RockcastleCounty Board of Education

245 Richmond Street

Mt.Vernon, Kentucky40456


Fax # 606-256-2126


REFERENCE: ______Surplus Vehicles____(blazer and pick-up truck)______


BID CLOSING DATE/TIME: ___Thursday, June 30th 2016 – 10:00 a.m.______

Sealed bids are requested on the following list of materials, articles or services for delivery to the Rockcastle County Public Schools subject to the conditions of this invitation.

1.The vendor shall submit one copy of the completed bid form in a properly addressed envelope clearly designating the reference and “Sealed Bid” on the outside.

2.All bid prices must include transportation and delivery to the

location(s) as specified herein unless specified otherwise in special bid conditions.

3.Bids, to receive consideration, must be received prior to time designated in this invitation, and none will be accepted thereafter.

4.Bid must be signed by some officer or member of the bidding firm who is authorized to legally bind the firm.

5.The Board of Education reserves the right to waive defects and informalities in proposals, to reject any and all proposals, or to accept any proposal as may be deemed to its interest, and to award by item, or combination of items or lot.

6.All bids shall be effective for 365 days from the date of opening unless otherwise specified in special conditions of bidding, and no bid may be withdrawn prior to that time, without the consent of the Board of Education.

7.Manufacturer’s catalog number, trade names, etc., where shown herein are for descriptive purposes to guide the bidder interpreting the standard of quality, design and performance desired and shall not be constructed to exclude proposals based on furnishing other types of materials or services. However, any substitution or departure proposed by bidder must be clearly noted and described, otherwise it will be understood that bidder intends to supply items specifically mentioned in the bid invitation.

8.Samples, when requested, must be furnished free of expense to the Board of Education and will be returned at the bidder’s expense. The Board of Education will not be responsible for any samples.

9.It is understood that the bidder, if awarded an order or contract, agrees to protect, defend and save harmless the Board of Education from any suits or demands for payment that may be brought against it for the use of any patented materials, process, article or device that may enter into the manufacture, construction, or from a part of the work covered by either order or contract; and he further agrees to protect, defend and save harmless the Board of Education from suits or actions of every nature and description brought against it for, or on account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any party or parties by, or for any of the acts of the contractor, his servant or agents.

10.Federal excise taxes or Kentucky sales and use taxes are not applicable to any purchase made for use of the Board of Education. Bids shall not include any such taxes. Exemption certificates will be furnished as required.

11.Information pertaining to any item or condition in this request may be obtained from the Superintendent’s office, 245 Richmond Street, Mt. Vernon, Kentucky40456. Phone number 606-256-2125.

12.If upon unpacking or assembling, any defective item or shortage is discovered, the bidder will be expected to replace same.


In compliance with this invitation to bid; in consideration of the detailed description attached hereto; and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned agrees, if this bid be accepted within the time stipulated to furnish any or all of the items upon which prices are quoted in accordance with the specifications applying at the price set opposite each item.

FIRM NAME: ______







Bid Specifications

Item: Surplus Vehicles (blazer and pick-up truck)

Due: Thursday, June 30th, 2016 – 10:00 a.m._____

The Rockcastle County Board of Education will accept sealed bid proposals until the above date and time on surplus vehicles. In order to view either of these vehicles, contact the Rockcastle County Board of Education, 256-2125, or call the School Bus Garage at 256-2093.

These vehicles will be sold as is and there are no warranties implied or indicated.

The Rockcastle County Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

Please understand that the removal of these items is to be done in a timely manner and at your own expense.

*Surplus vehicles:

1992 Chevrolet Blazer

Vin # 1GNDT13W8N2219497

2000Dodge 4WD Pick-up Truck

Vin # 3B7KF26Z71M276439

*For detailed information on each vehicle, contact the school bus garage at 606-256-2093.

Used Vehicle Inventory Form

Model:Year: ______1992____ District: ____Rockcastle_____


__x__Chevrolet Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): _1GNDT13W8N2219497_


_____Other ______

Body Type:Tire Sizes: Tire Quality (Check One):

_____Ward Good Fair Poor

_____Blue BirdFront: _P235 75.R15 ______x______


_____Other ______Rear: _P235 75.R15 ______x_ ____

Engine Type:Mileage: ______139201______



Engine Make:Brakes:


__x__Chevrolet_____Air assisted Operating Condition:


_____Other ______x__Inoperable

Engine Size: Transmission Type:

Number of Cylinders: ______6______x__Automatic

Size (Cubic Inches or Liters):____4.3______Standard

Check the statement which generally best describes this unit:

_____Vehicle is well maintained and is in good operating condition.

_____Vehicle is well maintained and is in fair operating condition.

_____Vehicle is well maintained, but is in poor operating condition.

__x__Vehicle is inoperable and can be used for parts.

List any physical damage to the body of the vehicle:_____None

Explain:___hood – grill______


List any mechanical defects you are currently aware of the drivetrain: ____None



This vehicle can be inspected by calling: Name: _____Darrell Allen______

Telephone: (606) 256-2093

Bid Price: $______

Used Vehicle Inventory Form

Model:Year: ______2000____ District: ____Rockcastle_____


_____Chevrolet Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): _3B7KF26Z71M276439_


__x__Other ______

Body Type:Tire Sizes: Tire Quality (Check One):

_____Ward Good Fair Poor

_____Blue BirdFront: _LT245 75.R16 __x______


_____Other ______Rear: _LT245 75.R16 __x______

Engine Type:Mileage: ______195305______



Engine Make:Brakes:


_____Chevrolet_____Air assisted Operating Condition:


__x__Other ______x__Inoperable

Engine Size: Transmission Type:

Number of Cylinders: ______8______x__Automatic

Size (Cubic Inches or Liters):____5.9______Standard

Check the statement which generally best describes this unit:

_____Vehicle is well maintained and is in good operating condition.

_____Vehicle is well maintained and is in fair operating condition.

_____Vehicle is well maintained, but is in poor operating condition.

__x__Vehicle is inoperable and can be used for parts.

List any physical damage to the body of the vehicle:_____None



List any mechanical defects you are currently aware of the drivetrain: ____None



This vehicle can be inspected by calling: Name: _____Darrell Allen______

Telephone: (606) 256-2093

Bid Price: $______