Science Olympiad Application Form

Farmwell Station Middle School


Thank you for your interest in Farmwell Station Middle School’s Science Olympiad program- last year, our team competed in both the regional and the state level competition, and we are excited to be back again!

Strong participation from both students and parent volunteers throughout the season is essential to a productive season. The team can sign up for about 20 different events at the regional tournament. Only 2-3 students can compete in a particular event however, so if more are interested, the coach will select the students to compete at the tournament based on their degree of preparation, previous experience, involvement of an adult mentor, and mastery of the event parameters.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Tuesday, October 4th

You will be notified of whether you have been selected by Friday, October 7th.

-  Bring completed application form to Mrs. Currier in room B7, or

-  Leave in Mrs. Currier’s mailbox in front office


Student meetings will generally be held every other week on Thursday afterschool. Once a team is selected I will let students know of upcoming meeting dates.

PARENT MEETING: Friday, October 14th at 7:45 am

A parent meeting will be held for parents of participants on Friday, October 14th at 7:45 am in room B7. This meeting will walk parents through the process, including how to best coach an event.

TOURNAMENT: February 25th at Fairfax HS (mostly likely Regional Tournament), March 25th (State Tournament UVA – pending qualification)


-  There will be a $120 fee to participate on the Science Olympiad team if selected.

-  Team members will be expected to attend all Science Olympiad meetings and put in an additional 1-2 hours/week preparing for events, with more hours to be put in as we move closer to competition dates.

-  Students must commit to competing in three events at the tournament.

-  Prior to each meeting, team members will be asked to look at a specific event and to build or demonstrate his understanding of the event, to showcase the creative and skill building process involved. More information will be provided on this

-  By November, participants will be selected for the various events based on their contribution and preparedness for team meetings.

-  Between November and February, team members are expected to meet with their small groups to build and/ or study for their various events. Entire group meetings will involve students sharing their designs and knowledge with the rest.

-  Team must provide four parent volunteers in order to participate in competitions.


There is a maximum of 18 students per team (including alternates), and we are limited to a maximum of 15 students who can compete at the tournament. Depending on the strength and number of applicants we may have two Farmwell teams. Should we have two teams, only one team will compete at the state level as determined by Mrs. Currier (likely a combination of the most successful groups from both teams).


Descriptions of the events are available on the Science Olympiad and Virginia Science Olympiad websites. See, (click on the ‘Events’ Tab at the top of the page). You can also stop by room B7 in the morning before school starts and ask Mrs. Currier for more information.

Questions? Please email Mrs. Currier at

Science Olympiad Application Form Farmwell Station Middle School


Student First Name: Student Last Name:

Grade: Science teacher: _____

Why are you interested in participating in Science Olympiad? What would you like to gain from the experience?
List the top 5 events you’d like to do, and your reasons. (See, events tab for list and descriptions)
What is one of the events you are most interested in doing and why?
Please describe any relevant experience, hobbies, activities, interests and/or skills.


Students: please put a yes or no next to each item.

If selected for the Science Olympiad team…

_____ I agree that each Science Olympiad team meeting is valuable and will attend each meeting as best I can. If a conflict arises, I will notify my coach in advance.

_____ I agree that my behavior at meetings will be constructive.

_____ I agree to cooperate on whatever events I am selected for, even if it’s not my first choice.

Student Signature ______Date: ______

Student email: ______

Science Olympiad Application Form Farmwell Station MS

**** PARENT SECTION **** *

Parents: Please include any coaching strengths (profession, education, hobby, or special interest in specified event). Please indicate whether you can help with other needs, particularly volunteering to run/supervise an event on tournament days or write an exam for an event.
Willingness to volunteer/supervise/write an event for tournaments:
Special Circumstances:
List the top 3 events you’d like to help coach. (See, for descriptions)


Please initial your agreement to each item.

_____ I understand that parent volunteering by at least one parent is required for my child to be a team member. I agree to help coach at least one event, that is, set up and facilitate the meetings and obtain necessary materials. If I am personally unable to perform this role, I will find another mentor to serve in my place as needed or requested

_____ I agree and give permission to my student to attend every Science Olympiad afterschool meeting, event-specific practice, and the Regional Competition. All transportation will be provided by parents. If there is a conflict, my child or I will notify the coach.

_____ I grant permission to use photographs or videos of my participant child in print or online materials designed for news, informational or educational purposes related to the Science Olympiad program.

_____ I agree to be responsible for any damage done by my child, accidentally or purposefully, during any competition or prep/study.

Parent’s Name (print): ______

Parent’s Phone: ______Cell: ______Email: ______

Parent Signature ______Date______

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