811 2nd street North
Fargo, ND 58102
Phone (701)-293-3868


Silver Hoofs Website;

Keep for your personal Info.

Greetings and Welcome,

Congratulations on your success in completing your long journey of getting to know your self in Wolfen Wicca ® 101! So now, you are ready for your next step.

This new set of classes is called Wolfen Wicca® 201- A Dedicants Walk, like the first set of classes it builds on itself and you are take on a new spiritual quest in which you “flesh” out more and learn new approaches. The expected date of your graduation will begin on the post marked date we receive the signed Legal Agreement from you, you have 12 months from that date to complete it. Anything past that date may incur additional fees. Your student number will remain the same please continue to use it in all correspondences to us and all homework..

Classes will be by snail mail, the address to send payment to (if you haven't paid in full is below)

811 2nd street North
Fargo, ND 58102

Well I imagine that you are excited, you will notice that there are no tests with this set of classes but there is homework! In addition, you will notice a unique thing called circle work, it is expected with each class packet you send me .

Simply stated CIRCLE WORK is anything that you find inspirational, in the sense it reminds you of the Goddess or God or in that it made you appreciate something about you, or that it caused you to want to do better or achieve more in your spiritual growth…Get the idea? A poem (written by any one) a picture, a scent (I’ve had people spray a piece of paper and send that to me, a stone, a picture of some one. ANYTHING at all. The only catch is you must tell me why it inspired you! Also remember you wont be getting these things back so don’t send me the only picture of your grandmother (a scanned copy will do fine ) So be thinking about your circle work cause your gonna need quite a few  Oh and this is a good time to be thinking about a robe, if you want to wear one in the circle. Lady Shadow Stalker makes them at really reasonable prices so if you want one, cant sew(like me) or cant find one at reasonable price just ask her about it.

Like the 101 class, each time you return the short paper (a paragraph or two is fine) on your homework and your circle work, as well as your payment (if you haven’t paid in full) you will receive the next class. Your personal instructor is to be myself (Lady Wolfen Mists) or Lady Shadow Stalker. We will read your sent in information and make comments on them. UNLIKE the last 101 class such responses may be in e-mail form. Again I stress your work will not be returned to you nor will any other class assignments, so keep copies if you want them. If you're having problems with a section or have questions ask your instructor and we will help. I'm as excited, as you are to get started.

For your information I have nothing to do with payments and such, that is all Lady Shadow Stalkers area so if you need to discuss that please address questions to her. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us via e-mail or phone, the number is (701) 293-3868.

Other information off the web page you may want to review

In the 201 class you will be taken up to dedication. There will be 13 classes You will only pay for 12, I give you #13 free. You can finish in 9 months or 12 months without incurring additional fees.

The cost break down; Break down for 201 class

Per Class Price= $30 x 12 =360.00

Shipping = $32.00

Material cost & fees= $40.00

Grand total = $432.00 (cash discount used here)

-Which averages to $36.00 per class.

-Payment can be made through your credit card or money order .

Payment plans as follows:

-There are 3 main ways to make payment, which includes Money Order, Paypal and Credit card (Visa Master Card & Discover) Please note that Only the Money Order payment is given the cash discount shown above. Payment through Paypal and Credit card does not get the cash discount and will be charged and additional one time payment of $12.00 in the first payment.

-Payment schedule has 4 time payment options The final 13th class is sent upon completion of course work

  1. Payment in full of $432.00 with cash discount or $444.00. All classes are sent at once. The final 13th class is sent upon completion of course work
  2. Payment option 2 is in 2 pay periods getting 6 classes in the first payment section and 6 in the last section Payment is $216.00 for the first payment or $228.00 without cash discount. Then $216.00 for the second half of the course. options The final 13th class is sent upon completion of course work
  3. Payment option 3 is in 3 time periods. Getting 4 classes the 1st, 2nd & 3rd payments. The actual payment will be $144.00 or $156.00 without cash discount for the first time payment period then $144.00 for the following two pay periods. options The final 13th class is sent upon completion of course work
  4. Payment option 4 is in 4 time periods. Getting 3 classes the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th payments. The actual payment will be $108.00 or $120.00 without cash discount for the 1st pay period. Then $108.00 for the next three pay periods. options The final 13th class is sent upon completion of course work

-All monies paid are non-refundable period. Under no circumstances, no exchanges or return or credits

-If you finish the entire course in 9 months you will receive a special gift, nope aint gonna tell ya but it will be picked out just for you.

-If you pay in FULL in advance you will receive a free gift

- We will also take International students but payment must be in US funds and shipping fees will vary with the cost of the country.

-Once committed to the class you must complete payment within the timeframe given, even if you do not finish. But then why would you start and not finish :-)

-You will also need to sign an agreement, like in the 101 course, that pretty much says you wont tell the secrets you learn in the class, as Wolfen Wicca tm is a Secret Initiatory tradition. Also that you wont go set up shop and be in competition with me using any of the information I give you in my classes. (I know this sounds sad to many of you who are honest and have honor but believe me it has happened in the past, so I feel a need to protect my self from it ever happening again. I hope you understand)

-There is one other requirement which is you must be 18 or older to take the classes

-All classes will be sent through the Post office . I'm not set up for online and to be honest I don't know if I ever will be

Please return this sheet with your Signed Legal Agreement and payment so we can get started. Please print all information 

Student Full Name______




Country______Zip Code______

Phone to be contacted at ( ) .

( ) .

E-mail Address;______

Please note: Once committed to the class you must complete payment, even if you do not finish. All monies paid are non-refundable period. Under no circumstances, no exchanges or return or credits

Payment Choice: Please check one-

[ ] Paid for in full right away

[ ] Payment option 2 2 pay periods (see above for details)

[ ] Payment option 3 3 pay periods (see above for details)

[ ] Payment option 4 4 pay periods (see above for details)

Payment Method: Please check one option below

Please note all payments are final! No charge backs, exchanges or refunds period.

[ ] Money Order….cash discount [ ] Paypal.. no Cash discount

Charge Cards; No cash discount

[ ] Visa [ ] Master Card [ ] Discover

Charge Number ______

Expiration Date ______

Name as it appears on Card ______

Your signature: By signing this you agree to allow (Silver Hoofs Inc.) to place charges for classes or approved extra items to be charged to your account.


Signature and Date

If you need more room for anything please print on the back, Thanks!