2009 Baytown Township Annual Meeting Minutes
The annual Town Meeting was called to order by Clerk, Connie Fredkove at 8:10 p.m. at Baytown Community Building – 4020 McDonald Drive N. , Stillwater, MN 55082 15 citizens were present.
Election of moderator (by the electorate)
Kent Grandlienard nominated Brian Nichols to be the moderator for the 2009 Annual Meeting, seconded by Ron Fredkove. All in favor, motion passed.
Reading the 2008 Annual Meeting Minutes (Clerk)
Mike Amundson moved to dispense the reading of the minutes, seconded by Kent Grandlienard. All in favor, motion passed.
Mike Amundson moved to approved the 2008 Annual Meeting Minutes, seconded by Ron Fredkove. All in favor, motion passed.
Reading of Treasurer’s Report
Kent Grandlienard moved to read a synopsis of the Treasurer’s report, seconded by Ron Fredkove. All in favor, motion passed.
Ron Fredkove moved to accept the report, subject to Audit, seconded by Mike Amundson. All in favor, motion passed.
Road report
No major projects.
The township will continue to bank funds for the Osgood project. The Engineering for the Osgood project is almost completed at this time. A resident asked if a date has been set to start the actual work on Osgood Ave. The township attorney is working on the easements. We could start with the shoulder phase in the work. Watershed rules were changed so Engineering had to be updated.
Regular road maintenance for 2008 will consist of crack sealing, topping and regular road maintenance.
Setting Levies for taxes. Road and Bridge, fire, general etc., 2010
Kent Grandlienard explained the proposed 2010 budget.
Ron Fredkove moved to set the 2010 levy at $332,950.00, seconded by Bill Nelson. All in favor, motion passed.
Report of Annual Election
There were a total of 33 ballots were cast. Seat No. 1 – Mike Amundson received 32 votes, one write in for Pete Miller. Seat No. 2 - Kent Grandlienard received 32 votes, one write in for Diane McGann.
The Election judges were thanked for their time.
Select a depository (Bank or Banks to keep funds in)
Treasurer, Bonnie Beecroft said the Township has accounts in Bayport First State Bank, Lake Elmo Bank, Prosperan Bank and Central Bank.
Kent Grandlienard moved to keep the same banks as we currently have, seconded by Bonnie Beecroft. All in favor, motion passed.
Select a paper for publishing and posting places
Clerk, Connie Fredkove suggested that we continue using The Valley Press as the Township Legal newspaper as this is the one most of the residences of Baytown receive.
Mike Amundson moved to continue using the Valley Press as our official newspaper for publishing, seconded by Ron Fredkove. All in favor, motion passed.
Set time for next Annual Meeting (March 09, 2010 second Tuesday in March)
Mike Amundson moved to set the annual meeting to March 09, 2010 at 8:00 p.m., seconded by Ron Fredkove All in favor, motion passed.
Other Business
Vic Thalacker asked about the problem with the dogs in his neighborhood. Kent Grandlienard explained the process that the Board had taken. Mr. Thalacker has kept a log
Maynard Kelsey asked that the Washington County sheriff’s reports be posted on the Baytown Township Website. The clerk will start posting them in April.
Maynard Kelsey asked that the annual township election for Baytown Township be changed to the even year election. Discussion was held by the residents concerning this subject. Brian Nichols and Kent Grandlienard were opposed to changing the election.
Maynard Kelsey moved to put the question of changing the annual township election on the 2010 ballot, No seconded. Motion died.
Kent Grandlienard moved to donate $500 CVS at this point and future donations will be at the discretion of the board, seconded by Bonnie Beecroft. All in favor, motion passed.
Maynard Kelsey brought up the deer problem in the township and would like hunting in the township.
Discussion followed. It was suggested that Mr. Kelsey organize his neighborhood for a deer hunt.
Ron Fredkove moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m., seconded by Kent Grandlienard All in favor, motion passed.
Organizational Meeting - March 12, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.
Submitted by:
Connie Fredkove
Connie Fredkove
Baytown Clerk