Leadership Tulsa
2010 Board Internship Request Form
We would like: LT Intern only (Feb.-Oct.) Typros Intern only (Mar.-Dec.) Either or both
CONTACT PERSON: Dennis HendersonTITLE: Operations Manager
PHONE: (918) 587-7801EMAIL:
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.
The Salvation Army defines its mission to meet human needs whenever possible, as soon as possible, using proven methods of evaluation and response. In support of this mission, The Salvation Army has resolved to minister to the mental, spiritual, moral, and physical needs of individuals at the point of need, and at the time of need.
The Center of Hope provides emergency shelter and feeding programs, as well as Supportive Housing for families with children, Emergency Financial Assistance, and Project Able permanent housing and job assistance for men. The six area Boys & Girls Clubs provide educational, cultural and recreational programs for children and families. The Salvation Army also provides seasonal assistance and spiritual programs to those who request it.
Hispanic / 1 / Asian / Caucasian / 37 / Male / 31African American / 2 / Native American / 2 / Other / Female / 11
TOTAL / 42 / TOTAL / 42
Number of Board Meetings Per Year: 10
Day, Time and Place of Meetings:
Advisory Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month, excluding July and August, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm at The Salvation Army, Tulsa Area Command at 1616 South Main, Tulsa, OK74119.
I would describe our board as:a working boarda policy board
(circle all that apply)
formal informal
Leadership Tulsa
2010 Board Internship Request Form
List standing board committees and for each one indicate current number of members, meeting schedule and if it might be a good choice for an LT intern.
Committee Name (Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Program Committee, etc.) / ApproximateCurrent Number of Members / Meeting Schedule (Monthly, Annually, As Needed, etc.) / Committee could include LT Intern (Yes/No)
Executive Committee / 14 / Monthly / No
Finance & Administration / 4 / Monthly / Yes
Nominating / 5 / As Needed
(usually monthly) / Yes
Property / 13 / Monthly / Yes
Development, Planned Giving, Resource Development / 5 / As Needed / Yes
Public Relations / 3 / As Needed / Yes
Social Services/Disaster / 4 / As Needed / Yes
Special Fundraising/Christmas / 4 / As Needed / Yes
Please indicate any special needs you might have or talents that would be especially helpful to your board at this time or special projects that an LT Intern could take on for your organization.
The Board is involved with numerous activities throughout the year. We would want to match the interests and skills of interns with appropriate needs and projects.