2008 Chapman Lectures in Animal Breeding
The 2008 Chapman Lectures in Animal Breeding and Genetics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison will be presented by Prof. Agustin Blasco, Department of Animal Science, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain, on May 5, 6 and 7, 2008. The lectures are open to the students, scientific community, livestock producers, and to the public as well. The dates, times, locations and titles of the lectures are:
Monday, May 5, 2008, 12:05 pm, 236 Animal Sciences Building
"Animal ethics for animal scientists"
Tuesday, May 6, 2008, 12:05 pm, 236 Animal Sciences Building
"Genetics of Uterine Capacity an embryo survival"
Wednesday, May 7, 2007, 8:50 am, 212 Animal Sciences Building
"Is molecular genetics so useful in animal breeding?"
Dr. AgustÃBlasco is professor of Animal Breeding and Genetics at the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain). He studied Agricultural Engineering, and eventually obtained a Ph D, centering on genetic improvement of rabbits. His career has focused on quantitative genetics and animal breeding, using pigs and rabbits as models; recent interests include ethics and animal welfare. He was president of the World Rabbit Science Association, and Editor-in-chief of World Rabbit Science. He has also been a Visiting Scientist at the former Animal Breeding Research Organisation
(Edinburgh, Scotland), at Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique(Jouy-en-Josas, France), and also spent six months with FAO in Rome, working with animal genetic resources. He has received awards from the European Association for Animal Production and the Spanish association of Animal Science, and has published extensively, mainly on genetic aspects of reproduction and meat quality in rabbits.
The A.B. Chapman Lectures in Animal Breeding and Genetics have been presented annually from 1994 by leading world scholars in the various fields related to genetic improvement of livestock. Previous A.B. Chapman Lecturers have been:
Prof. Brian W. Kennedy (Canada, 1994) Dr. Jean-Louis Foulley (France, 1995) Prof. William G. Hill (United Kingdom, 1996) Prof. Brian P. Kinghorn (Australia, 1997) Dr. R. Leyden Baker (Kenya, 1998) Dr. Louis Ollivier (France, 1999) Prof. Morris Soller (Israel, 2000) Dr. Laurie Piper (Australia, 2001) Prof. Max. F. Rothschild (Iowa State University, 2002) Prof. James F. Crow (University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003) Prof. L. Dale Van Vleck (USDA and University of Nebraska at Lincoln, 2004) Prof. Jack C. M. Dekkers (Iowa State University, 2005) Prof. E. John Pollak (Cornell University, 2006) Prof. Leo Dempfle (Germany, 2007)
Daniel Gianola
Sewall Wright Professor of Animal Breeding and Genetics
Department of Animal Sciences
Department of Biostatistics and Medical
Department of Dairy Science
Department of Animal Sciences
University of Wisconsin-Madison
440 Animal Sciences Building
1675 Observatory Dr.
Madison WI 53706
Telephone: 1-608-265-2054
Fax: 1-608-262-5157