Information and Instructions for Schools and Fans

Admission Tickets: $7.00 per Adult, $5.00 per Student per session. There are three, two game sessions on Thursday and Friday, and two sessions on Saturday. Session times are: Session One 9:00 and 10:45 a.m.; Session Two 2:00 and 3:45 p.m.; Session Three 7:00 and 8:45 p.m. The per session ticket is good for only one site per session.

BRACKET: Included on the school web page or at www.nsaahome.org

State Tournament Rules:

The Team, Coaches, Student Body, Cheerleaders, Parents and Fans are evaluated for sportsmanship at the state tournament. Please support the school and team in a positive manner to assist in winning this valued award by showing good sportsmanship.

Sportsmanship: The students and team followers (fans and parents) are expected to exhibit sportsmanlike behavior during the tournament (see sportsmanship rules later in this message). Any person becoming disorderly will be removed from the game site. Teams/Fans shall not throw items into the crowd. (i.e.: sports balls, candy, etc.) Fans must wear shirts at all times inside all state basketball venues. Laser lights are prohibited.

Fire Precautions: Shredded paper, punch-outs from computer cards, and confetti should not be carried into the gymnasiums by cheerleaders, student body or fans. The fire marshal’s office has directed them to not permit materials of this type in the various sites.

Signs and Banners: Signs and banners that are not directed at the opposition and are not derogatory in nature may be placed on walls behind the seating areas. The signs or banners will not be permitted on walls or the stands near the playing floor. Signs, banners, and school flags should not be carried around the floor. Signs that are not political, obscene, or in bad taste may be posted within the playing facility as long as the signs do not interfere with the specatators’ view of the game or with the playing of the game.

Balloons: No balloons are allowed inside any facility hosting a game.

Artificial Noisemakers: The use of artificial noisemakers is prohibited. (examples: air horns, whistles, bells, Thunder Sticks, etc.) Megaphones may be used by cheerleaders only. Band instruments, including drums, are not to be played at any time other than when the entire band is playing. Bands should not be permitted to play except prior to the game, at intermissions, and time-outs. At half time, bands are not to play until drill team performances are completed unless the band accompanies the drill team.

Cheerleaders: Only those students who have been members of the cheerleading squad for the entire season are to lead cheers during the tournament. The building of pyramids and/or mounts is prohibited. Cheerleaders shall not throw items into the crowd.

Spirit Lines: A spirit line may be formed, but lines must be confined to the out-of-bounds area.

Pep Band: Members must pay regular admission. Seating areas are reserved for each band. Band instruments, including drums, are not to be played at any time other than when the entire band is playing. Bands should not be permitted to play except prior to the game, at intermissions, and time-outs. At half time, bands are not to play until drill team performances are completed unless the band accompanies the drill team. The facilities cannot guarantee the accommodation of instruments requiring electrical power, nor will floor space be provided for any instruments if the placement of the instruments interferes with the movement of players, officials, or spectators.

Parking: Please check signs for legal parking areas. See the attached sheets for the parking and seating at the three different venues used.

Responsibilities of the Spectator:

1. Show interest in the contest by enthusiastically cheering and applauding the performance of both teams.

2. Show proper respect for opening ceremonies by standing at attention and remaining silent when the National Anthem is played.

3. Understand that a ticket is a privilege to observe the contest, not a license to verbally attack others, or to be obnoxious. Maintain self-control.

4. Do no “boo,” stamp feet or make disrespectful remarks toward players or officials.

5. Learn the rules of the game, so that you may understand and appreciated why certain situations take place.

6. Know that noisemakers of any kind are not proper for indoor events.

7. Obey and respect officials and faculty supervisors who are responsible for keeping order. Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials.

8. Stay off the playing area at all times.

9. Do not disturb others by throwing material on to the playing area.

10. Show respect for officials, coaches, cheerleaders and student-athletes.

11. Pay attention to the half-time program and do not disturb those who are watching.

12. Respect public property by not damaging the equipment of the facility.

13. Know that the school officials reserve the right to refuse attendance of individuals whose conduct is not proper.

14. Refrain form the use of alcohol and drugs prior to attendance, or at the site of the contest.

Fan’s Fair Play Code

1. I will remember that young people play sports for THEIR enjoyment, not to entertain me.

2. I will not have unrealistic expectations and will understand that doing one’s best is as important as winning. I understand that ridiculing an athlete for making a mistake is not acceptable behavior.

3. I will respect the official’s decisions and will encourage all participants to do the same.

4. I will respect and show appreciation for the coaches and understand that they have given their time to provide activities for our young people.

5. I will encourage athletes and coaches to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.

6. I will show respect for my team’s opponents because I realize there would be no game without them.

7. I will not use bad language and will not harass athletes, coaches, officials, or other


8. I will always show good sportsmanship since young people learn best by example.