Class Observation
Teacher:Program Manager:______/ Date:
Check off each box on the left as you see it happening. Do not mark a box if you observe anyone doing something different
from what is described. Add specific comments to the right of each action for coaching purposes.
I. Greeting/Dismissing Students
A. Teacher greets students by name and directs them to their chairs as needed.
B. Teacher shows enthusiasm when greeting students.
C. Teacher is ready with supplies.
D. Teacher is prepared to teach the lesson, has looked at it previously and is familiar with the content for the day.
E. Students' materials are pulled and ready at their places.
F. Teacher has students seated at the start of class and they do not leave classroom until teacher excuses them.
G. Teacher acknowledges any achievements of students as they leave. (eg: hard work, good paper, etc.)
II. Quality Instruction
A. Teacher completes the lesson cycle as written in the Teacher Lesson Manual.
B. Teacher uses positive praise is throughout the class, and it is directed at each student.
C. Teacher enhances instruction with manipulatives when and called for in the lesson.
D. Teacher gives students specific instructions for when and which materials should be taken out and used.
E. If it is a math class, a math fact game is played.
F. If it is a math class, the students have completed at least one of the blank math fact charts in the back of their Student Resource Books.
G. If it is a math class, students have their own set of flashcards out to use as a Brain Boost activity.
H. If it is a reading class, the teacher uses the differentiation activities when appropriate.
III. Table Management
A. Teacher praises students who are in their seats, engaged and on task.
B. Each students' token cup and the group token bucket are placed in places that are easily visible to all.
C. At least 7-10 individual and 7-10 group tokens are rewarded to every student.
D. Teacher uses specific praise and students' names when distributing tokens.
E. Teacher and students have cell phones and/or pagers turned off.
F. Teacher prefaces questions with the method students should use to respond, such as "raise a hand" or "show me on your fingers".
G. Teacher use the technique of varying voice, with their questions and student responses, as appropriate to keep the students focused and engaged.
E. Every student answers questions at some point throughout the class.
F. Time was given for students to complete their Token Trackers at the end of class.
G. The class policies and rules are clear. The teacher enforces the rules, such as the bathroom policy, fairly, firmly and consistently.
Overall Feedback:
Areas of excellence -
Areas for improvement -
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