Biorisk Management: The process of controlling the risk associated with biological materials in regards to safety and security practices.
Biosafety: Safety with respect to the effects of biological research on humans and the environment or safe handling and containment of infectious microorganisms and hazardous biological materials. (BMBL)
Biosecurity: The protection, control and accountability of valuable biological materials within laboratories, in order to prevent their unauthorized access, loss, theft, misuse, diversion or intentional release. (WHO)
Your proposal must demonstrate the following requirements:
- Proposal must be in English.
- Letter of support from your institution must be included. Please include a letter of support with any partnering institution.
- Proposal tasks must be completed within three months from award date. Please take into consideration importation and customs requirements if purchasing equipment.
- Budget and timeline description must be detailed.
- Proposal must improve biosafety/biosecurity for your institution. Example activities include:
- Purchase of safety equipment
- Purchase of security equipment (door locks, etc.)
- Biosecurity training
- Repairs to existing equipment
The following proposals will not be accepted:
- Any proposal requesting only research activity.
- Any proposal requesting only travel support.
- Any proposal requesting international travel.
- Any proposal exceeding the maximum grant amount.
- Any proposal exceeding the twelve month implementation timeline.
- Any proposal with plagiarized content, falsified letters of support, or altered documents.
- Incomplete proposals:There must be more than one sentence per section.Supporting documentation not provided is also considered an incomplete proposal.
Project Description: Clearly and concisely describe the proposed laboratory design, repairs, equipment maintenance, and/or upgradesand explain what the project will achieve. In this section:
- Provide a need statement (1-2 sentences). This statement describes the need your institution has identified in bioriskmanagement.
- Provide a solution statement (5-6sentences). This statement describes the action of the project, the intended benefit/outcome, who will benefit, and how it addresses the need identified.
- Organization Expertise Statement (1-2 sentences). This describes the ability of your institution to carry out the project.
Evaluation Criteria:
Biosecurity and Biosafety Impact: Clearly and concisely explain how the proposed project will improve biological security and safetyat your institution. In this section, elaborate on your solution statement.
- Describe the objective of your proposal (1 sentence)
- State the action(s) of the project (1-3 Sentences)
- Describe how those actions will benefit your institution in controlling the risks of biological materials infectious agents or in improving biosafety and biosecurity practices at your institution. (3-5 sentences)
Sustainability Potential: Clearly and concisely explain who will benefit from the project and how they will benefit. Explain who will assume financial responsibility (if applicable) after the twelve month completion deadline, or other ways in which the project outcomes will be sustainable. In this section:
- Describe the expected result(s) of the project (2-8 sentences). This statement describes either behavioral change, performance improvement, or process change as a result of the project actions. This is a specific statement. Please see the example below:
- Behavior change: 80% of workshop participants will don and doff PPE according to the laboratory standard of practice every day. 92% will no longer eat or drink in their laboratories and use the staff room for refreshment and lunch.
- Performance improvement: The laboratory will be able to increase the number of diagnostic tests by 15% due to repair of the PCR machine and improve laboratory turnaround time by one week.
- Process Change: As a result of our workshop on creating a biosecurity plan, 65% of the institutions attending were able to change SOPs and put in place new security measures at their laboratories.
- Describe the sustainability of your project (2-4 sentences): This statement will be dependent on the type of project proposed. Is this a finite project or a capacity building project? Questions to consider:
- Purchase or repair of equipment: Will your institution be able to maintain the equipment once purchased or repaired? Is the equipment able to be used immediately? Is there a training component on how to use the equipment? Does the equipment aid in recuperating or reducing costs to your operational budget through improved service offerings?
- Training or workshops: Will your institution or other institutions implement changes as a result of the training? Will participants be required to share their knowledge with their colleagues after the course?
- Security upgrades: Consider the lifespan of the security upgrade; is there operational budget and power to maintain the new elements?
Supporting Documentation: Include any other justification in support of the project proposal if relevant, such as equipment information,in this section:
- If you are partnering with another institution: Please include a letter of support.
- If you are purchasing equipment or security upgrades: Please include equipment information, quotes, and a vendor bid comparison form, if applicable, per the guidance below.
Proposals requesting equipment and/or services totaling $3,500 USD each, or $3,500USD combined from a single vendor, require the following, additional documentation:
- Quotes from at least three, different, local and/or international vendors that have a demonstrated ability to ship to/work with (if necessary) your institution in Iraq; and
- CRDF Global Vendor Comparison Form completed in full and detailing your vendor(s) selection for the quoted items if your application is approved.
Using the provided budget and timeline template, complete a narrative budget for your activities. Please note that the budget should match the stated intent(s) in your project description. All amounts must be in U.S. Dollars. A category of “Miscellaneous Expenses” will not be accepted. The budget below is provided as an example only; please provide tasks description that fit with your proposal.
Example of an equipment procurement budget:
Honorarium (Only 1 Project Manager + 1 staff member honorarium allowed)Name / Explanation/Narrative / AMOUNT (USD)
Unit / Rate
Project Manager / 1 / $750.00 / $750.00
Project Support Staff / 1 / $350.00 / $350.00
Equipment, Supplies and Services (All items over $1,000 USD must be justified in the Explanation/Narrative. Add rows if necessary.)
Unit / Rate / AMOUNT (USD)
Surveillance Camera / 3 / $300.00 / $900.00
Surveillance Camera Installation Fee / 1 / $200.00 / $200.00
Laboratory Entrance Barrier / 1 / $550.00 / $550.00
Laboratory Entrance Barrier Installation Fee / 1 / $200.00 / $200.00
Access Control Switchboard / 1 / $1,000.00 / $1,000.00
Access Control Switchboard Installation Fee / 1 / $200.00 / $200.00
Printing Fees to Update & Disseminate Laboratory SOPs / 1 / $350.00 / $350.00
Laboratory Locks / 10 / $50.00 / $500.00
Total Costs / $5,000.00
Example of a workshop budget:
Honorarium (Only 1 Project Manager + 1 staff member allowed)Name / Explanation/Narrative / AMOUNT (USD)
Unit / Rate
Project Manager / 1 / $500.00 / $500.00
Project Assistant / 1 / $350.00 / $350.00
Equipment, Supplies and Services (All items over $1,000 must be justified in the Explanation/Narrative. Add rows if necessary.)
Unit / Rate / AMOUNT (USD)
Data Collection Service (3 persons/3 months @$150 per month) / 9 / $150.00 / $1,350.00
Consultation Services / 1 / $500.00 / $500.00
Hall for Dissemination Conference / 1 / $300.00 / $300.00
Working lunch at Dissemination Conference / 30 / $15.00 / $450.00
Stationary / 30 / $22.00 / $300.00
Publication of Final Report / 50 / $5.00 / $250.00
Translator / 1 / $350.00 / $350.00
Data Entry and Analysis / 5 / $50.00 / $250.00
Travel (Totals only, describe purpose and per person costs in detail in Explanation/Narrative.)
Unit / Rate / AMOUNT (USD)
Domestic Transportation for Project Coordinator
(2 trips at 200km for $1/km) / 2 / $200.00 / $400.00
Domestic Transportation for Supporting Staff
(2 trips at 50km for $1/km) / 2 / $50.00 / $100.00
Total Costs / $5,100.00
Note that CRDF Global reserves the right to recommend changes to project budgets and timelines.
provided budget and timeline template, list the tasks needed to complete the project and indicate the expected month the activity is to occur. Please provide detailof each task to be completed. The tables below are provided as examples only; please provide tasks description that fit with your proposal.Your proposed project should not exceed 3 months.
Example of a three-month timeline:
# / TASK DESCRIPTION / Months1 / 2 / 3
1 / Workshop Curricula Development / X
2 / Event reservations (hotel, food) / X
3 / Contact and confirm speakers / X
4 / Send invitations to participants / X
5 / Purchase demonstration kits / X
6 / Host event / X / X
7 / Administer initial survey / X / X
8 / Follow-up survey / X / X
9 / Process data / X
10 / Prepare final report / X
If you have further questions on how to complete your proposal, please do not hesitate to contact the BMEG team at .