2007 BlountCounty Summer Professional Development Activities
As Of Date: April 24, 2007 (Changes are still possible.)
The following workshops will be available in BlountCounty this summer and are available to ALLBlountCounty Board of Education Employees! They are provided through a partnership with the NorthAlabamaTeacherExchangeInserviceCenter! Individuals may attend as many workshops as desired.
Special Note about FLEX: FLEX is available for certified employees only. A minimum of 6 hours is needed to participate in FLEX. FLEX guidelines and sign-up forms are available from the principal. Activities utilized for FLEX MUST be approved by the principal in advance! The designated FLEX professional development day for 2007-2008 is January 4, 2008. Participate in a workshop this summer and take and extra day at Christmas!
Registration for these sessions begins on May 4th at the following website:
DATE / TITLE / PRESENTER(S) / LOCATION / TIME / PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONMay 29, 30, and 31, 2007 / English/LanguageArtsAcademy / Stoney Beavers / ResourceCenter, Cleveland / 8:30 – 3:30 / For the first time ever, BlountCounty will offer an intensive, custom-designed professional growth opportunity for teachers of Secondary English/Language Arts. Featured activities will include: review of new Course of Study, development of pacing guides, Jim Burke’s 50 Essential Lessons (Participants will receive this GREAT resource.), review of best practices for ELA instruction, reading comprehension strategies, and strategies for effective writing instruction. Be a part of this exciting event! Contact Stoney Beavers for information!
06-01-07 / MathAcademy Kick-off for Grades 6/7/8 Math Teachers / Stoney Beavers and ALSDE / BlountCountyResourceCenter / 8:30 – 3:30 / Plan and deliver your best year of math instruction EVER! This custom designed opportunity will allow participants to share experience, explore best practices, review current research, and create engaging math lessons targeting state standards and assessments.
06-04-07 / Literature Circles and Literacy Workstations Ideas for Elementary Teachers / Karen Hazelrig
Kathy Gilliland
Annette Protz / BlountCountyResourceCenter / 12:30 – 3:30 / Come join us for an exciting afternoon of literacy! You will learn how to incorporate literature circles into your workstations and classroom instruction. New ideas for literacy workstations will also be featured AND you will have the opportunity to make some activities to take back with you! Pre-requisite: Participants need to have completed ARI training prior to taking this session.
06-04-07 / Microsoft Publisher and Movie Maker / CaSondra Edwards / HaydenHigh School Computer Lab / 8:30 – 3:30 / Hands on! Active involvement of participants! Spend a day focused on Publisher and Movie Maker. Participants will learn about Publisher in the morning and Movie Maker in the afternoon. Add these technology skills to your technology toolbag!
06-05-07 / Getting the Biggest Bang for your Buck!: Increasing Levels of Engagement during Whole Group Lessons / Lisa Baxter, ARI Regional Reading Coach / TBA / TBA / Whole group instruction is necessary, but students can tune out and become disengaged if careful attention is not given to engagement strategies. This session will feature strategies and techniques to use in lesson delivery during whole group sessions to increase the level of engagement of ALL students. Model lessons demonstrating the techniques will be utilized as a part of this session that is for teachers of grades 2 through 6 and all content areas.
06-05-07 / Matching Lit Stations to Reading Instruction in K and 1 and Getting them Ready for Classroom Use / Robin Edmonson / CES / 8:00 – 3:00 / Stations are an important aspect of successful reading instruction, but they need to do MORE than keep the students busy. Finding the right activities, differentiating instruction within the stations, and correlating activities to instruction are all essential to developing appropriate stations. This session will provide ideas for stations and include a make and take time to prepare stations.
06-05-07 / Microsoft Word / Rebecca Shew / ResourceCenter / 8:30 – 3:30 / A day with Microsoft Word to help you learn the basics and then some! This session will feature the “ins and outs” of Word, shortcuts, fonts, tables, clip art insertions, and more!
06-05-07 / Yearbook, Newspaper, Drama: Performance Based Classes Forum / Grindl Weldon / LocustForkHigh School / 8:30 – 3:30 / Ready for fresh ideas for making your sponsorship of the yearbook, newspaper, or drama club better? Got some ideas to share? Wonder how other sponsors are handling particular issues? This session is specially created for teachers of performance-based classes. Discuss items such as recruiting, assessment, organization strategies, fund raising, and what works/doesn’t work during Roundtable Time.
06-06-07 / Matching Lit Stations to Reading Instruction in Grades 2 and 3 and Getting them Ready for Classroom Use / Robin Edmonson / CES / 8:00 – 3:00 / Stations are an important aspect of successful reading instruction, but they need to do MORE than keep the students busy. Finding the right activities, differentiating instruction within the stations, and correlating activities to instruction are all essential to developing appropriate stations. This session will provide ideas for stations and include a make and take time to prepare stations.
06-06-07 / Microsoft Excel / Rebecca Shew / ResourceCenter / 8:30 – 11:30 / This session is for those who are ready to explore Excel and learn about spreadsheets.
06-06-07 / Taking Care of Your Computer: File Management, Troubleshooting, and Maintenance / Brian Narrell / CHS Computer Lab / 8:30 – 3:30 / Get the scoop on best practices for taking the best care of your computer as well as handling all those files, troubleshooting problems and maintaining your computer.
06-06-07 / Microsoft PowerPoint / Rebecca Shew / ResourceCenter / 12:30 -3:30 / This sessions will feature the basics of PowerPoint – creating and formatting slide shows, adding clip art and text boxes, transitions, etc.
06-07-07 / Blount County Administrator’s Day / Craig Pouncey
James E. Carr
Rodney Green / ResourceCenter / 8:00 – 3:00 / Craig Pouncey, Alabama Assistant Superintendent for Finance will be the keynote speaker. The day will also conclude the Whatever It Takes! book study.
06-08-07 / ResourceCenter Make and Take / Rebecca Shew / ResourceCenter / 8:30 – 3:30 / The ResourceCenter has lots to offer for you to use in your classroom – machines, resources, materials, die cuts, and more! This workshop will show you all the great things available to you at the ResourceCenter and how to use them. You’ll also have Make and Take time to prepare resources to use in your classroom.
June 11 – 15, 2007 / ARI for Grades 2, 3, and 4 / Linda Johnson
Jana Warren / CES / 8:00 – 3:00 / This week-long intensive training, for teachers in grades 2, 3, and 4 will feature research-based reading instruction techniques and strategies of the Alabama Reading Initiative. Model lessons with students will be a part of this training, allowing participants to observe best practices as well as implement skills learned.
06-12-07 / Instrument Repair & Matching Student to Instrument / Wayne Golden & Suzy Winter / TBA / 8:30 – 3:30 / This session will provide instruction on instrument repair that band directors can do themselves! Then, in the afternoon, there will be a session on matching students to the best instrument.
06-12-07 / Instruction and DIBELS – How Do These Relate? Getting the Most Out of Your Reading Instruction in K and 1 / Robin Edmonson / CES / 8:00 – 3:00 / How should I use DIBELS data to impact my reading instruction? What do the DIBELS indicators really mean? How should my activities mesh with the Course of Study in a practical manner? These questions will be examined in this workshop.
06-12-07 / Literacy Leadership for New ARI Principals / Dr. Deborah Baker, ARI Regional Reading Coach / CES / 8:30 – 3:00 / The basics of leading an ARI school will be featured during this one day session. Administrators new to the ARI process will have an opportunity to develop leadership skills for ARI as well as ask specific questions about their role as the literacy leader for their school.
06-12-07 / SETS Web / Becky Brothers / BlountCountyResourceCenter / 8:30 -3:30 / This session will provide Special Education Teachers with in-depth instruction in utilizing SETS Web correctly.
06-13-07 / Instruction and DIBELS – How Do These Relate? Getting the Most Out of Your Reading Instruction in Grades 2 and 3 / Robin Edmonson / CES / 8:00 – 3:00 / How should I use DIBELS data to impact my reading instruction? DIBELS data to impact my reading instruction? What do the DIBELS indicators really mean? How should my activities mesh with the Course of Study in a practical manner? These questions will be examined in this workshop.
06-13-07 / Literacy Leadership for Experienced ARI Principals / Dr. Deborah Baker, ARI Regional Reading Coach / CES / 8:30 – 3:00 / Next steps for developing Professional Learning Community at the school level will be featured in this session geared for the experienced ARI administrator. Participants will be able to create a plan for moving their faculties to the next level of implementation as well as examine aspects of effective literacy leadership.
06-14-07 / Making the Most of Classroom Computer Centers / Donna Baba
Annette Protz / CES Computer Lab / 12:30 – 3:30 / This session will demonstrate some great ideas for using effective computer literacy workstations! Participants will create a “Personal Bookmark Site,” accessible from any location and computer, that can be used as an excellent computer workstation. Also included in this session will be help with organization, rotation scheduling, workstation signs, etc. NOTE: Bring a recordable CD!
06-14-07 / Instruction and DIBELS – How Do These Relate? Getting the Most Out of Your Reading Instruction in Grades 4, 5, & 6 / Robin Edmonson / CES / 8:00 – 3:00 / How should I use DIBELS data to impact my reading instruction? DIBELS data to impact my reading instruction? How should DIBELS impact reading instruction? What do the DIBELS indicators really mean? How should my activities mesh with the Course of Study in a practical manner? These questions will be examined in this workshop.
06-14-07 / Literacy Leadership Forum for District Leaders / Dr. Deborah Baker, ARI Regional Reading Coach / CES / 8:30 – 12:30 / Are you a central office or district level leader? Do you relate to the ARI process? Do you wish you could hear about how other systems have provided support for ARI on an ongoing basis that achieved results? This special forum, created especially for district literacy leaders, will provide ideas for effective leadership, ways to deal with problems and challenges. There will also be time for brainstorming of new ideas and strategies. This session will also address providing leadership across grade levels, not just at K – 3.
June 18 – 22, 2007 / ARI for First Grade / Julia Wall / CES / 8:00 – 3:00 / Implementing the Alabama Reading Initiative in first grade will be the focus of this training. Model lessons will be utilized throughout the training to demonstrate implementation of ARI strategies and techniques.
June 18 & 19, 2007 / Strategic Teaching Strategies – Grades 5/6/7/8 / Suzette Johnson / CES / 8:00 – 3:00 / Are you looking for ways to effectively help your students connect with text? This session will demonstrate numerous strategic teaching strategies proven to increase student comprehension of any text. This training is for content teachers of any subject! Transform your students’ abilities to remember lessons with strategic teaching!
06-19-07 / SRA Corrective Reading - Decoding / Cindy Price of SRA / CES / 8:00 – 3:00 / This training is for anyone teaching SRA Corrective Reading - Decoding that has not yet been trained or for anyone who would like a refresher in using SRA Corrective Reading.
06-20-07 / SRA Corrective Reading - Comprehension / Cindy Price of SRA / CES / 8:00 – 3:00 / This training is for anyone teaching SRA Corrective Reading - Comprehension that has not yet been trained or for anyone who would like a refresher in using SRA Corrective Reading.
June 21& 22, 2007 / Strategic Teaching Strategies – Grades 2/3/4 / Suzette Johnson / CES / 8:00 – 3:00 / Are you looking for ways to effectively help your students connect with text? This session will demonstrate numerous strategic teaching strategies proven to increase student comprehension of any text. This training is for content teachers of any subject! Transform your students’ abilities to remember lessons with strategic teaching!
June 25 – 29, 2007 / ARI for Grades 4/5/6 / Lisa Baxter / CES / 8:00 3:00 / This week-long intensive training, for teachers in grades 4, 5, and 6 will feature research-based reading instruction techniques and strategies of the Alabama Reading Initiative. Model lessons with students will be a part of this training, allowing participants to observe best practices as well as implement skills learned.
06-25-07 / Microsoft Excel – The Basics / Sharon Lee-Blocker / BlountCountCareerTechCenter / 8:30 – 3:30 / Ready to get started with Excel? Know a little about Excel, but don’t feel confident with your skills? This is the place for you! This session will get you started creating spreadsheets and using them to track data of all kinds. Bring your questions too! The presenter will tailor the session to your needs!
June 25-29, 2007 / ARI for Kindergarten / Angela Alford / CES / 8:00 – 3:00 / Implementing the Alabama Reading Initiative at Kindergarten will be the focus of this training. Model lessons will be utilized throughout the training to demonstrate implementation of ARI strategies and techniques.
06-26-07 / Microsoft Excel – Beyond the Basics / Sharon Lee-Blocker / BlountCountCareerTechCenter / 8:30 – 3:30 / Worked with Excel some and wish you knew more? This session will take you beyond the start-up phase and help you develop your Excel skills to the next level. Note: Basic knowledge of Excel is needed to be a participant in this session.
July 9 & 10, 2007 / Strategic Teaching Strategies for 2/3/4 / Suzette Johnson / ResourceCenter / 8:30 – 3:30 / Are you looking for ways to effectively help your students connect with text? This session will demonstrate numerous strategic teaching strategies proven to increase student comprehension of any text. This training is for content teachers of any subject! Transform your students’ abilities to remember lessons with strategic teaching!
07-11-07 / PowerPoint Presentation Basics / Becky Canoles / Blountsville Elementary Computer Lab / 8:30 – 11:30 / A PowerPoint presentation can spruce up your next lesson or meeting! This session will feature the basics and allow participants to create a simple presentation during the session. Creating slides, adding text and clip art, transitions, backgrounds, and more will be covered.
07-11-07 / Using Digital Cameras and Videos in the Classroom / Becky Canoles / Blountsville Elementary Computer Lab / 12:30 – 3:30 / Get in on the basics of using the digital camera to make outstanding digital pictures to enhance your lessons, newsletters, and other classroom features. This is a hands-on, learn by doing session!
July 12 and 13, 2007 / Strategic Teaching Strategies – Grades 5 - 12 / Suzette Johnson / ResourceCenter / 8:30 – 3:30 / Are you looking for ways to effectively help your students connect with text? This session will demonstrate numerous strategic teaching strategies proven to increase student comprehension of any text. This training is for content teachers of any subject! Transform your students’ abilities to remember lessons with strategic teaching!
07-12-07 / The “New” ALEX / Deborah Butler / Cleveland Elementary Lab / 12:30 – 3:30 / ALEX has been revised, revamped, redone, and it is GREAT! Find out what, resources are available, and how to use them in this session!
07-17-07 / Microsoft Excel Basics / Barry Wiginton / ClevelandHigh School Lab / 8:30 – 3:30 / Ready to get started with Excel? Know a little and need to know more? This session will provide an overview of the program and how to get started creating and using spreadsheets.
07-17-07 / Character Builders / Donna Martin and Members of the Blount CountyCharacter Education Presentation Team / ResourceCenter / 8:30 – 3:30 / BlountCounty’s Character Builder’s Program is recognized by the State as an exemplary program that emphasizes integrating character education throughout the curriculum. Any subject or activity is a potential for character education emphasis. Participants in this session will learn about MANY ideas for including character education in lesson delivery. BlountCounty participants will receive valuable Curriculum Resource Kits to assist with implementation.
07-17-07 / Interdisciplinary Curriculum Projects: Ideas for Success! / Stoney Beavers and Members of the ClevelandHigh School Interdisciplinary Team / ClevelandHigh School / 8:30 – 3:30 / Learn how to create motivating and engaging cross-curricular projects that will address course of study standards and also strengthen students’ problem solving and critical thinking skills.
07-18-07 / Microsoft Excel Beyond the Basics / Barry Wiginton / ClevelandHigh School Lab / 8:30 – 3:30 / Worked with Excel some and wish you knew more? This session will take you beyond the start-up phase and help you develop your Excel skills to the next level. Note: Basic knowledge of Excel is needed to be a participant in this session. Bring your questions too! The presenter will tailor the session to your needs!
07-18-07 / Developing Foreign Language Pacing Guides / Stoney Beavers / BCBOE Board Room / 8:30 – 3:30 / The new Foreign Language Course of Study is here! How does it flow with our year? Participants will review the new course of study and develop pacing guides for use in implementing the standards.
07-18-07 / Classroom Management for the Experienced Teacher / Mitchie Neel and Donna Martin / BlountCountyResourceCenter / 8:30 – 3:30 / Even the most experienced teachers encounter challenges when dealing with student behavior! This session will review the latest information on classroom management best practices as well as offer suggestions for putting them into action in the classroom. Leave this session your management plan revised and ready for implementation in the fall!
07-19-07 / Evaluating Internet Resources: Truth v. Fiction on the Internet / Barry Wiginton / CHS Computer Lab / 8:30 – 3:30 / Do your students think it’s true just because it’s on the Internet! Many do! This session will provide ways to help you and your students know how to effectively evaluation an internet source and find out if it’s really truth…..or fiction!
07-20-07 / Web Page Design / Stoney Beavers and Joe Kirkpatrick / 8:30 – 3:30 / Interested in designing a web page or setting up a page to link to one? Then this session is for you! Come and see how to create successful web pages.
07-20-07 / Introduction to Intel Thinking Tools: Utilizing Online Learning Options for Students / Barry Wiginton / CHS Computer Lab / 8:30 – 3:30 / Intel Thinking Tools are great for providing online learning opportunities in your classroom. This session will provide an overview of the available tools and how they can be used.
08-01-07 / Evaluating Reading Programs / Steve Latta and Mitchie Neel / BlountCountyResourceCenter / 8:30 – 11:30 / Selection a reading program for Blount County Schools is a critical decision! This session will provide an overview of an evaluation process to be used during textbook adoption. Participants will leave the session ready to apply the tool to textbooks that will be reviewed. Anyone related to reading instruction will be interested in this session.
08-02-07 / ThinkLink / ThinkLink Presenter / BlountCountyResourceCenter / 8:30 – 3:30 / This session will provide training for users of the ThinkLInk product used for Formative Assessment.
Still to Come - Sessions not yet confirmed, but planned: