2010 National School Social Work Conference


Thursday April 8 Workshops (10:15 to 11:45 am)
A1 / “ Keeping Kids Safe & Healthy in a Toxic Society: 25 Free Strategies to Help Students Learn More & Live Better” Dr. Stephen Sroka, PhD
A2 / “Data Based Decision Making & RTI: Laptop Session”
Dr. Jim Raines, MSW, LSSWS, CISW
A3 / “Navigating Cultural Diversity: Ethnographic Interviewing”
Dr. Christine Sabatino, PhD, LICSW, C-SSW
A4 / “The Paradox of Self-Injurious Behavior: Hurting to Relieve Pain”
Dr. Joyce Griffin, PhD
A5 / “Therapeutic Interventions for Elementary Students
Mary Pat Gilliam, MSW, LCSW
A6 / “SSW & Research Based School Wide Interventions”
Dr. Ann Mumm, PhD, MSW & Dr. Lynn Bye, PhD, MSW
A7 / “What Works in Truancy Intervention”
Dr. Chris Flaherty, MSW, PhD & Dr. Richard Sutphen, MSW, PhD
A8 / “Let’s Talk: Runaway Prevention”
Natalie Smith, AM, LCSW & Lee Osipchak
Thursday April 8 Workshops (1:15 to 2:45 pm)
B9 / ““ Keeping Kids Safe & Healthy in a Toxic Society: 25 Free Strategies to Help Students Learn More & Live Better” Dr. Stephen Sroka, PhD
B10 / “Shout Out for SSWs: Advocacy in Action”
Myrna Mandlawitz, Esq, M.Ed.J & Richard Spring, LMSW, MSW
B11 / “Common Psychotropic Medications Used with Children
Lynn Baer, RN, MSN, CS
B12 / “Truancy Prevention & Intervention”
Dr. Lynn Bye, , Phd, MSW; Michelle Alvarez, MSW, EdD; Janet Haynes, MSW, PhD;
Cindy Sweigart, MSW & Evie Campbell, MSW
B13 / “Ready or Not, Here They Come: School Based Mental Health”
Georgean Rustemeyer, MSW, LCSW.
B14 / “Teen Online Safety Issues: What You Really Need to Know ”
Detective Frank Dannahey
B15, C23 / “What is Attachment Trauma? How & Why It Manifests in Close Families and How
to Repair It” Dr. Mark Schwartz, ScD
B16, C24 / “Back to Basics: How to Succeed with Oppositional Children and Their Parents”
Reevah Simon, MSW, LCSW, PPS & Lorena Valencia, MSW, LAUSD
Thursday April 8 Workshops (3:15 – 4:45 pm)
C 17 / ““RtI for School Social Workers: Response to Intervention in the BEHAVIORAL and Academic Domains
Dr. Robert Pasternack, PhD, NCSP
C 18 / “The SSW: Promoting Academic Achievement Utilizing Social and Emotional
Learning Evidenced Based Programming” Annette Johnson, ACSW, LCSW
C 19 / “Current Trends in Psychotropic Medications for Children and Adolescents”
Lynn Baer, RN, MSN, CS
C 20 / “Have Fun While Addressing Diversity & Academic Achievement”
Dr. Emmanuel Ngomsi, PhD & Chia Alphone, MA
C 21 / “Science of Brain Chemistry & Youth Behaviors”
Liz Koller, MBA
C 22 / “Typical or Troubled” Colleen Reilly, MPA & J. Wesley Jones, LCSW
Friday Workshop Rooms
Friday April 9 Workshops (9:00 – 11:00 am)
D 25 / “Response to Intervention (RtI) Part 1: An Introduction and Overview”
Michelle Alvarez MSW, Ed.D. & Jim Clark, MSW
D 26 / “Why Try? Ending Failure and Providing Hope”
Christian Moore, MSW
D 27 / “Working with the Military Family”
George Appenzeller, MSW, LISWAP, CP, LCSW VT
D 28 / “Strategies for Academic Success for Latino Students”
Dr. Fae Garcia Bush, Ed.D., LCSW, MSW
D 29 / “ACT to Prevent Self-Injury & Suicide in Your School”
Candace Porter, MSW, LICSW
D 30 / “School Boards: How to Reach Them and How to Teach Them”
Nic Dibble, MSW, LSSW, CISW
D 31 / “Easing the Teasing--Helping Kids Cope with Name-Calling, Ridicule and
Bullying” Judy Freedman, MSW, LCSW
D 32 / “Nurturing Social Skills in Children and Adolescents with Asperger's Syndrome”
Dr. Christy Magnusen, PhD
Friday April 9 Workshops (1:00 to 2:30 pm)
E 33 / “Response to Intervention (RtI) Part 2: Putting RtI Into Practice”
Wendy Marckmann, MSW, LISW & Jennifer Gilmore, MSW
E 34 / “I Hate You, Don't Leave Me; I Need You, Don't Help Me: Confronting the Challenges of Helping Students With Borderline Personality”
Dr. Jerold Kreisman, MD
E 35 / “How Parents View School-based Challenges and Successes for Children with ASD”
Dr. Laura Dreuth Zeman, MSW, PhD, LCSW; Jayme Swanke, PhD Student &
Dr. Judy Doktor, PhD
E 36 / School Experiences of African American Male Middle School Students”
Kari Smith, MSW, MA
E 37 / “Bringing Evidence-Based Screening to Your Community: TeenScreen
Schools and Communities” Deanna Richards, MA & Gloria Stamps, LCSW.
E 38 / “Deaf Children in the Mainstream”
Beth Betman, MSW, LICSW; Dr. Martha Sheridan, MSW, PhD; et.al.
E 39, F 47 / “Crisis Bereavement Group Intervention Guidelines for School Social Workers”
Jerry Ciffone, MSW, LCSW
E 40, F 48 / “A New Model of School Discipline: Engaging Students and Preventing Behavior”
Dr. Dave Dupper, Ph.D, MSW
Friday April 9 Workshops (3:00 – 4:30 pm)
F 41 / “Response to Intervention (RtI) Part 3: Using Data to Drive Decision-Making?”
Jennifer Gilmore, MSW, LISW & Wendy Marckmann, MSW
F 42 / “Understanding and Working with Students with Bipolar Disorder”
Brenda Brown, NMSN, CPNP
F 43 / “"I'm Gay…..Ok!"”
Doug Spohn, MSS/ACSW
F 44 / “Implementation of Evidenced-Based Programs in a Large Urban School District”
Cynthia Wright, MA, MHS & Dr. Reggee McClinton, PhD, NCSP
F 45 / “Promoting Resilience through Critical Service Learning”
Dr. Cassandra McKay, PhD, LCSW & Annette Johnson, ACSW, LCSW
F 46 / “Got Interns??? How to Incorporate Social Work Interns/Students Effectively Into
Your Practice”
Kathy Armenta, LCSW, ACSW; Rebecca Kunkel, LMSW; Renee Henderson, LCSW
Saturday Workshop Rooms
Saturday April 10 Workshops (8:30 – 10:30 am)
G 49 / “Bridging the Gap--Socially and Aspirationally for Youth in Low Income Cultures to the Promises of Middle Class America”
Prof. Jack Kirkland, MSW & Marvin R. Falley
G 50 / “Forgiveness Factor: Making the Bullying Connection and Building a Kinder
School” Lynne Lange, MHM
G 51 / “Integrating Children's Literature with RTI/PBIS and Social Emotional Learning”
Brenda Lindsey, Ed.D, MSW, LCSW
G 52 / “Using FBAs and BIPs to Address Challenging Student Behaviors”
Suzen James, MSW, M.Ed, ACSW; Heather Philpot, LMSW & Paula Trujillo, LISW
G 53 / “Beyond Social Skills: A Social Communication Approach to Integration of Language and Emotions for Socially Challenged High School Students”
David Myford, MSW, LSW & Jane Petru, SLP, MS, CCC
G 54 / “The Liberty Breakfast Club: Waking Up Caring”
Bruce Failla, MSW, SSWS
G 55 / “Beyond Monopoly: The Use of Therapeutic Games”
Dr. Tonia Caselman, PhD, LCSW & Jennifer Morris, MSW Student
G 56 / “Good Grief: Interventions for Supporting Bereaved Children and Adolescents”
Erica Sirrine, MSW, LCSW