National Engineers Week
Of Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties
Banquet Date: February 25, 2016
Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties
By Society
Planning is underway for the Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties 2016 National Engineers Week Banquet. National Engineers Week isFebruary 21-27, 2016. The year’s banquet will be held on Thursday, February 25, 2016.Additional banquet information isavailable on the Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties National Engineers Week website
Each year this banquet provides an opportunity to socialize, network, recognize the excellent work of local engineers (both as individuals and as project teams), enjoy an interesting engineering and technology presentation by a guest speaker, and present scholarships to outstanding local college students. These activities are all made possible because of generous contributions of time and resources from engineering societies in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties and from local businesses that depend on and/or appreciate the value of the engineering profession. We invite you to join us again this year.
An important part of our annual banquet is recognizing outstanding Engineers and Projects from our local area. This year as in past years the National Engineers Week Committee is soliciting an Engineer of the Year (EOY) and a Project of the Year (POY) from each of the professional engineering societies in Ventura and Santa BarbaraCounties for recognition at the banquet.
Each society is responsible for solicitation, evaluation, selection, and submittal of its EOY and POY recipients. One EOY and one POY selection will be accepted per society unless prior arrangements are requested and coordinated with the Committee. The Committee is pleased to honor your EOY and POY recipients at the banquet; however we do not select the actual recipients. You may use whatever internal selection process you choose.
All submissions are due by Friday, January 15, 2016. Please feel free to contactLoree at (805) 289-3830 with any questionsor by e-mail at .
Loree Berry, P.E.
Engineer & Project of the Year Coordinator
2016Engineer of the Year (EOY)
Name/ Title (if desired) ______
Nominated by (Association/Sponsor) ______
Presenter (Name and title of person sponsoring the EOY): ______
Brief biography (please limit to one or two short paragraphs): ______
Key points of EOY’s career of accomplishments that merit recognition as EOY:
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
Other Comments:
Note: Please attach a reasonable quality photo of the recipient to include in the brochure (*.jpg file preferred).
2016Project of the Year (POY)
Project Name/ Title ______
Nominated by (Association/Sponsor) ______
Project Manager(s) (name and title of person receiving project award): ______
Brief Description of Project (please limit to one paragraph – 3-5 sentences): ______
Key points of Project that merit recognition as project of the year:
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
Key Project Personnel:
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
Project Designer and Significant Sub-consultants (if applicable):
Prime Project designer: ______
Key sub-consultants:
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
Project Prime Construction Contractor and Significant Sub-contractors: (if applicable):
Prime Construction Contractor: ______
Key Construction Sub-contractors:
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
Other Comments:
Please attach a few reasonable quality photos or a pictorial representation of project suitable to include in brochure (*.jpg files preferred)
Return submission forms to: y January 15, 2016