2008 Spring OB Exam 3

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2008 Spring OB Exam 2 – True/False & Multiple Choice
Highlight, Underline, Color or Bold the Following Correct Answer!

1.Expert power is anchored to one's formal position or authority.

2.Organizational politics involves intentional enhancement of self-interest.

3.Organizational politics cannot be eliminated.

4.Valued knowledge or information gives an individual ______power over those who need such knowledge or information.

5.______refers to getting others to see us in a certain manner.
B.Impression management

6.A personal characteristic that differentiates leaders from followers is called a:
A.Leadership style.
C.Consideration factor.
D.Leader trait.
E.Readiness factor.

7.According to the Ohio State researchers, ______involves leader behavior associated with creating mutual respect or trust and focuses on a concern for group members' needs and desires.
A.Task-motivated leadership
B.Initiating structure
C.Directive style
D.Achievement-oriented style

8.______leadership focuses on increased service to others rather than to oneself.

9.At the individual level, leadership involves mentoring, coaching, inspiring, and motivating.

10.Behavioral styles research revealed that there is no one best style of leadership.

11.Transactional leadership can produce significant organizational change and results because it "transforms" employees to pursue organizational goals in lieu of self-interest.

12.Cultures that are adaptive and flexible rather than rigid and bureaucratic are more likely to create environments that foster the opportunity for charismatic leadership to be exhibited.

13.The Ohio State Studies identified which of these leader behaviors?
A.Employee-centered and job-centered
B.Concern for production and concern for people
C.Task-motivated and relationship-motivated
D.Consideration and initiating structure
E.Directive and supportive

14.University of Michigan Studies researchers identified which two styles of leader behaviors?
A.Employee-centered and job-centered
B.Concern for production and concern for people
C.Task-motivated and relationship-motivated
D.Consideration and initiating structure
E.Directive and supportive

15.The best leaders are:
D.Both A and B
E.A, B and C

AACSB: Group-individual dynamics
Blooms taxonomy: Comprehension
Difficulty: Medium
Kinicki - Chapter 14 #59

Essay Exam

Please answer the 2 questions below (no short answers or simple rehash of the books information will be accepted). Please develop logical thoughts and arguments that concretely demonstrate your mastery of the concepts and your use of the knowledge learned. Note a “section/concept” of text means a few pages that explain the entire concept in the book definitions, examples, a case, and/or explanation by the author, your professor and/or your experience (life). Then once you have explained the section/concept, give examples of how it works in reality and how you will use of your new knowledge to benefit you in business. Three part questions below! PLEASE ANSWER THE 2 QUESTIONS. If you answer all you will get extra credit for the additional answer

1. Choose a section of Chapter 13 (Influence, Power and Politics: An Organizational Survival Kit) explain how you understand the concepts you choose to discuss from the book’s chapter. Then give an (or some) example(s) of how you see the concepts at work in reality. Finally, how will you leverage your new knowledge and understanding of this concept to benefit you in the real world of business (or life)?

2. Choose a section of Chapter 14 (Leadership) explain how you understand the concepts you choose to discuss from the book’s chapter. Then give an (or some) example(s) of how you see the concepts at work in reality. Finally, how will you leverage your knowledge and understanding of this concept to benefit you in the real world of business (or life)?