2014 Garrett County Fair
Farm Queen Program
Responsibilities and Code of Conduct
- The Farm Queen and members of the court must be available on a full-time basis each day of the 2014Garrett County Fair (July 26 - August 2, 2014) to participate in events associated with the Fair at the direction and discretion of the Garrett County Fair Board of Directors.
- The Farm Queen and members of the court will conduct themselves in a manner that creates a positive reflection on themselves, the Garrett County Fair, and the Garrett County Agricultural Community.
- In addition to the week of the fair, the Farm Queen must be available to participate in a reasonable number of community events to promote the GarrettCounty Fair and the GarrettCounty Agricultural Community. (Examples include select banquets, parades, civic events, agriculturally related events, etc.)
- By accepting the title of farm Queen, or being a member of the Queen’s court, the individual noted below agrees to the following code of conduct:
- The Farm Queen and members of the court agree to refrain from engaging in any of the following activities:
- Use of tobacco products of any type
- Use of illegal drugs of any type
- Use of alcohol
- Use of fowl or distasteful language
- The Farm Queen and members of the court agree to dress in modest attire while participating in events and activities in an official capacity.
- The Farm Queen (or court) will not wear the crown and/or sash while personally competing in fair related competitions/exhibitions.
- The Farm Queen agrees to hold the title of Farm Queen exclusively during the tenure or her reign. By accepting the title of Farm Queen, the individual agrees that she will not compete for, nor accept any other title and that she will represent the Garrett County Fair as the Farm Queen exclusively during her tenure.
- If the Farm Queen or members of the court are 4-H or FFA members, they agree to abide by any code of conduct established by those organizations.
I have read and agree to abide by the Responsibilities and Code of Conduct established for the GarrettCounty Farm Queen Program. I understand that should I fail to abide by the Code of Conduct, be unable to fulfill my responsibilities, or fail to continue to meet any eligibility requirements I may be asked, and will agree to forfeit the Farm Queen (or court) title and scholarship. I understand that the Garrett County Fair Board will determine any non-compliance with the Responsibilities, Code of Conduct and Eligibility and that any decision made by the Board in these matters will be final and not subject to appeal.
Applicant’s signature and date Parent/Guardian’s signature and date
(If applicant is under 18 years of age)
Please return the completed application to:
Kay SteyerTerri RodeheaverLisa Brenneman
2727 Gorman Road415 Bishoff Road 1990 Silver Knob Road
Oakland, MD 21550Friendsville, MD 21531Oakland, MD 21550
301-334-2900 240-979-7382301-616-1010
Please feel free to call for additional information.
Completed applications are due by Saturday, July 11, 2014
No late applications can be accepted.