James B. Atleson,

Values and Assumptions in American Labor Law:

A 25th Anniversary Retrospective

September 19, 2008

University at Buffalo Law School, The State University of New York

509 O’Brian Hall,North Campus, Buffalo, New York

University at Buffalo Law Faculty Moderators and Conference Organizers:

Dianne Avery•Fred Konefsky•Rob Steinfeld•Jim Wooten

8:00 am Coffee and pastries at Baldy Conference Center

8:30 amPanel I: Praxis

Moderator: Fred Konefsky, UB Law School

Wilma B. Liebman, Member, National Labor Relations Board

Values and Assumptions of the Bush NLRB: Trumping Workers’ Rights

Virginia Seitz, Sidley & Austin, Washington, D.C.

The Value of “Values and Assumptions” to the Practice of Law, or Incorrect Assumptions about the Relationship of Scholarship and Praxis

Commentator: Robert J. Rabin, Syracuse UniversityCollege of Law

10:00 am Break

10:15 am Panel II: Ideology

Moderator: Dianne Avery, UB Law School

Marion Crain, Washington University School of Law, St. Louis

Free to Quit? – Corporate Branding and the Longing to Belong

Michael Fischl, University of Connecticut, School of Law

Pedagogy and Critique: “Values and Assumptions” in the Classroom

Howard Wial, Brookings Institution

Productive Insubordination in Labor and EmploymentLaw

Commentator: Karl Klare, Northeastern University, School of Law

12:30 pmLunch

1:45 pm Panel III: History

Moderator: Robert J. Steinfeld, UB Law School

Joseph A. McCartin, Georgetown University, History

Unexpected Convergence: Values and Assumptions in Public Sector Labor Law, 1959-81

James Pope, Rutgers School of Law, Newark

Class Conflicts of Law I: Unilateral Employer and Worker Lawmaking in the U.S. Workplace

Commentator: John Witt, Columbia Law School

3:15 pm Break

3:30 pmPanel IV: Transnational Legal Norms

Moderator: James Wooten, UB Law School

Harry Arthurs, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University

The Hollowing Out of Corporate Canada: Implications for IndustrialRelations and Labour Law

Lance Compa, Cornell University, ILR School

Still Unjaded: Jim Atleson’s 21st-Century Turn to International Labor Law

William B. Gould IV, Stanford Law School and Former Chairman, National Labor Relations Board

International Labor Standards, the Privatization of Public Law, and the Employee Free Choice Act of 2009

Commentator: Kerry Rittich, University of Toronto, Faculty of Law

Response: James B. Atleson

Free and open to all

See conference Web site at registration and program details

Jointly sponsored by

University at Buffalo School of Law

Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy

Baldy Center for Law & Social Policy

University at Buffalo Law School, 511 O’Brian Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260

716.645.2102  fax 716.645.2900 