #82 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of SNAPBenefits.”

7.If vflagA is not blank and V-TRK (2958, 4) = V4 or V5:

a. Add opt doc 94, if it isn’t already there.

b. Add remark ID to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Identity/Statement of Educ Purpose.”

8.If VFLAGA is not blank and SCSP (432, 7) > 0:

a. Add opt doc 83 (SXCL) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b. Add remark #77 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Student’s Additional Financial Info,” if opt doc 83 isn’t already received.

c. Add opt doc 50 (ICOL) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

d. Add remark #90 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Independent HHSZ and #/COL.”

9.If opt doc 34 is on Tracking and isn’t dated received:

  1. Set Verification IRF Print Flag (PI) = Y.

b.If EDE position one of STFS = 3, and opt doc 34 isn’t received on Tracking:

1.Add opt doc 21 (SNFS) to Tracking.

2.Delete opt doc 34 (TAXS) from Tracking.

c.Add remark #96 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Student’s2014 Tax Transcript.”


If EDE FAA Adjustment (Professional Judgment) (1364, 1) ≠ 1 and GNEED ≥ 200 and INAS recomp reason ≠ 14, 24, or 30:

  1. Dependent Student


1.If EFC < 10,000 and if parent total contribution from INAS (TC) > 5,198 and number of family members in college (DCOL) > 1 and INAS GNEED (budget – 9 mo. EFC) is >10295(50% of the in-state, on-campus undergraduate budget): (Percentages based on current gift aid %)

a.Add opt doc 27 (VALP) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b.Add opt doc 49 (DCOL) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

c.Set VFLAGB = D1.

2.If vflagB is not blankand PFSB(743, 1) = 1 or Y:

a.Add opt doc 92, if it isn’t already there.

b. Add remark #82 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of SNAPBenefits.”

3. If VFLAGB is not blank and PCSP (810, 7) > 0:

a. Add opt doc 82 (PXCL) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b. Add remark #76 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Parent’s Additional Financial Info,” if opt doc 82 isn’t already received.

c. Add opt doc 49 (DCOL) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

d. Add remark #86 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Dependent HHSZ and #/COL.”

4.If vflagB is not blank and V-TRK (2958, 4) = V4 or V5:

a. Add opt doc 94, if it isn’t already there.

b. Add remark ID to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Identity/Statement of Educ Purpose.”

5.If opt doc 49 isn’t dated received on Tracking:

a.Set Verification IRF Print Flag (PI) = Y.

b.Add remark #86 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Dependent HHSZ and #/COL.”

B.Independent Student


1.If CLASS IS < 6 and COLLEGE  LW, MC, MD, VM, DN, PA, PT, CD, ND

Or COLLEGE =PD with Special Program field = U (Track Type ≠ GBC)

2.If student total contribution from INAS (TC) > 5,198, INAS GNEED ≥ $200, and ICOL > 1:

a.Add opt doc 27 (VALP) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b.Add opt doc 50 (ICOL) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

c.Set VFLAGB = I1.

3.If SNA C1, C2 or C3 field ≠ blank and (SMAR = Mand IHSZ ≠ SNA’s C1+C2+C3+2) or (SMAR ≠ Mand IHSZ ≠ SNA’s C1+C2+C3+1):

a.Add opt doc 27 (VALP) to Tracking, if opt docs 26 or 27 aren’t already there.

b.Add opt doc 50 (ICOL) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

c.Set VFLAGB = I2.

4.If vflagB is not blank and SFSB (962, 1)= 1 or Y:

a.Add opt doc 92 to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b. Add remark #82 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of SNAPBenefits.”

5.If VFLAGB is not blank and SCSP (432, 7) > 0:

a. Add opt doc 83 (SXCL) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

b. Add remark #77 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Student’s Additional Financial Info,” if opt doc 83 isn’t already received.

c. Add opt doc 50 (ICOL) to Tracking, if it isn’t already there.

d. Add remark #90 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Independent HHSZ and #/COL.”

6.If vflagB is not blank andV-TRK (2958, 4) = V4 or V5:

a. Add opt doc 94, if it isn’t already there.

b. Add remark ID to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Identity/Statement of Educ Purpose.”

7.If EDE Student’s Marital Status ≠ M and Student Number of Family Members > 1 and Have Children You Support? (592, 1) = No (2)orBlank and EDE Assumed Student’s Number of Family Members (1514, 2) is not equal to 01 and INAS Assumptions does not equal SJ or SS:

a.Add opt doc 26 (DICP) to Tracking, if opt docs 26 or 27 aren’t already there.

b.Add opt doc 50 (ICOL) to Tracking, if opt doc 50 isn’t already there.

8.If EDE Student’s Marital Status = Mand Student Number of Family Members > 2 and Have Children You Support? (592,1) = No (2)or Blank and EDE Student’s Assumed Number of Family Members(1514, 2) is not equal to 02 and INAS Assumptions does not equal SI or SK:

a.Add opt doc 26 (DICP) to Tracking, if opt docs 26 or 27 aren’t already there.

b.Add optdoc 50 (ICOL) to Tracking, if opt doc 50 isn’t already there.

9.If opt doc 50 isn’t dated received on Tracking:

a.Set Verification IRF Print Flag (PI) = Y.

b.Add remark #90 to the Verification screen: “Req’d Verification of Independent HHSZ and #/COL.”


IF VERD DEP = D Then Go to V.L.

A.Date of Birth

1.If EDE DEP = I and EDE date of birth flag (587,1) = 1 and Tracking DOB < 19920101:

a.Add remark #67 to the Verification screen: “Independent Status Verified.”

b.Go to VI.


1.If EDE DEP = I and EDE married flag (588,1) = 1 and SMAR = M or S:

a.Add remark #67 to the Verification screen and checklist: “Independent Status Verified.”

b.Go to VI.


1.If EDE DEP = I and EDE grad/prof flag (589,1) = 1and class > 6 or college = LW, MC, MD, DN, VM, CD, PA, PT, ND, or (PD and Track Type = GBC):

a.Add remark #67 to the Verification screen and checklist: “Independent Status Verified.”

b.Go to VI.

D.Active Duty

1.If EDE DEP = I and EDE active duty flag (590,1) = 1:

a.Add remark #67 to Verification and checklist: “Independent Status Verified.”

b.Go to VI.


1.If VERD DEP = I and EDE children flag (592,1) = 1:

a.Add remark #67 to Verification and checklist: “Independent Status Verified.”

b.Go to VI.

F.Orphan/Ward of Court/Foster Care

1.If VERDDEP = I and EDE orphan flag (594,1) = 1:

a.Add remark #67 to Verification and checklist: “Independent Status Verified.”

b.Go to VI.

G.Emancipated Minor

1.If VERD DEP = I and EDE emancipated minor flag (595,1) = 1:

a.Add remark #67 to Verification and checklist: “Independent Status Verified.”

b.Go to VI.

H.Legal Guardianship

1.If VERD DEP = I and EDE legal guardianship flag (596,1) = 1:

a.Add remark #67 to Verification and checklist: “Independent Status Verified.”

b.Go to VI.

I.Unaccompanied Youth by School

1.If VERD DEP = I and EDE UY1-SCH flag (597,1) = 1:

a.Add remark #67 to Verification and checklist: “Independent Status Verified.”

b.Go to VI.

J.Unaccompanied Youth by HUD

1.If VERD DEP = I and EDE UY2-HUD flag (598,1) = 1:

a.Add remark #67 to Verification and checklist: “Independent Status Verified.”

b.Go to VI.

K.Unaccompanied Youth at Risk

1.If VERD DEP = I and EDE UY3-RSK flag (599,1) = 1:

a.Add remark #67 to Verification and checklist: “Independent Status Verified.”

b.Go to VI.

L.If V.A through V.K are all NOT true, and EDE dependency status Veteran (V) (591,1)≠ Y, and DO ≠ O, and VERD DEP ≠ blank:

  1. Add remark #62 to Verification screen and checklist: “Independent Status Questionable.”

2.Put a “Y” in the ERROR DEP field.