Equine Activity Release

Painted Ponies Stables & Training Center llc

12859 Cincinnati Rd, summers, Arkansas 72769

Phone: 870-754-0032


Rider: ______Phone # ______

Alt phone #______Address: ______

Emergency Contact:______Email ______

In riding any equine, at Painted Ponies Stables & Training Center llc, (hereafter referred to as the Equine), the Rider accepts any and allresponsibility for their person and for those persons the Rider allows permission to engage in equine activities with the equine, being those of under aged children named ______and aged ______, ______and aged ______.

The Rider much read, understands and agrees to the following terms of this Riding Agreement. This Riding Agreement is for_any time rider in on property and will be retained on file in the event the Rider engages in this activity at this location in the future.

_____ #1. The Riding Agreement for the equine negates all responsibility to the owner, Painted Ponies Stables & Training Center llc, by theRider for any injury or death associated with engaging in equine activities with the equine or while engaging in any activity on the property located on ______12859 Cincinnati Rd, Summers, AR 72769______.

_____ #2. The Riding Agreement does not entitle the Rider to rights of transfer of Riding Agreement or ownership of the equine in any possible capacity. The Riding Agreement does not accord the Rider the right to rent or loan the equine or her equipment to a third party, nor to remove the equine from the property, at any time, without written permission from the owner, ___Painted Ponies Stables & Training Center llc______.

_____ #3. The Rider does understand that equine activities are considered dangerous and can result in serious injury and even death to persons engaging in these activities. Horses are subject to flight or fight instincts when placed in a situation in which the equine feels threatened. No amount of training can eliminate this instinct possessed by the equine and thus the equine is to be considered a possible danger to the Rider and to those persons engaging in all activities involving the equine. The owner cannot be held responsible for any and all injuries or death associated with engaging in activities with this equine.

_____ #4. The Rider was instructed by the owner for the proper use of riding apparel and equipment for safety. This includes, but is not limited to, an Horse riding helmet (required for anyone under 18), hard leather boots with a heel. The Rider agrees to wear the proper safety equipment while engaging in any and all activities associated with this equine. The owner cannot be responsible for any and all injuries or death resulting from improper use or fit of safety equipment.

_____ #5. The Rider (and any minor children) will be thoroughly certified by the instructor _____Kerry Couch__ as having the necessary skills and ability to ride, tack, groom and handle this equine. The instructor will fully explain the obvious quirks of personality associated with this equine. The instructor will fully explain this riding contract with the Rider and instructed the Rider on his/her responsibilities regarding the management of the equine during the term of the Riding Agreement. The instructor/ Painted ponies Stables cannot be held responsible for any and all injuries or death resulting from improper management of the equine.

_____ #6. The Rider will not place his person, those underage children, or the equine in any dangerous situation in which he, the children, or the equine can be injured or killed. This includes, but is not limited to, riding on the out side the ring or arena, riding the equine at too fast a pace for the footing available, jumping the equine over any obstacle, and placing more than one person at a time on the equine. The owner cannot be responsible for any and all injuries or death resulting from the Rider placing anyone or the equine in a dangerous situation.

_____ #7. The Rider will follow all the Stable Rules, as attached addendum lists. These rules are for every person on the property, for whatever reason, and are not subject to exception. Any Rider breaking any rule as listed will have this Riding Agreement terminated immediately and will no longer be allowed on the farm property for any reason. The Rider has read and understood all the stable rules and will abide by them at all times. The owner cannot be responsible for any injury or death resulting from disobeying the rules.

_____ #8. ______, enters into agreement with Painted Ponies Stables & Training Center llc, to provide services as follows;

Lessons are one hour, at _$__30____ per hour. Riders wishing to cancel a lesson must inform Painted Ponies Stables & Training Center llc three (1) hours prior to lesson time or be charged a ten (10) dollar fee.

Riders failing to inform Painted Ponies Stables & Training Center llc and who do not show to a scheduled lesson will be charged the full amount of the missed lesson. Riders are to be at Painted Ponies Stables & Training Center llcthirty minutes prior to lesson time to allow for equine to be tacked up and students to be ready to mount equine at scheduled lesson time. Rider must understand that lessons may be scheduled back to back, if Rider is late lesson will still end at appointed scheduled time. This is to allow equine ample time to recover between lessons.

Examples bellow

  1. Lesson is scheduled for 10 am student should be here at 9:30 to groom and tack up horse. Student should be ready to mount horse at 10 am. Lesson will end at 11 am.
  1. Lesson is scheduled for 10 am student shows up at 10 am. Student has horse groomed and tacked up by 10:30 . Lesson will still end end at 11am . lesson is still full price.

_____ #9. Lessons are to be paid for prior to each lesson. Riders requesting refund for unused credit must allow ten to fifteen business days for refunds. Riders who wish to cancel must give two hour notice; riders who fail to give proper notification will be charged a fee equal to the one hour riding time.

The Rider and the owner have come to an agreement as set forth in this contract. Both parties understand theirresponsibilities during the term of this Riding Agreement. Any changes to the terms as set forth here are to be made in writing, signed and dated by both parties.


Signature of the Rider


Signature of the (parent/guardian if under 18)


Signature of manager