2004 Senior Class Gift Campaign


Hi, may I please speak with ______? Hi, this is (first name). How are you? Great, I’m calling on behalf of the 2004 Senior Class Gift Campaign this afternoon/evening.

Have you heard anything about the campaign?

 The Senior Class Gift is a way for Seniors to give back to UD. For the last 13 years, senior classes have been supporting the QUEST Scholarship – which is a scholarship from seniors, for seniors. The scholarship helps students come back who would otherwise be unable to return to UD due to financial constraints.

 This scholarship is truly a way for YOU to help out fellow UD students. We’re asking each senior to make a gift of just $20.04 (20 bucks and 4 cents) in honor of their class year! The goal is to raise $10,000, which would be the most money ever and to get as many seniors involved as we can. We are counting on you to help make this happen.

 Most people are simply using their Flyer Express, but you also can use a credit/debit card. We accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover. Which method would you prefer?

If none…No problem. We can just send a pledge card for $20.04, allowing you to fulfill your pledge by any of those methods, or by check. OK!

SECOND ASK (alternate designation):

  • If you want, you can specify your gift to a specific college, department, or program on campus like Campus Ministry or your major. ALL gifts to UD will count toward our Senior Class Gift. Instead of going out just ONE night, you can help a fellow senior out for $20 bucks. How does that sound? (See back for possible designations.)

THIRD ASK (smaller amount):

 We really want to get all seniors involved, no matter the amount. The class of 2003 raised $8,600, = and we really want to beat them! Whatever amount you could donate to the Senior Class Gift would help so much!

 You can even make your gift in honor or in memory of someone who has impacted your life while at UD. A special thank you will be sent from the University to that person. Could I put you down for a gift of $10?

FOURTH ASK (even smaller amount):

 We really are striving for all Seniors to get involved. So, what amount sounds good to you - say $5?

CONFIRMATION (payment by Flyer Express):

Great! Thanks so much for your support. We’ll go ahead and process your gift, I just need to verify your social security #. (If they do not want to verify ss#, just verify ID#). And what is your e-mail address? Would you like to make your gift in honor or in memory of someone? (If yes, get correct spelling of name and complete address.) Just so you know, UD will mail a receipt to your permanent address. Since you made your gift today, your name will be placed in a raffle to have your Dayton to Daytona trip paid for!

CONFIRMATION (payment by Credit/Debit Card):

Great! Thanks so much for your support. We’ll go ahead and process your gift. Just so you know, you will receive itemized notification on your monthly statement and UD will mail a receipt to your permanent address. I just need to verify your name as it appears on your card, the card type, the card #, and the expiration date. And what is your e-mail address? Would you like to make your gift in honor or in memory of someone? (If yes, get correct spelling of name and complete address.) Since you made your gift today, your name will be placed in a raffle to have your Dayton to Daytona trip paid for!

CONFIRMATION (payment by Check):

Great! Thanks so much for your support. I just need to verify your ID#. (Verify the ID#) And what is your e-mail address? We’ll go ahead and get a confirmation out to you tomorrow for a pledge of (amount) to (designation). The confirmation will contain a reply envelope that you can use to return your payment. And, if your payment is received prior to March 12, your name will be placed in a raffle to have your Dayton to Daytona trip paid for! So, be sure to get your check in before then.


Thank you again for your gift! Please be sure to visit the Senior Class Gift Web site at www.udayton.edu/~seniorclassgift for more information about the campaign.


QUEST Scholarship Fund (46839)

Campus Ministry (19545)President’s Scholarship Fund (19991)

Library Dean’s Fund (17812)Athletics (19880)

Business Dean’s Fund (19235)African American Support Services (19551)

Education Dean’s Fund (19279)Latin American Support Services (17860)

Engineering Dean’s Fund (19461)Women’s Studies (19087)

Arts & Sciences Dean’s Fund (19059)A.J. Cohen Scholarship Fund (17389)

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