2008 DECA Ontario Regionals


1.The Gray Line bus company offers bus tours in various cities throughout the United States. Gray Line is included in which of the following components of the travel and tourism industry:

A.Ground transportation C.Travel mart

B.Hospitality D.Wholesale distribution

2.The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was intended to prevent ______in the workplace.

A.discrimination C.aggression

B.hazardous conditions D.unequal pay

3.Which of the following types of business organizations reduces or limits the risk of its stockholders:

A.FranchiseB. Sole proprietorshipC.CorporationD.Partnership

4.A benefit to travel and tourism businesses that use electronic data interchange (EDI) systems is

A.fewer packing errors. C.higher stock turnover.

B.competent intermediaries. D.effective inventory management.

5.What type of law is violated when a supplier requires intermediaries to enter into tying agreements?

A.Antitrust B. ProbateC.Zoning D.Infringement

6.To maintain positive relationships, all distribution channel members must

A.have equal power. C.develop competing goals.

B.limit ongoing communication. D.coordinate their efforts.

7.When Christy, an employee at a large airline, wants to talk with several members of the airline's staff on the telephone at the same time, she could use a service called

A.call forwarding.C.speed calling.

B.call waiting. D.conference calling.

8.The travel agent tried to write a promotional letter that was simple, clear, and interesting so that customers who received it would

A.ask what it really meant.C.find it entertaining.

B.need to read it many times. D.easily understand it.

9.When giving employees directions for performing complex assignments, it is often effective for managers of tour companies to

A.describe the work quickly. C.use technical language.

B.explain one part of the job at a time.D.assume that employees understand the process.

10.When confirming a hotel reservation for a client, a travel agent must be sure to

A.ask how large the hotel is. C.find out how large the parking lot is.

B.get a confirmation number. D.ask the room number the client will be staying in.

11.A cruise line develops policies to guide the way employees act because the way employees treat customers affects the cruise line's

A.inventory.B. credit.C.capital. D.image.

12."I think I'll wait until Saturday to book this trip," is a statement that best characterizes the ______customer.

A.domineering/superior C.dishonest


13.It is important for tour operators to prepare and forward rooming lists to hotels before a tour begins so the hotel will have time to

A.hire additional employees. C.assign rooms to passengers.

B.clean the reserved rooms. D.purchase a supply of towels.

14.What type of product utility is created for consumers by credit cards, charge accounts, and installment loans?

A.TimeB. PlaceC.FormD.Possession

15.Travel and tourism businesses that contribute money to local educational, cultural, and training programs are showing social responsibility to their

A.communities. C.customers.

B.employees. D.stockholders.

16.The government's mandating the use of unleaded gas in new cars is an example of

A.stabilizing the economy.C.protecting the environment.

B.protecting specific businesses. D.providing public goods.

17.A person who sells cruises as a travel agent and can also sell group convention services for a major city is an example of

A.ease of transferring to other like jobs.C.simplified worker training.

B.increased quality of work.D.decreased level of skill.

18.All night-shift workers at the Gates Hotel have reported for work, but they are refusing to do their assigned jobs. What kind of pressure strategy is being used by the workers?

A.Injunction C.Lockout

B.Sit-down strike D.Sympathetic strike

19.Which of the following often has a negative impact on a business's purchasing power:

A.Credit C.Subsidy

B.Inflation D.Utility

20.Large travel agencies often build teams to solve problems, which involves giving ______to the team.

A.insight C.authority

B.compensation D.leadership

21.Which of the following is not necessarily an attribute of leadership:

A.Creativity C.Willingness to learn

B.Quiet strength D.Openness to change

22.Which of the following helps employees to develop positive working relationships:

A.Human relations skills C.Formal education

B.Speech habits D.Personal grooming

23.An individual or a travel agency that borrows money by signing a promissory note is obtaining a(n)

A.unsecured loan.C.secured loan.

B.regular credit account. D.travel and entertainment card.

24.Many tourist attractions rely on some type of financing in order to obtain the funds necessary to market

A.seasonal items. C.capital goods.

B.fixed assets. D.raw materials.

25.When a tour wholesaler purchases an insurance policy, it is agreeing to the terms of a

A.contract. C.premium.

B.charter. D.policyholder.

26.Calculate the amount due on an invoice for a cruise that costs $789 if the customer pays within 10 days and receives a 5% discount.

A.$729.75 C.$749.55

B.$739.45 D.$759.65

27.Marginal analysis is a cost/benefit decision process that seeks to determine

A.the best qualities to look for in potential employees.

B.how a manager can cut costs.

C.the likely returns on a new investment.

D.profit-maximizing quantity of output.

28.Studying the business's profit-and-loss statement can tell a business owner the

A.amount of cash on hand.C.rate of return on sales.

B.value of the business's assets.D.value of current inventory.

29.Most businesses must collect sales tax on the products that they sell to final consumers and

A.turn it over to the state and local governments.

B.send all of it to the federal government.

C.keep tax money separate in the register.

D.use the tax to increase their profits.

30.A tour operator obtaining information about a prospective customer's employment and payment history is an example of

A.running a credit check. C.developing a mailing list.

B.preparing a personal profile. D.organizing a client database.

31.When interviewing job applicants, why is it important to ask open-ended questions?

A.To shorten the interview process C.To obtain in-depth information

B.To check for understanding D.To generate short answers

32.The first day on the job, a new travel-agency employee was given information about job duties, introduced to coworkers, and assigned to a senior worker. This employee has received a(n)

A.performance evaluation.C.attitude survey.

B.exit interview. D.job orientation.

33.In which instructional method is a person identified to succeed his/her superior and learn job-knowledge skills from that person?

A.Junior boardC.Understudy

B.Role-playing D.Management games

34.What category of complaint is illustrated in the following situation: A travel-agency employee complains that too much work is being delegated to entry-level employees.

A.Supervision/Management C.Coworkers

B.Company policies D.Physical surroundings

35.Marriott Corporation is designing policies that its employees must follow when traveling on company business. Which of the following policies would be important for the company to include:

A.Employees may use any travel agency they wish or the in-house travel department.

B.Employees should make hotel reservations with hotel chains that offer corporate rates.

C.Employees may rent any size car they wish; excessive rates will be billed to the employees.

D.All employees are permitted to fly first class for international flights exceeding seven hours.

36.Francis Cruise Lines has asked you to make recommendations for new hardware and software to replace the existing marketing-information system. What should you recommend?

A.Software that is secure and accessible only to you

B.Software that decision makers can use with minimum training

C.The largest system available for future expansion

D.Software that everyone in the company can use to collect and process data

37.In order to be of benefit to a travel agency, marketing research needs to be


B.expensive. D.accurate.

38.How might a tour company use the information in salespeople's lost-business reports that indicates that clients are dissatisfied with the tour company's credit policies and service?

A.To identify its target market C.To revise its marketing strategy

B.To change its operating goals D.To update its promotional techniques

39.Which of the following is an example of a cruise line developing a code for answers to survey questions in order to process and analyze marketing information:

A.Each answer has a specific numeric value.

B.Questions are numbered in chronological order.

C.Each survey contains an identification number.

D.Results are tabulated according to date received.

40.What type of database system would a travel agency use in order to organize marketing data according to many variables?

A.Relational C.Informative

B.Sequential D.Interactive

41.When collecting secondary data from various sources, it is important for market researchers to verify that the information is

A.current. C.classified.

B.biased. D.qualitative.

42.The term marketing functions is best defined as the

A.factors that influence the production costs for various products.

B.ways in which products can be used.

C.characteristics of goods and services.

D.activities involved in getting products from producers to consumers.

43.Which of the following is a primary technological resource used to check airline availability:


B.SABRE D.Tran-scan

44.Friendly Airlines had operated successfully for many years before another airline entered the market offering lower fares to attract customers. Friendly matched the rates of the other airline and began an aggressive advertising campaign. What factor made it necessary for Friendly Airlines to change its marketing strategy?

A.Consumer attitude shiftC.Actions of competitors

B.Economic changes D.Advancements in technology

45.Travel businesses realize that it is almost impossible to appeal to all customers, which is why most travel businesses try to

A.limit distribution channels. C.identify market segments.

B.set marketing goals. D.offer product guarantees.

46.Which of the following is an internal factor that tour wholesalers should analyze during the marketing planning process:

A.Customers C.Aptitudes

B.Politics D.Regulations

47.Which of the following do airlines use to identify developing changes so that they can make adjustments to remain competitive:

A.Geographic monitoring C.Demographic segmenting

B.Environmental scanning D.Psychological profiling

48.When conducting a market analysis, a tour wholesaler considers the total possible demand for a tour product, which is known as the

A.sales growth. C.target market.

B.market potential. D.supply factor.

49.If a cruise line discovers a competitor's weakness when it is conducting a competitive analysis, the cruise line has often uncovered a(n)

A.ethical disadvantage. C.marketplace opportunity.

B.internal threat. D.product liability.

50.When setting a marketing budget, which portion of the budget is often the largest and the most important to calculate?

A.Publicity C.Travel and entertainment

B.Advertising D.Wage and salary

51.One reason theme parks often conduct a sales analysis to compare actual sales with their sales goals is to make adjustments in the

A.publicity system. C.billing department.

B.marketing plan. D.inventory level.

52.The ultimate goal of a marketing audit is to improve a travel business's marketing

A.information. C.mix.


53.Which of the following is a legal factor that a travel business examines when conducting an environmental scan:

A.Beliefs and values C.Trade regulations

B.Cost of living D.Natural resources

54.What do most airline ticket counters use when accepting personal checks from passengers?

A.Magnetic-strip readersC.Photocopying devices

B.Confirmation numbers D.Verification systems

55.The first thing an employee should do when an accident occurs in the workplace is to

A.call an ambulance. C.file a report.

B.determine the severity of the injury. D.administer first aid.

56.Which of the following is not an example of point-of-sale fraud committed by employees:

A.Overcharging customers and keeping the extra money

B.Undercharging friends or family members for purchases

C.Accepting a check from a customer who lacks funds to cover it

D.Using employee discount privileges for friends or family members

57.What do travel agencies need to provide employees in order to create a quality culture?

A.Adequate training C.Fringe benefits

B.Ongoing assessment D.Competitive wages

58.Calculate an airport gift shop's net profit for last year if it had income from sales of $675,500, operating expenses of $210,000, and cost of goods sold was $305,200.

A.$255,500 C.$370,300

B.$160,300 D.$465,500

59.Conducting a break-even analysis often helps a tour operator to

A.determine market share. C.establish a selling price.

B.understand the level of demand. D.monitor the competition.

60.A travel agency negotiates a service contract on a copier that is based on the total number of copies made per year. The agency pays $.02 per copy for the first 10,000 copies, $.03 per copy for the next 15,000 copies, and $.04 per copy for the next 20,000 copies. Calculate the total cost for the contract if the agency makes 36,000 copies.


B.$1,080 D.$1,090

61.Travel businesses that do not adequately maintain their facilities may run the risk of

A.losing customers. C.promoting goodwill.

B.avoiding hazards. D.increasing profits.

62.Security considerations are important in the travel and tourism industry because tourists are often

A.looking for trouble. C.prone to injury.

B.targets of crime. D.part of a group.

63.Why do tour operators negotiate with suppliers for the best rates possible for services such as transportation, lodging, meals, and admission to attractions?

A.To plan incentive travelC.To prepare a sales budget

B.To set the commission level D.To develop the package price

64.Which of the following is a function of scheduling tours:

A.Send questionnairesC.Review itineraries

B.Confirm passengers D.Arrange activities

65.The reason you should include your complete name, address, and telephone number in your job résumé is to

A.follow the accepted rules for a résumé. C.get this information into the company files.

B.let the employer know how far away you live.D.make it easy for the company to contact you.

66.Which of the following is an example of networking:

A.Corey tells a neighbor about a class that she plans to take next year.

B.Casey surfs the web sites of local companies to view the job opportunities that are available.

C.Jess meets with a group of peers to discuss a specific book that all group members have read.

D.Jackson is looking for a new job and asks his friends and relatives if they know of any openings.

67.The possibility of terrorism or civil unrest in an area are factors that often have an impact on ______travel.


B.regulated D.international

68.Which of the following costs do tour wholesalers usually include in the price of their products:

A.Transportation C.Regulations

B.Inflation D.Job orientation

69.A travel and tourism company is most likely to lower product pricing when the overall economy is experiencing a period of

A.prosperity. C.recovery.


70.Airlines recognize the existence of different demand curves for different customer groups. Airlines can meet these various demands by

A.advertising to encourage passengers to fly during nonpeak times.

B.supplying and pricing airline tickets based on route, time period, and class of service.

C.providing additional luggage space, as needed, for business travelers.

D.offering cash-back savings to vacation travelers.

71.A large business offered a new product in some of its locations in order to find out whether consumers liked the product. This technique is known as

A.product development.C.test marketing.

B.idea generation. D.business analysis.

72.Which of the following is a way that a business can extend the life cycle of an established product:

A.By restricting distributionC.By finding new uses for the product

B.By promoting the product to current usersD.By attracting consumers who are innovators

73.If a market is willing to buy the product, the product idea may be

A.costly. B. feasible.C.impractical. D.challenging.

74.Which of the following is a primary purpose of consumer protection in product planning:

A.To encourage businesses to offer new products

B.To protect private enterprise principles

C.To protect consumers from personal injury

D.To protect consumers from inefficient businesses

75.When an employee is speaking with a client about the client's experience with the travel agency, what should the employee do?

A.Listen actively B. Provide inputC.Agree with feedback D.Anticipate responses

76.One reason it is important for airlines to regularly review their service offerings to make sure they fill customer needs is because the ______changes.

A.distribution system C.promotional technique

B.operating method D.social environment

77.A small travel agency that sells bus tours decides to add Alaskan cruises to it offerings. The travel agency is increasing its

A.promotional mix. B. product line.C.profits.D.product mix.

78.What often occurs when an airline fails to plan its services so that it can accommodate anticipated increases in demand?

A.Less competition C.Customer defection

B.Economic slowdown D.Higher market share

79.ABC Airlines changed its corporate name to XYZ Corporation and then back to ABC because consumers thought XYZ was too difficult to pronounce and remember. This marked a change in the company's use of a

A.trade name. B. brand name.C.brand mark.D.trade character.

80.When a cruise line charges high prices for luxury cruise options, it is using a positioning strategy that emphasizes

A.product quality. B. place utility.C.seasonal intensity. D.customer value.

81.A travel agency's president or owner can be the brand champion by

A.helping employees understand how to demonstrate the brand in their jobs.

B.replacing the mission statement every year or two.

C.immediately replacing employees who don't conform to brand standards.

D.developing a catchy slogan.

82.When evaluating the effectiveness of a tour, a tour operator might ask customers if

A.the tour was competitive with other tours. C.they budgeted enough funds to buy souvenirs.

B.they would recommend the tour to others. D.the weather was pleasant at all destinations.

83.Which of the following is a benefit to several travel and tourism entities of creating a marketing partnership:

A.Elimination of common competitors C.Discounted fees and services

B.Shared promotional costs and results D.Implementation of special procedures

84.An automobile club informs members about the new, free services that it is offering. This is an example of ______promotion.

A.public-relationsB. public-serviceC.productD.patronage

85.What type of promotion would best meet the needs of a travel business that wants immediate feedback as well as some flexibility in its promotion of a new product?