2018 OWC National Communications Awards


Member’s Name:
Member's Mailing Address: / Street or Box number:
City and Province:
Postal Code:
E-mail address:
Phone Number for Best Contact:
Name of Award Sponsor:
Title of Entry:
Publication Name:
Publication Mailing Address: / Street or box number:
City and Province:
Postal Code:
Date of Publication:

I (we) hereby certify that the above entry is my (our) original work and was initially published or broadcast during the calendar year 2017 and complies with the rules as set out by the Outdoor Writers of Canada. I also certify that I was a member in 2017 and I have renewed my 2018membership.

Complies with rules:

Signature(s)______Date ______

Payment of Dues:

Signature(s)______Date ______

I, ______hereby grant one-time publishing rights to the Outdoor Writers of Canada to publish my newspaper, Internet and magazine submissions in full and short excerpts from book and video submissions in the OWC newsletter, Inside Outdoors, and on the OWC website, My signature acknowledges my ownership of copyright to the manuscript or video. I am aware that I will receive no remuneration from OWC for publication of my work.Prizes will be awarded as available and as awarded by the awards committee. Awards will consist of first, second and third place per category. Cash and prizes will be distributed as available.Awards committee members, chairperson and others assisting in the awards program are permitted to enter the awards competition.The awards chairman has the right to refuse any submission that he/she believes contravenes the spirit or rules of the OWC awards program.

Please provide contact information for your publisher or other local media who may be interested in publishing information about the OWC Awards Program and its winners. Help promote OWC!

Publication Name and Contact Person:
E-mail address:
Phone Number: