2010 All California Open Kendo Tournament

Sunday, September 5th, 2010

June 25, 2010

Dear Federation Representatives:

The Central California Kendo Federation is pleased to host the 2010 All California Open Kendo Tournament on Sunday, September 5, 2010, in Fresno, California.

Please find the attached tournament details as well as the registration forms in the Excel file. We request that all information is populated in the registration and that all ages are entered as of September 5, 2010. Please be advised that a combined registration along with one federation payment is DUE AUGUST, 1, 2010.

Please send registration information via email to:

Rich Funaoka

Please send total payment via mail:

Rich Funaoka

2656 Roberts Ave

Clovis CA, 93611

There will be an open godokeiko on Saturday, September 4, 2010 from 5PM – 6PM at the Hoover High School Auxiliary Gym in the Event Center for all who wish to practice. There will also be a Welcome Party Saturday evening following the godokeiko (map of the campus along with the Welcome Party Dinner location will be provided on a later date).

Lastly, we request if each federation could communicate our program booklet advertising and donation opportunities (details attached). Submissions for the program booklet are also DUE AUGUST 1, 2010 and should be included in the single check payment. A payment worksheet is attached in the Excel file for your convenience.

We would like to thank you in advance for your participation and support for a successful 2010 All California Open Kendo Tournament.

All California Open Kendo Tournament Committee

2010 All California Open Kendo Tournament

Date: / Sunday, September 5th, 2010
Location: / Hoover High School Event Center
5550 N. First Street
Fresno, CA 93710
Registration: /
  • 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

Divisions: /
  • 13-years old and Younger
  • 14-17 years old
  • Adult Kyu (18-years old and Older)
  • Women’s (Kyu & Dan)
  • Yudansha (1Dan – 3Dan)
  • Yudansha (4Dan & Above)
  • Senior (50 years old & Older)
  • 11-Member Federation Team

Shinpan: / 4-dan and above are eligible
Entry Fee: / $15.00 per participant (non-refundable)
Bento: / $10.00
Shiai Rules: / Individual Divisions
  • Individuals can only participate in one individual division
  • Each kenshi must supply his/her own set of tasuki
  • Time Limits
  • All divisions except Yudansha and Seniors: 3 minutes with Hantei
  • Yudansha & Senior divisions: 4 minutes and Hantei
Team Competition
  • Limit one team per federation
  • Teams will consist of 11-members as outlined on attached entry form
  • Time limit: 3 minutes / no encho
  • In case of a tie between teams in wins and points, winner will be determined by ippon-shobu.
  • All other rules will comply with standard rules and regulations set forth by the International Kendo Federation (IKF).








No advertisement requested, donation only: Donation amount: $ ______

(Donations submitted by: August 1st, 2010 will be listed in program)


Yes, I would like the following advertisement size:

(circle one:)Full Page $200

Half Page $100

Quarter Page $50

Business Card $25

Make checks payable to your federation.

Mail this form and check to your federation representative.

Submission of advertisement artwork: DUE DATE 8/1/2010.

Enclose or attach camera-ready artwork or business card. If no artwork, please fill-in area below with message or sketch of design (attach separate sheet if needed). Unless camera-readyartwork is submitted, final design is subject to discrepancy of Central California Kendo Federation. Original artwork not returned unless requested.


(“Message” or “sketch of design”)