H05-028– Information

April 8, 2005
TO: / AAA Directors, Fiscal and Program Staff
FROM: / Penny Black, Director, Home and Community Services Division
Kathy Marshall, Director, Management Services Division
2005 ADSA/SUA Program Monitoring of AAAs – Family Caregivers Support Program, Respite, Title 5, Fiscal and Contracted Home Care Agency Monitoring
Purpose: / To advise AAAs of the focus,schedule and monitoring tools that will be utilized during ADSA program monitoring of AAAs in 2005. To inform AAAs of the materials that will need to forwarded to ADSA prior to the monitoring visit and those that will need to be available on-site.
Background: / ADSA is charged with monitoring AAA programs, contract compliance, and financial compliance. Based on a monitoring risk assessment tool, programs are selected for monitoring in a given monitoring cycle.
What’s new, changed, or
Clarified / In 2005,ADSA will monitor Senior I&A, Respite, Family Caregivers, Title 5, fiscal aspects of home care agency monitoring,as well as AAA financial records with a focus on cost allocation plans and billings. BHP/health insurance billings for agency workers and Medicaid Admin Claiming (particularly around I&A) will also be reviewed. In addition, ADSA staff will be available to provide technical assistance on waiver contracting through the ACD system. The monitoring visit will begin with an entrance interview and end with an exit interview.
  • Two weeks prior to the visit, submit to ADSA the following in preparation for the monitoring visit:
  1. List of all respite care subcontractors. The list can be in any format as long as the following items are included: type of care (in-home or out of home), service area, levels of care and contracted unit rate
  2. List of Family Caregivers Support Program subcontractors. The list can be in any format as long as the following items are included: type of services provided, contracted budget amounts, unit rate (if applicable) and service area
  3. Copy of blank time sheet(s) used for allocation of costs
  4. Copies of time studies used for allocation of costs
  5. Organization chart
  6. Home care agency monitoring tool for fiscal elements
  7. Home care agency monitoring plan for 2005
  • Have the following materials available for review on site:
For Fiscal Monitoring
  1. January and February 2005 billing records and backup
  2. Copy of last single audit and any corrective action plans
  3. Copy of written accounting manual or policies/procedures
  4. Copy of a Chart of Accounts, if necessary
  5. Timesheets to support staff allocation
  6. Results of last time study if allocation is based upon sample basis
  7. Payroll records for RN’s
  8. Credential documentation for RN’s
  9. Copy of approved private market health plans for home care agencies
For Title 5
  1. Participant files and payroll records for February 2005
  2. Subcontracts for 2004, if applicable
  3. Record of any monitoring activities conducted in 2004 including tools used
  4. Policies and procedures
  5. Copies of quarterly reports for 2004
Senior I&A
  1. Copies of publicity and outreach materials
  2. Policies and Procedures
  3. Personnel records if provided directly by AAA
  4. Subcontracting records, if applicable including subcontracts, and documentation of monitoring activities, tools used for monitoring
  5. Copies of any working agreements with community resources
  6. Copy of the screening/intake tool
Family Caregivers Support
  1. Copies of publicity and outreach materials
  2. Subcontracting records including subcontracts, and documentation of monitoring activities, tools used for monitoring
  1. Access to participant and caregiver files for January 2005
  2. Policies and Procedures
  3. Subcontracting records including subcontracts, and documentation of monitoring activities, reports, and tools used for monitoring
Home Care Agency Monitoring
  1. Copies of any fiscal monitoring conducted in 2004 on home care agency contracts that have not been forwarded to ADSA
  • Reserve workspace for 3 to 7 staff during the monitoring visit and entrance and exit interview space.

REFERENCES: / Policy & Procedures Manual for AAAs
Older Americans Act
ATTACHMENT(S): / Monitoring Schedule Senior I&A Monitoring Tool

Respite Monitoring Tool Family Caregiver Monitoring Tool

Title 5 Monitoring Tool Fiscal Monitoring Tool

Home Care Agency Fiscal Monitoring Tool
CONTACT(S): / Bea Rector, (360) 725-2560, email:
Teri Comstock, (360) 725-2399, email:
Susan Engels, (360) 725-2563, email:
Aaron Van Valkenburg, (360) 725-2554, email:
Susan Shepherd (360) 725-2418, email