Welcome to the 2009 SeaKing 4A District 2 Golf Tournament. Please read through this packet and review pertinent information with your players.

Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Place: Snohomish Golf Course

7806 147th Ave. SE

Snohomish, WA. 98290


Time: 7:15a.m. Coaches meeting, rules will be explained and duties assigned.

Please be on time.

8:00a.m. TEE-TIME.

Participants: Top 36players from KingCo Medalist Tournament.

State Allocations:Top 12 scores advance to state. Next 2 best scores will be state alternates.

TournamentSee District 2 Tournament Guideline Information


Facilities:The course has a driving range. Small and Large Buckets can be purchased.

Practice rounds are available; individuals are responsible for fee and scheduling.

Carts: Handcarts are available to participants who wish to use them.

Tee Times: 8:00am


Tournament Manager:



Course Marshall:

Turn-Scorecards to Recorders:


Develop Score Cards:

Rules Committee:

20094A SeaKing District 2

Golf Tournament Guidelines

  1. The District Tournament is to be played on a neutral course. A neutral course is defined as one, which is not used as a home course by any schools.
  1. The District Tournament will be held during the week following the League Tournaments. Starting tee times will begin at 8:00 A.M. or as directed by the golf course, with a coaches meeting at 7:15A.M. in the club house. Coaches will have specific assignments (i.e. judges, “hole” monitors, etc.) for the District Tournament.
  1. The tournament manager will determine the playing groups. No two golfers representing the same school may play in the same group. Starting times will be determined by a drawing conducted by the tournament manager. Times will be reflective of individual finishing position at the league tournaments.
  1. District Tournamentscoring will be from36 holes (18 holes from medalist tournament, 18 holes at districts) The USGA Rules of Golf will govern all play, including scoring, except in cases of local ground rule changes.
  1. The District Tournament will observe either summer or winter rules as determined by the local course conditions for that day. Definition of “Winter Rules”:
  2. A ball may be moved through the green, except when it is within 36 inches of the base of a tree, stump or shrub or within 36 inches of an out of bounds marker.
  3. If the ball is lifted, it must be marked, cleaned and then placed no more than six inches from its original position, no nearer the hole, and in the same cut (i.e. fairway, fringe, rough, etc.). Use of the club head in the movement and placement of the ball is prohibited. The ball is considered to be back in play when it is replaced on the ground. A player is entitled to exercise this preferred lies option one time only per shot.
  1. Tie breaker at the District Tournament will be a sudden death play-off.
  1. The Tournament Manager is responsible for notifying the newspaper(s) of the Tournament results.
  1. There are no restrictions on pre-playing the course(s), as long as it is a public course. No competitor may play practice holes at the match site on the day of the match. If a private course is used, no more than one round will be allowed – subject to permission of the head pro the week prior to the Tournament.
  1. A coach must accompany each team to the District Tournament. Caddies are not permitted. Coaches shall not accompany or coach players during tournament play. No advice (this includes any information about how the match is going) is to be given from one threesome or foursome to another until score cards have been checked, signed by the scorer, attested by the player, and turned in to the coaches. Coaches will not be allowed to play golf at the tournament site on the day of the tournament.
  1. Tournament Rules:
  1. USGA rules will govern, except in cases of local ground rule changes. The Course Professional will serve as final arbitrator in all questions involving rules.
  2. Contestants will keep each other's score within the group. The tournament official scorer will not accept scorecards unless they are signed by both the individual player and theirscorer. Scorecards must be exchanged among the group. Penalty for unsigned scorecards is automatic disqualification.
  3. The Girls’ Tournament will be played from ladies' tees.
  4. Each participant must be wearing appropriate golf attire, including shirts with sleeves and collar. Cut-offs or jeans are illegal. Shoes are required. If a violation occurs, the tournament manager or designee is empowered to disqualify the player.
  5. All putts must be holed out according to USGA rules. Failure to do so will disqualify the player.
  6. The following violations will result in disqualification:

1. Smoking, use and/or possession of tobacco substances

2. Drinking of alcoholic beverage, use and/or possession

3. Abusive language – swearing

4. Betting

5. Use of range finders

All players must report violations of this provision to the tournament manager at the first opportunity.

  1. Club Throwing - there shall be a two-stroke penalty for throwing a club. Should a second offense occur, the individual will automatically be disqualified from further tournament play.
  1. No caddies or motorized carts will be permitted. Players with a permanent physical disability, which prevents a player from being able to walk the course, must have a doctor’s note specifying the disability and requesting a motorized cart. This request will be reviewed by a tournament manager and rules committee and a ruling will be provided. It is permissible for a player to pull his/her own golf clubs.
  1. Range Finders will not be allowed for use during tournament play. They are allowable during practice rounds.
  1. On the day of the tournament, practice is restricted to the putting green and the practice range area only. Practice balls will not be furnished by the tournament manager.
  1. Galleries are permitted with the approval of the club pro. However, all spectators are to keep a respectable distance from the competitors and observe the etiquette of golf. Spectators are not allowed to talk with the players.
  1. Tournament managers should cover the regulations and format with the coaches before the tournament. Coaches, in turn, should review these rules and regulations with their players before the tournament. Official Starters will also review the rules prior to teeing off.
  1. Team Championship - Determined by the combined scores of two or more players from the same school. One player does not constitute a team. Ties will be resolved by sharing the points in the places affected. For instance, if there is a three-way tie for second, each player would receive 21 points (1/3 of 25 + 20 + 18). Next place would be 5th.

Scoring for Team Points:

1st – 30 points8th – 13 points15th – 6 points

2nd – 25 points9th – 12 points16th – 5 points

3rd – 20 points 10th – 11 points17th – 4 points

4th – 18points11th – 10 points18th – 3 points

5th – 16 points12th – 9 points19th – 2 points

6th – 15 points13th – 8 points20th – 1 point

7th – 14 points14th – 7 points21st – 36th (No points given)

  1. Coaching Staff from all participating schools may have specific requirements atthe District Tournament. The tournament manager is responsible for assigning positions. The following positions are needed to run the tournament:

a.Tournament Manager

b.Course Marshalls (2)


d.Starters (2)

e.Rules Committee (5)

f.Group Guides

g.Score Boards (2)

h.Runners (2)

i.Computer (1)